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Hector: Badge of Carnage!

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Hector: Badge of Carnage! Episode 1: We Negotiate with Terrorists


Главный герой сериала - «плохой» полицейский Гектор, грубый, любящий выпить и побуянить. В первом эпизоде игры он отправляется на переговоры с террористом, захватившим заложников и выдвигающим три требования. Никто, кроме нашего замечательного героя, не сможет его остановить! Много «взрослого» и чёрного юмора, хорошие квестовые головоломки.

собственно новый тайтл от Теллтейлов, снова в виде эпизодов

представляет из себя трешевый квест со странным юмором)

кто-нибудь возьмётся?)

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А движок то другой, как я понимаю, да?

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скорее всего новая версия

в общем обычный анпакер говорит, что 9я версия ещё не поддерживается)

а что он имеет в виду я не уточнял))

Изменено пользователем lREM1Xl

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Лол. Не прошло и 10 минут. =)

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Лол. Не прошло и 10 минут. =)

Хотя НвБ 4 еще не вышел =)

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223 кб текста (ппц, даже больше чем в Агенте))

+ аж 17 шрифтов половина из которых такие же как в ПА (по названию)


вот новые шрифты как в игре, вроде





остальные уже были в ПА, относительно)

Изменено пользователем lREM1Xl

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Полагаю только половина из шрифтов используется. Как обычно.

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Ну что уже переводится ?

Кстати в игре 2423 строк текста, а в аудио файлах это практически 500 мб

как пользоваться ttarchext если он запускается на доли секунды, а Telltale_Explorer не открывает файлы.

Изменено пользователем opoffis

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Ну что уже переводится ?

эм...мне не сообщали))

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оцените юмор разрабов





Talk to the terrorist. If you're just going for speed, keep choosing option 1 until you can ask what he wants, but if you're reading the all-access answer section I can't imagine you think you deserve any bragging rights just for finishing first.

Only once you know what he wants do you receive a MAP.

Before you go, talk to Meeks (the bald one). He'll give you a JAR OF COINS.

Use the MAP to travel to the PORN SHOP.


Enter the Exotico. Take some FREE LUBE and walk out.

Ask Blind Ali about the security door. He'll tell you he knows the code, but you've gotta get him something touchy-feely from the shop. He's talking about the love doll that you can't afford. Now you know what he wants, so let's go elsewhere. I should add here: if you can't find the option to talk to him about the security door, maybe you should have followed the instructions where it said "1. Enter the Exotico". You've got to know there's a security door before you can start asking about it. You're not psychic (ain't that bleedin' obvious?).


Pick up NEEDLE on the park bench.

Use the NEEDLE to pick the lock on the tiny door.

Talk to the Clocksmith. If you dive right in and ask him about the clock, he'll tell you to piss off. But, if you listen to a bunch of his war stories, you'll be able to bring him around to the subject of clocks, and the act of fixing them; he'll tell you to bring him a MINUTE HAND and an X (number 10).

Before you leave, try to sample a taste of his triple-distilled gelignite. Yum!


Make eye contact with the Tourist Rep: he'll give you a WHO CARES BADGE.

Grind your teeth through a little cheerful chat with him. He'll tell you he's after a donation.

Give him a paltry donation from your COIN JAR. He'll give you some tasty MINTS.

Continue conversation, and he'll give you a lofty goal of Ј25000 to drum up. Swallow back your vomit, then enter the park.

Inside the park you'll notice a lovely statue, of which you would soon realise if you had any observational skills or integrity for problem solving that the BISHOP'S STAFF would make a perfect MINUTE HAND for the clock tower. But there are some surly pre-teens in the way.

After a quick chinwag with the charming youngsters, hand them the MINTS. They'll think it's E and clear off to have a little rave in the corner.

Pick up discarded SPRAYPAINT in front of the statue.

The STAFF is stuck, so use your LUBE to grease it up.

Take the STAFF.

Head to the public toilets.

Kick the JUNKIE into the Lovedoll box so he appears in your Inventory.

Enter the toilets. You'll overhear a shady conversation about a large sum of cash. Only problem is that the drop instructions are inside the stall with the dropper (who may or may not be also dropping a deuce).

Leave the toilets. The dropper exits behind you.

Go back into his stall and see what treasures he's left behind for you (not in the bowl, you dunce). You're going to need a DISTINCTIVE HAIRSTYLE and a RED DESIGNER HANDBAG. Sadly for you, they're not in here.


Give STAFF to Clocksmith. He'll let you go upstairs now.

Take the DRILL from the stool.

Look out of the broken clock face. Guess what? Busker McCusker's not all he seems. He's got knock-off DESIGNER HANDBAGS in his drum.

Head back out into the square to talk to the Busker (you'll see the Clocksmith attaching the minute hand on your way out).

Toss him a penny from your COIN JAR and, like the pregnant chain-smoking athletic-wear-sporting yummy mummy on benefits, request "Papa's got a Brand New Bag". You will receive a BRAND NEW BAG. But it's blue. Bollocks.

Go back into the clock.

Turn off VCR and take the VIDEO TAPE.

Open his closet and take the EMPTY JUG.

Fill the EMPTY JUG with some of the Clocksmith's tasty corrosive MOONSHINE.

You're done here for now.


Though wholly unattractive, give the JUNK-IN-A-BOX to Filthy Rich. Thanks to his Unlimited Returns program, he'll exchange it for the MENAGE A MOI. It's the display model, but beggars can't be choosers.

Give MENAGE A MOI to Blind Ali. He'll give you the DOOR CODE.

Now you've just gotta get that fat bastard out of your way with a distraction. Use the Clocksmith's VIDEO TAPE with the VCR on left. The video will change and Rich will drive out from behind the counter to fix it.

Once Filthy Rich is at the VCR, go to the security door. Type the code and away you go. Practically just like they got into the vault in Ocean's 11.

Switch off the lasers and head upstairs.

In Rich's office, Open the left picture behind the desk and take the WIG. Distinctive, no?

Use the Clocksmith's DRILL to detach the X.

Go back down and out the front of the shop to retrieve the X. Take it and run!


Give the X to the Clocksmith.




Now that the X is gone, the hatch to the basement is open. Score! Who knows what treasures await in yon basement of delights?

Turns out, not much. Open the box of returns to reveal (eurgh) used vibrators. For God's sake, don't touch them!

Pour the Clocksmith's MOONSHINE onto the central building support. It's weak, but still need a good shake to knock down the place. Luckily, there's that box of vibrators I just mentioned. But how to get them all vibrating at once? If only that mealy-faced sexpest from the Police Station were still in your pocket.

Pick up the CABLE on the floor.

Switch on the light. Bulb pops, dodgy wiring is mentioned. Time to hook up some dodgy wiring of your own.

Connect the CABLE from the box of vibrators to the light socket... and flip the switch.




Time for your scheduled meet as described explicitly in the public toilets (it's amazing how often this game mimics your real life).

Combine the RED SPRAYPAINT with the BLUE HANDBAG to get BLUE SPRAYPAINT. Ah, gotcha sucker. It's really a RED HANDBAG.

Combine the RED HANDBAG with the WIG to complete your DISGUISE, then put it on. You'll look like a douche, but you can't proceed without it, so just play along.

A Gangster emerges (presumably he's been in the bushes the whole time), and starts asking you about The Thing. I don't mind telling you, I still don't know what the Thing is, and neither does Hector, so you've gotta do some think-on-your-feet supercop bamboozling to get him to believe you're the guy. Rattle around in the conversation for a while, and look for the eventual option of "You tosspot. You don't think I'm stupid enough to bring the thing with me, do you?" (this option shows up soon after you've eaten the silica gel, if that helps).

Kimbo hands over the BRIEFCASE and he and the Gangster depart hand in hand. So what if you've got a price on your head now? You've got the cash and that's all that matters.

Take your sizable donation to the Tourist Rep, and make his lovely day even lovelier!



Congratulations! You're a dirty no good cheat with an imagination like a rusty colander who can't finish a moderately clever game without having a hand held through the tricky bits! Well done, you! Enjoy your cutscene! You've earned it!

это реально только одна подсказка)

причем после фразы 340 идёт сразу фраза 342)

Изменено пользователем lREM1Xl

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Эх, как жаль, что её никто никогда не переведёт.

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её никто никогда не переведёт
Гарантируешь? Изменено пользователем Den Em

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он об этом позаботится :D

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Да хоть бы и так. Перевод на русский язык подразумевается.

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