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Локализаторы - никогда...(


Не за что..

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проблема - перестал показываться текст из HelpText.en

зато сабы работают на ура.

стим версия. сначала все ок было и почти прошел таким образом всю игру. но потом вот такой косяк. и я все подсказки стали на не русском.

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С обновленной steam версией не работает.

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недавно купил игру в стиме

скачал, установил русик

и все идет шикарно

все работает

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Будет обновление перевода под последнюю версию ?

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У меня не работает на Steam версии. Пропали некоторые опции (виден только код адреса) а так все на английском.

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прошел все игру и все замечательно работало

только в самом начале увидел один тег и все

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Может кто адаптировать перевод под новую версию стима?

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Я этим занимаюсь, правда не спешно. Там очень сильно изменилось построение кода.

Приходится переделывать под последнюю версию, дабы найти новый и изменившийся текст.

Да и времени не так много, которое тоже хочется провести с интересом.


При прямом инсталлировании в стим происходит бред, который рехешом только исправил. Да и разбираться не хочу. Но если установить в другую папку и скопировать к игре, то все нормально.

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Ребят, я тут в ветке с Лета почти и не был, как открыл её тогда. Тут апдейт кой какой незначительный вышел.

Появились новые режимы игры и ещё там чего-то. Вот скрин. Лень переводить добавки, - да и фиг с ней тогда.


Щас играю второй раз с апдейтом, если что непереведёное найду, сделаю скрин.

Изменено пользователем Yallo

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Да я уже все нашел, там одна новая глава Onslaught04.csv и несколько новых строк в некоторых файлах.

Кто хочет, переведите.





Onslaught04_2,You don't get to be my age without learning a thing or two about what's what. But the most valuable lessons come early in life.

Onslaught04_3,I ain't much for worldly things. Though all these years I've held onto a stash of old books from when I was young.

Onslaught04_4,"There's one old book in particular that I still like to read from time to time. It covers the important things, in a manner of speaking."

Onslaught04_5,"Here we go... A is for Acobi, the Goddess of oath and abandon. Make a promise, and the Chastened Maid will hold you to it.


Onslaught04_6,"B is for Breaker. He's faster than a fork of lightning and his aim is always true. If news needs spreading, tell it to a Breaker."

Onslaught04_7,"C is for Core. A perfect bit of stone found deep underground, it makes the City shine, day and night. Is there anything it can't do?"

Onslaught04_8,"D is for Dreadrum, a potent spirit brewed from a foul-smelling plant that grows in the Wilds. One taste will sharpen your senses."

Onslaught04_9,"E is for Evacuation. In an emergency, stay calm, leave your belongings, and make your way to the nearest safe haven."

Onslaught04_10,"F is for Foundation, a solid plot of land for building anything you can imagine. Even grand ideas start small."

Onslaught04_11,"G is for Garmuth, the God of purpose and folly. The Crippled Duke reminds us that good intentions are nothing on their own."

Onslaught04_12,"H is for Hense, Goddess of pain and pleasure. You can't have one without the other. The Veiled Widow makes sure of it."

Onslaught04_13,"I is for 'In Case of Trouble', a song grown famous across the land, and dedicated to the pioneering spirit of Caelondia."

Onslaught04_14,"J is for Jevel, the God of health and atrophy. We each have the Tower Keeper's strength in us, until that strength runs out."

Onslaught04_15,"K is for Kid, a guy or a gal just like you. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, since there's nothing a kid can't do."

Onslaught04_16,"L is for Lemaign, the God of hope and despair. The Mason King knows that success and failure are all in the mind."

Onslaught04_17,"M is for Micia, our Goddess of loss and longing. We all are born from the Lorn Mother, and in the end we all return to her."

Onslaught04_18,"N is for Nordy the Bird Boy, who's always there to bring a smile at the Hanging Gardens thanks to his feathered friends."

Onslaught04_19,"O is for Olak, our young God of chance and whim. The Carefree Son lives forever in the moment. The rest of us can only try."

Onslaught04_20,"P is for Pyth, the God of commotion and order. When the Wakeful Bull is calm, let's all do our part to keep Him that way."

Onslaught04_21,"Q is for Queen Anne, the notorious Anklegator from the Wilds. She can even dig her way into rotten children's dreams."

Onslaught04_22,"R is for Roathus, the God of thirst and plenty. The Gorging Host reminds us to always know when we've had enough."

Onslaught04_23,"S is for Scumbag, a big lumpy old fella who sidles about. He loves eating trash! Just be sure to keep a healthy distance from him."

Onslaught04_24,"T is for Trigger, the Army's sharpest shooter. Take pride in Caelondia's mounted soldiers. They risk it all to keep us safe."

Onslaught04_25,"U is for Ura, our pale neighbors to the East, whose homes are underground. Each day we learn to live in harmony."

Onslaught04_26,"V is for Vigil, an act in remembrance. The sacrifices of our forefathers gave us a new beginning here in Caelondia."

Onslaught04_27,"W is for Weeping Nellie, the Langston River's fastest little ferrybarge. We couldn't have crossed that river without her help."

Onslaught04_28,"X is for XP, the measure of a man's drink limit. Before setting foot in a Distillery, be sure to have proof of your XP on hand."

Onslaught04_29,"Y is for Yudrig, the god of impulse and bravery. Each time the Morning Stallion stamps his hoof, somebody out there makes up his mind."

Onslaught04_30,"Z is for Zulwood, a tough old plant whose gourds make great target practice. Whatever you do, don't eat them."

Onslaught04_31,"The end. There's nothing after Z. Used to be one more page in here though, before somebody tore it out. Know what it said...?"

Onslaught04_32,The last page of this little book... it was about the author... and how this was the first story he ever told.

Onslaught04_33,The last page of this book was about the author. Didn't say much. But the imagination has a way of filling in the gaps.

Onslaught04_34,Whoa now...

Onslaught04_35,Still with me?

Onslaught04_36,Now let me think...

Onslaught04_37,Keep going or what?

Onslaught04_38,Sure you want to hear this?

Onslaught04_39,Well that's enough of that...

Onslaught04_40,"This ain't about me, though you might as well know where I'm coming from."

Onslaught04_41,Ain't good manners to talk about oneself. Not that we need manners anymore.

Onslaught04_42,"X is for...nothing! Strangest letter in the mix. Yet even the strangest letter has its use, as you couldn't have a mailbox without one."

Изменено пользователем 7GOLEM7_

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Да я уже все нашел, там одна новая глава Onslaught04.csv и несколько новых строк в некоторых файлах.

Кто хочет, перевидите.




Onslaught04_2,You don't get to be my age without learning a thing or two about what's what. But the most valuable lessons come early in life.

Onslaught04_3,I ain't much for worldly things. Though all these years I've held onto a stash of old books from when I was young.

Onslaught04_4,"There's one old book in particular that I still like to read from time to time. It covers the important things, in a manner of speaking."

Onslaught04_5,"Here we go... A is for Acobi, the Goddess of oath and abandon. Make a promise, and the Chastened Maid will hold you to it.


Onslaught04_6,"B is for Breaker. He's faster than a fork of lightning and his aim is always true. If news needs spreading, tell it to a Breaker."

Onslaught04_7,"C is for Core. A perfect bit of stone found deep underground, it makes the City shine, day and night. Is there anything it can't do?"

Onslaught04_8,"D is for Dreadrum, a potent spirit brewed from a foul-smelling plant that grows in the Wilds. One taste will sharpen your senses."

Onslaught04_9,"E is for Evacuation. In an emergency, stay calm, leave your belongings, and make your way to the nearest safe haven."

Onslaught04_10,"F is for Foundation, a solid plot of land for building anything you can imagine. Even grand ideas start small."

Onslaught04_11,"G is for Garmuth, the God of purpose and folly. The Crippled Duke reminds us that good intentions are nothing on their own."

Onslaught04_12,"H is for Hense, Goddess of pain and pleasure. You can't have one without the other. The Veiled Widow makes sure of it."

Onslaught04_13,"I is for 'In Case of Trouble', a song grown famous across the land, and dedicated to the pioneering spirit of Caelondia."

Onslaught04_14,"J is for Jevel, the God of health and atrophy. We each have the Tower Keeper's strength in us, until that strength runs out."

Onslaught04_15,"K is for Kid, a guy or a gal just like you. Don't be in such a hurry to grow up, since there's nothing a kid can't do."

Onslaught04_16,"L is for Lemaign, the God of hope and despair. The Mason King knows that success and failure are all in the mind."

Onslaught04_17,"M is for Micia, our Goddess of loss and longing. We all are born from the Lorn Mother, and in the end we all return to her."

Onslaught04_18,"N is for Nordy the Bird Boy, who's always there to bring a smile at the Hanging Gardens thanks to his feathered friends."

Onslaught04_19,"O is for Olak, our young God of chance and whim. The Carefree Son lives forever in the moment. The rest of us can only try."

Onslaught04_20,"P is for Pyth, the God of commotion and order. When the Wakeful Bull is calm, let's all do our part to keep Him that way."

Onslaught04_21,"Q is for Queen Anne, the notorious Anklegator from the Wilds. She can even dig her way into rotten children's dreams."

Onslaught04_22,"R is for Roathus, the God of thirst and plenty. The Gorging Host reminds us to always know when we've had enough."

Onslaught04_23,"S is for Scumbag, a big lumpy old fella who sidles about. He loves eating trash! Just be sure to keep a healthy distance from him."

Onslaught04_24,"T is for Trigger, the Army's sharpest shooter. Take pride in Caelondia's mounted soldiers. They risk it all to keep us safe."

Onslaught04_25,"U is for Ura, our pale neighbors to the East, whose homes are underground. Each day we learn to live in harmony."

Onslaught04_26,"V is for Vigil, an act in remembrance. The sacrifices of our forefathers gave us a new beginning here in Caelondia."

Onslaught04_27,"W is for Weeping Nellie, the Langston River's fastest little ferrybarge. We couldn't have crossed that river without her help."

Onslaught04_28,"X is for XP, the measure of a man's drink limit. Before setting foot in a Distillery, be sure to have proof of your XP on hand."

Onslaught04_29,"Y is for Yudrig, the god of impulse and bravery. Each time the Morning Stallion stamps his hoof, somebody out there makes up his mind."

Onslaught04_30,"Z is for Zulwood, a tough old plant whose gourds make great target practice. Whatever you do, don't eat them."

Onslaught04_31,"The end. There's nothing after Z. Used to be one more page in here though, before somebody tore it out. Know what it said...?"

Onslaught04_32,The last page of this little book... it was about the author... and how this was the first story he ever told.

Onslaught04_33,The last page of this book was about the author. Didn't say much. But the imagination has a way of filling in the gaps.

Onslaught04_34,Whoa now...

Onslaught04_35,Still with me?

Onslaught04_36,Now let me think...

Onslaught04_37,Keep going or what?

Onslaught04_38,Sure you want to hear this?

Onslaught04_39,Well that's enough of that...

Onslaught04_40,"This ain't about me, though you might as well know where I'm coming from."

Onslaught04_41,Ain't good manners to talk about oneself. Not that we need manners anymore.

Onslaught04_42,"X is for...nothing! Strangest letter in the mix. Yet even the strangest letter has its use, as you couldn't have a mailbox without one."

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