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А метод для тех, кто не ас в этом деле , есть?

Тогда на файлы игры смотришь.

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Тогда на файлы игры смотришь.

Я стебусь, расслабься.

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На игру один шрифт есть, а второй чуток позже доделаю.



UPDATE: Работа по шрифтам закончена.


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На игру один шрифт есть, а второй чуток позже доделаю.


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Нашёл некоторый текст из игры.



"id": 117,

"category": "",

"name": "Street Drugs",

"quickItemSlot": false,

"stackable": 9,

"x": 1,

"y": 1,

"rlAvailability": 111,

"rlcv": 2,

"occurance": 0,

"marketValue": 120,

"sellPrice": 60,

"hank": 0,

"nichie": 0,

"gStore": 0,

"kebab": 0,

"drug": 0,

"clinic": 0,

"cafe": 0,

"tony": 0,

"georgij": 0,

"charlene": 4,

"totalSale": 0,

"onPickUpScript": "",

"onUseScript": ""



"id": 118,

"category": "",

"name": "Synth Beer",

"quickItemSlot": true,

"stackable": 9,

"x": 1,

"y": 1,

"rlAvailability": 111,

"rlcv": 6,

"occurance": 0.024,

"marketValue": 30,

"sellPrice": 15,

"hank": 0,

"nichie": 0,

"gStore": 4,

"kebab": 3,

"drug": 2,

"clinic": 0,

"cafe": 0,

"tony": 0,

"georgij": 0,

"charlene": 0,

"totalSale": 5,

"onPickUpScript": "",

"onUseScript": "AddLog(\"Drank a can of synth beer. Nothing special.\")"



"id": 119,

"category": "",

"name": "Instructions (Power Generator)",

"quickItemSlot": false,

"stackable": 0,

"x": 1,

"y": 1,

"rlAvailability": 0,

"rlcv": 0,

"occurance": 0,

"marketValue": 0,

"sellPrice": 0,

"hank": 0,

"nichie": 0,

"gStore": 0,

"kebab": 0,

"drug": 0,

"clinic": 0,

"cafe": 0,

"tony": 0,

"georgij": 0,

"charlene": 0,

"totalSale": 0,

"onPickUpScript": "",

"onUseScript": ""



"implants": [


"id": 1,

"price": 3500,

"name": "Nanite Blood Infusion",

"description": "Enables automatic health regeneration over time. ",

"advanced": 1,

"canBuy": true



"id": 2,

"price": 600,

"name": "Electrostatic Conductors",

"description": "Grants EMP protection.",

"advanced": 0,

"canBuy": true



"id": 3,

"price": 1200,

"name": "Artificial Limbs",

"description": "Enables High Jump (UP+SPACE), allowing user to visit otherwise-inaccessible places.",

"advanced": 0,

"canBuy": true



"id": 4,

"price": 600,

"name": "Leg Enforcers",

"description": "Enables Power Kick ability, allowing user to breach strong doors.",

"advanced": 0,

"canBuy": false



"id": 5,

"price": 750,

"name": "Respirator",

"description": "Protection against toxic gas.",

"advanced": 0,

"canBuy": true



"id": 6,

"price": 1500,

"name": "Enhanced Artificial Limbs",

"description": "Enables High Jump (UP+SPACE). Reduces damage caused by falling from heights by 50%.",

"advanced": 0,

"canBuy": false



"id": 7,

"price": 650,

"name": "Reinforced Circulatory System",

"description": "Increases HP by 200. ",

"advanced": 0,

"canBuy": true



"id": 8,

"price": 3000,

"name": "Neural Interface",

"description": "Enables usage of Advanced Implants. ",

"advanced": 0,

"canBuy": false



"id": 9,

"price": 2500,

"name": "Ballistic Dermal Layer",

"description": "Enhances protection against ballistic projectiles (the majority of ranged weapons) by 50%. ",

"advanced": 1,

"canBuy": true



"id": 10,

"price": 750,

"name": "Wave Field Synthesizer",

"description": "Displays the amount of sound produced by interaction with the environment. ",

"advanced": 1,

"canBuy": true



"id": 11,

"price": 900,

"name": "FOV Indicator",

"description": "Displays Field of View for all detected nearby enemies. ",

"advanced": 1,

"canBuy": true



"id": 12,

"price": 600,

"name": "Arm Enforcers",

"description": "Enables Power Punch ability, allowing user to breach light or weakened walls and floors.",

"advanced": 0,

"canBuy": true



"id": 13,

"price": 800,

"name": "Cerebrospinal Fluid Nanoenrichment",

"description": "Provides one additional implants slot. (Does not use an implant slot itself.)",

"advanced": 1,

"canBuy": true



"id": 14,

"price": 750,

"name": "Softened Footpads",

"description": "Lowers sound produced when running by 50%. ",

"advanced": 0,

"canBuy": true



"id": 15,

"price": 400,

"name": "Knee Cushioning",

"description": "Lowers sound produced by jumps and falls by 50%. ",

"advanced": 0,

"canBuy": true



"quests": [



"name": "Poor Timmy",

"image": "QUEST_POOR_TIMMY",

"description": "Met a young boy, Timmy Larisson. His mother is suffering from the final stages of spleen cancer and needs an organ transplant in order to survive. They asked me for my help in solving the situation.",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Poor Timmy",

"m_Image": "QUEST_POOR_TIMMY",

"m_Description": "Met a young boy, Timmy Larisson. His mother is suffering from the final stages of spleen cancer and needs an organ transplant in order to survive. They asked me for my help in solving the situation.",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Neural Interface",


"description": "Dr. Niles from the clinic in the Chinese Quarter told me I need to get a neural interface if I want my body to handle some of the more advanced implants. \n\nNiles suggested two alternatives: I can buy the implant directly from him for about three thousand creds or get it from the smugglers' den and just pay him five hundred for the operation itself. It seems he has some unfinished business with those smuggler guys. \n\nThe entrance to the smugglers' den is somewhere below the bridge in Fixers' Hope.\n",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Neural Interface",


"m_Description": "Dr. Niles from the clinic in the Chinese Quarter told me I need to get a neural interface if I want my body to handle some of the more advanced implants. \n\nNiles suggested two alternatives: I can buy the implant directly from him for about three thousand creds or get it from the smugglers' den and just pay him five hundred for the operation itself. It seems he has some unfinished business with those smuggler guys. \n\nThe entrance to the smugglers' den is somewhere below the bridge in Fixers' Hope.\n",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Mrs. Nicolson's Parcel",


"description": "Found a parcel with a nametag, Sam Nicolson. Maybe Ill give it to its rightful owner - or hell, maybe Ill find some other use for it.",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Mrs. Nicolson's Parcel",


"m_Description": "Found a parcel with a nametag, Sam Nicolson. Maybe Ill give it to its rightful owner - or hell, maybe Ill find some other use for it.",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Hank Coughlin's Parcel",


"description": "Found a parcel with a nametag, Hank Coughlin. Maybe Ill give it to its rightful owner - or find some other use for it.",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Hank Coughlin's Parcel",


"m_Description": "Found a parcel with a nametag, Hank Coughlin. Maybe Ill give it to its rightful owner - or find some other use for it.",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Nichie Hammington's Parcel",


"description": "Found a parcel with a nametag Nichie Hammington. ",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Nichie Hammington's Parcel",


"m_Description": "Found a parcel with a nametag Nichie Hammington. ",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Cheap Drugs",


"description": "Holm, the drugstore owner, is troubled by a gang manufacturing dangerous stuff right in his neighborhood. He says that those guys make really cheap, but risky alternatives to other street drugs.\n\nHolm suggests that in order to rectify the situation, I could blow up their lab with the C4 he gave me. Killing everyone in the building is not a complete solution, because the gang is much larger than its branch here. But destroying their lab should convince them to pack their stuff and do business elsewhere.\n\nThe building is located at the east end of the Junction.\n",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Cheap Drugs",


"m_Description": "Holm, the drugstore owner, is troubled by a gang manufacturing dangerous stuff right in his neighborhood. He says that those guys make really cheap, but risky alternatives to other street drugs.\n\nHolm suggests that in order to rectify the situation, I could blow up their lab with the C4 he gave me. Killing everyone in the building is not a complete solution, because the gang is much larger than its branch here. But destroying their lab should convince them to pack their stuff and do business elsewhere.\n\nThe building is located at the east end of the Junction.\n",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Antidepressants",


"description": "Georgij, the ex-IT homeless guy I met on a street in Taijo, asked me to get him a pack of antidepressants. \n\nHe needs the meds in order to concentrate on his project and hopefully get off the streets.\n",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Antidepressants",


"m_Description": "Georgij, the ex-IT homeless guy I met on a street in Taijo, asked me to get him a pack of antidepressants. \n\nHe needs the meds in order to concentrate on his project and hopefully get off the streets.\n",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Vending Virus",


"description": "Implant the Vending Machine Virus developed by Georgij in five vending machines in the city. To test its functionality and help the old man with a little cash flow. \n\nNote: The type of vending machine does not matter. ",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Vending Virus",


"m_Description": "Implant the Vending Machine Virus developed by Georgij in five vending machines in the city. To test its functionality and help the old man with a little cash flow. \n\nNote: The type of vending machine does not matter. ",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Sales Reports",


"description": "Mrs. Nicolson from the General Store asked me to snag the sales reports from her accountant Mr. William Finch. \n\nHe was supposed to send the reports over a week ago, and any further delays may disrupt Nicolson's business. \n\nFinch lives in a small apartment at 112 Dock Street, in the Fixers' Hope district.\n\n",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Sales Reports",


"m_Description": "Mrs. Nicolson from the General Store asked me to snag the sales reports from her accountant Mr. William Finch. \n\nHe was supposed to send the reports over a week ago, and any further delays may disrupt Nicolson's business. \n\nFinch lives in a small apartment at 112 Dock Street, in the Fixers' Hope district.\n\n",

"m_Subquests": []



"id": "QUEST_FINCH",

"name": "Missing Finch (Part I.)",

"image": "QUEST_FINCH",

"description": "Mrs. Nicolson from the General Store, Downtown, asked me to investigate what happened to her accountant, Mr. Finch. \n\nFinch lives in a small apartment at 112 Dock Street, in the Fixers' Hope district.",

"subquests": [],

"m_Id": "QUEST_FINCH",

"m_Name": "Missing Finch (Part I.)",

"m_Image": "QUEST_FINCH",

"m_Description": "Mrs. Nicolson from the General Store, Downtown, asked me to investigate what happened to her accountant, Mr. Finch. \n\nFinch lives in a small apartment at 112 Dock Street, in the Fixers' Hope district.",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Rare Antiquities",


"description": "Hank, the shopkeeper from Guns & Ammo in the Chinese Quarter, trades in wares and antiquities from the 20th century. \n\nHe suggested that if I bring that kind of stuff to him, he might offer a much higher price than I could get from the other shopkeepers in the city.\n",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Rare Antiquities",


"m_Description": "Hank, the shopkeeper from Guns & Ammo in the Chinese Quarter, trades in wares and antiquities from the 20th century. \n\nHe suggested that if I bring that kind of stuff to him, he might offer a much higher price than I could get from the other shopkeepers in the city.\n",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Toxicity",

"image": "QUEST_TOXICITY",

"description": "Mr. Holm from the drugstore in Fixers' Hope asked me to get him some experimental chemical substances. \n\nHe says I can find them in an old abandoned chemical factory where he used to work before an earthquake damaged the building and the corporation shut it down. Its underground levels can be accessed via sewers. \n\nHolm gave me a key to the sewer gate closest to his store, so I can get there easily. I should find the entrance right below the bridge in Fixers' Hope.\n\nHolm warns that I should be prepared for toxic chemicals and vapors. \n",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Toxicity",

"m_Image": "QUEST_TOXICITY",

"m_Description": "Mr. Holm from the drugstore in Fixers' Hope asked me to get him some experimental chemical substances. \n\nHe says I can find them in an old abandoned chemical factory where he used to work before an earthquake damaged the building and the corporation shut it down. Its underground levels can be accessed via sewers. \n\nHolm gave me a key to the sewer gate closest to his store, so I can get there easily. I should find the entrance right below the bridge in Fixers' Hope.\n\nHolm warns that I should be prepared for toxic chemicals and vapors. \n",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Chemicals and Stimpacks",


"description": "The guy from the drugstore in Fixers' Hope, Holm, buys various chemicals like those I found earlier. \n\nHe can create homemade stimpacks from some of these chemicals (for a very reasonable tip).\n",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Chemicals and Stimpacks",


"m_Description": "The guy from the drugstore in Fixers' Hope, Holm, buys various chemicals like those I found earlier. \n\nHe can create homemade stimpacks from some of these chemicals (for a very reasonable tip).\n",

"m_Subquests": []




"name": "Toxic Protection",


"description": "After I sabotaged the \"bad drug\" lab in Junction district, Holm offered me another job. However, he said that (supposedly for my own safety) he won't disclose the details of the job until I get the proper protective equipment - something that can protect me against toxic vapors. A respirator might work; once I get it, I can return to Holm for further briefing on the contract. ",

"subquests": [],


"m_Name": "Toxic Protection",


"m_Description": "After I sabotaged the \"bad drug\" lab in Junction district, Holm offered me another job. However, he said that (supposedly for my own safety) he won't disclose the details of the job until I get the proper protective equipment - something that can protect me against toxic vapors. A respirator might work; once I get it, I can return to Holm for further briefing on the contract. ",

"m_Subquests": []







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Текстуры для перевода: https://yadi.sk/d/4zOhd1YAZnzUF

Вот шрифты для перерисовки: https://yadi.sk/d/thAfA4LaZo2Bu. Они же меню и субтитры.

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Обновил текстуры EN из версии 1.0.1 для художников: https://yadi.sk/d/4zOhd1YAZnzUF

Исправил один из шрифтов: https://yadi.sk/d/_1diLC8pcrddM


Второй шрифт для перерисовки текстур: https://yadi.sk/d/W64uSsjacreV8

Сделал кириллические шрифты для пропатчивания ресурсов игры: https://yadi.sk/d/Y-7NiXlWcrSbt

Установка: Распаковать в папку с игрой далее запустить RU.bat

Изменено пользователем makc_ar

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Почему графика вся вверх ногами?

Если Unity - то там так вегда. В фотожопе переверни.

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Обновил текстуры EN из версии 1.0.1 для художников: https://yadi.sk/d/4zOhd1YAZnzUF

Исправил один из шрифтов: https://yadi.sk/d/_1diLC8pcrddM

~То есть, ежели я прально понимаю, то к Н.Г. будет готово. Но к какому Н.Г. - уточнять не будем =)))




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К Н.Г. будет большое обновление, из новостей.

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