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Afterdream — это 2D-приключенческий психологический хоррор.

Потеряйтесь в осознанном сне, стирая грань между реальностью и вымыслом. Используйте странную камеру, чтобы перемещаться по таинственному жилищу призраков. Найдите цель своего ночного визита в яркой сказочной обстановке.



Путешествуйте по малоизвестной локации, населенной призраками, и собирайте предметы, чтобы решать головоломки по мере продвижения по интригующей истории. Смотрите через объектив своей странной камеры и фотографируйте выделенные объекты, чтобы взаимодействовать с ними.

  • 2D-версия с боковой прокруткой и уникальным художественным стилем.
  • Взаимодействуйте со скрытыми объектами через объектив странной камеры.
  • Атмосферная музыка и звуковое оформление
  • Погрузитесь в осознанный сон, изменяя реальность и вымысел.
  • Минималистичный, но эффективный интерфейс, позволяющий сохранить фокус
  • Сделано вручную в Финляндии, никаких подделок и дешевых уловок! :)


выглядит интересно?
Пожалуйста, рассмотрите возможность добавления в свой список желаний. Спасибо! 
  • Лайк (+1) 1

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Интересно. В демо версии игры файлы текста лежат отдельно. В полной версии они все в exe помещены. Это не мешает вытащить текст, но чтобы запихнуть обратно, нужно еще время тратить. Нагуленные способы извлечения exe Clickteam Fusion 2.5+., который использует раработчик, не помогли. Шрифт кириллицы в игре присутствует. Если нет другого софта для экспорта, то, возможно, можно найти полный кусок архива в exe, перепаковать его отдельно и запихать обратно. А можно самому разрабу в стиме написать, чтобы посодействовал. Надеюсь, кто-нибудь этим займется, а мне просто было интересно покопаться в файлах.

Вот оригинальный ini текста и быстро прогнанный через deepl.



_130e094882a7af0488401bf14814eb10.jpeg _d4f923aa882b277e976e619d3adae628.jpeg _305a4069af029b745cde94a5d8d493de.jpeg _9b6fc1a5ff16366b4d22e4625c8717fc.jpeg


Изменено пользователем Arklight

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Есть три способа перевести игру:

Первый связка IDA + Radialix

Второй переписать строку на внешний файл: C:\Users\makko\Dropbox\novel\dialogue_english.ini  к примеру на dialogue_english.ini

43 00 3a 00 5c 00 55 00 73 00 65 00 72 00 73 00
5c 00 6d 00 61 00 6b 00 6b 00 6f 00 5c 00 44 00
72 00 6f 00 70 00 62 00 6f 00 78 00 5c 00 6e 00
6f 00 76 00 65 00 6c 00 5c 00 64 00 69 00 61 00
6c 00 6f 00 67 00 75 00 65 00 5f 00 65 00 6e 00
67 00 6c 00 69 00 73 00 68 00 2e 00 69 00 6e 00
69 00 


64 00 69 00 61 00 6c 00 6f 00 67 00 75 00 65 00
5f 00 65 00 6e 00 67 00 6c 00 69 00 73 00 68 00
2e 00 69 00 6e 00 69 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
00 00

и создав dialogue_english.ini в корне игры и вписав в него текст из *exe

Скрытый текст

w2=This game may potentially trigger seizures for people with photosensitive epilepsy. Player discretion is advised.
w3=This game contains cursing and foul language. Player discretion is advised.
w4=Afterdream doesn't autosave the progress.
w5=Play to learn how to save.

2=to progress the dialogue.
3=Press and hold
5=to walk.
6=to toggle your inventory.
7=to exit the puzzle.
8=to use your camera.
9=Try finding something interesting to photograph.
10=Once the camera has focused, take a photo by pressing
12=You can leave the puzzle by pressing
13=You can save the progress by visiting the save points.

17=to shoot from the hip with your camera to see briefly in the dark areas.

19=to interact.
20=to navigate the menu.
21=to select.
22=to crawl.
24=to turn the device.
25=to exit.

30=You can peek through some of the doors.
31=when you see a cyan-colored up arrow.
32=to peek through the peephole.

33=to enter.
34=to exit.

36=to look around.

;console tutorials - these needs to be localized using proper console terminology!


;xbox terminology:
;english | left stick
;simplified chinese | left stick = 左摇杆
;traditional chinese | left stick = е·¦жђ—жЎї
;japanese | left stick = е·¦г‚№гѓ†г‚Јгѓѓг‚Ї
;korean | left stick = м™јмЄЅ мЉ¤н‹±
;german | left stick = Linker Stick

x1=Press (A) to progress the dialogue.
x2=Use left stick to walk.
x3=Press (A) to interact.
x4=Push left stick up or left stick down to navigate the inventory.
x5=You can leave the puzzle by pressing (B).
x6=Press (X) to use your camera.
x7=Once the camera has focused, take a photo by pressing (A).
x8=Press (Y) to shoot from the hip with your camera to see briefly in the dark areas.
x9=Use left stick to turn the device.
x10=Press (B) to exit.
x11=Press (A) to boot.
x12=Hold left stick up or left stick down to crawl.
x13=Push left stick up when you see a cyan-colored up arrow.
x14=Press (A) to peek through the peephole.
x15=Use left stick to look around.
x16=Press (A) to enter. Press (B) to exit.


;playstation terminology:
;english | left stick
;simplified chinese | left stick = е·¦ж“ЌдЅњжќ† | (cross button) = (дє¤еЏ‰й”®) | (square button) = (ж­Јж–№й”®) | (triangle button) = (дё‰и§’й”®) | (circle button) = (ењ†ењ€й”®)
;traditional chinese | left stick = 左操作桿 | (cross button) = (交叉按鈕) | (square button) = (正方按鈕) | (triangle button) = (三角按鈕) | (circle button) = (圓圈按鈕)
;japanese | left stick = е·¦г‚№гѓ†г‚Јгѓѓг‚Ї | (cross button) = (гЃ°гЃ¤гѓњг‚їгѓі) | (square button) = (гЃ—гЃ‹гЃЏгѓњг‚їгѓі) | (triangle button) = (гЃ•г‚“гЃ‹гЃЏгѓњг‚їгѓі) | (circle button) = (гЃѕг‚‹гѓњг‚їгѓі)
;korean | left stick = 왼쪽 스틱 | (cross button) = (엑스 버튼) | (square button) = (네모 버튼) | (triangle button) = (세모 버튼) | (circle button) = (동그라미 버튼)
;german | left stick = linker Stick | (cross button) = (Kreuz-Taste) | (square button) = (Quadrat-Taste) | (triangle button) = (Dreieck-Taste) | (circle button) = (Kreis-Taste)

p1=Press (cross button) to progress the dialogue.
p1_2=Press (circle button) to progress the dialogue.
p2=Use left stick to walk.
p3=Press (cross button) to interact.
p3_2=Press (circle button) to interact.
p4=Push left stick up or left stick down to navigate the inventory.
p5=You can leave the puzzle by pressing (circle button).
p5_2=You can leave the puzzle by pressing (cross button).
p6=Press (square button) to use your camera.
p7=Once the camera has focused, take a photo by pressing (cross button).
p7_2=Once the camera has focused, take a photo by pressing (circle button).
p8=Press (triangle button) to shoot from the hip with your camera to see briefly in the dark areas.
p9=Use left stick to turn the device.
p10=Press (circle button) to exit.
p10_2=Press (cross button) to exit.
p11=Press (cross button) to boot.
p11_2=Press (circle button) to boot.
p12=Hold left stick up or left stick down to crawl.
p13=Push left stick up when you see a cyan-colored up arrow.
p14=Press (cross button) to peek through the peephole.
p14_2=Press (circle button) to peek through the peephole.
p15=Use left stick to look around.
p16=Press (cross button) to enter. Press (circle button) to exit.
p16_2=Press (circle button) to enter. Press (cross button) to exit.


;switch terminology:
;english | Left Stick
;simplified chinese | Left Stick = L摇杆
;traditional chinese | Left Stick = Lж“ЌжЋ§жђ—жЎї
;japanese | Left Stick = Lг‚№гѓ†г‚Јгѓѓг‚Ї
;korean | Left Stick = L мЉ¤н‹±
;german | Left Stick = linker Stick

s1=Press (A) to progress the dialogue.
s2=Use Left Stick to walk.
s3=Press (A) to interact.
s4=Push Left Stick up or Left Stick down to navigate the inventory.
s5=You can leave the puzzle by pressing (B).
s6=Press (Y) to use your camera.
s7=Once the camera has focused, take a photo by pressing (A).
s8=Press (X) to shoot from the hip with your camera to see briefly in the dark areas.
s9=Use Left Stick to turn the device.
s10=Press (B) to exit.
s11=Press (A) to boot.
s12=Hold Left Stick up or Left Stick down to crawl.
s13=Push Left Stick up when you see a cyan-colored up arrow.
s14=Press (A) to peek through the peephole.
s15=Use Left Stick to look around.
s16=Press (A) to enter. Press (B) to exit.
x0=There's no saving the progress in the demo, whatever that means!



2=Press any key!
3=Unknown key!
4=Key already in use!


s1=Would you like to save?
s4=Game saved.

p1=Save data already exists!
p2=Existing save data will be overwritten.

ag1=A game by

fs1=Alright then.
fs2=Back to it.
00=You got an item!
01=Item removed!
2=Bobby Pin
5=Wet Towel
7=Empty Jar
8=Jar 1/3 Full
9=Jar 2/3 Full
10=Full Jar
15=Green Gemstone
16=Purple Gemstone
17=Old Cassette
18=Owl Ice Sculpture
19=Wooden Handle
20=Chunk of Ice
21=Potting Soil
22=Empty Watering Can
23=Full Watering Can
27=Red Flower
33=Floppy Disk
34=Mailman's Cap
35=Strange Block
36=Garden Key
38=Oven Mitt
39=Bug Net
40=Key Card
41=Ice Lens
43=Broken Camera
44=Ice Rose
45=Door Knob
46=Silver Coin
48=Empty Jug
49=Full Jug
50=Photo Album
51=Frying Pan
52=Cassette Player

1=That wouldn't work.
2=I better not.
3=There must be a better use for this item.
5=No point trying that!

s=I saved the game.
d=I can't save the game.
d1=There's nothing but dust and dirt here.

c1=It's an old and dirty jacket.
c2=There could be something in its pockets.
c3=Let's see...

c5=I've already searched the pockets.

n1=It's locked.
n2=I need to find a key or something else to unlock it with.
n2_1=Maybe I could try lockpicking it with the bobby pin I found earlier?

n3=I've never attempted to lockpick anything.
n3_1=How hard can it be?

n4=Well, that was easier than expected!
n4_1=Well, that wasn't easy.
n5=The drawer is now unlocked.

n6=There must be something inside.
n7=Oh, the irony.

n9=Nothing left to loot here.

b1=The tub is full of some shitty-smelling liquid.
b2=It isn't water, that's for sure.

b3=Eww, I can soak the towel here.
b4=Though I wish I wouldn't have to.

b6=I already have a wet towel!

b7=This will make a fine sauce.

b8=There's not one drop left.

b9=I've no idea what that stinking liquid is.
b10=It looks like there are some floating bits of meat in it.

y1=Nothing here that I can use.
y2=What's with all these cardboard boxes anyway?

u1=It's a moldy wooden basket.
u2=Luckily, I don't have to touch it.

f1=The fridge door's jammed.
f2=Besides, I wouldn't eat anything I find here!

f3=What a disgusting stench!
f4=Is that... cheese?

f5=I hope they like spoiled cheese.

f6=Nothing left but the shitty smell.

f7=There could be something to eat in the fridge.
f8=The fridge door's stuck, though.

ja1=The jar isn't full yet.
ja2=I need to find more food.

ja3=The jar is now filled.
ja4=They're proper crazy if they're going to eat this shit.

i1=I don't usually pick up all sorts of junk, but I feel I might need this.

m1=That's one filthy mirror.
m2=I can't see anything from it without wiping it first.

m3=The towel is too dry to clean the mirror.
m3_1=The sink under the mirror is busted.
m3_2=I can't soak the towel here.

m4=Yeah... I wouldn't call it clean, but that'll have to do.
m5=It's clean enough to make out the numbers in the bottles.

m7=Alright, let's get this mirror cleaned.

l1=The door is locked.

l2=The key should fit here.
l3=There, the door is now unlocked.

l4=This lock is way too big for being lockpicked with a bobby pin.

v1=The bathtub is empty if you don't count the dead cockroaches.
v2=Why does everything have to be so dirty in here?

v3=I believe crickets are high in protein, so why not cockroaches?

v4=There's nothing left.

v5=Dead cockroaches...
v6=Would that work?

v7=There's no water.
v8=I can't soak the towel here.

x1=Just more junk here.
x2=Nothing I can use.

z1=Huh, it looks like there's something in the oven.
z2=The oven door seems to be stuck, though!
z3=Surely, there's something I can do about it.

z4=I can't believe that worked!
z5=The oven door is now unstuck.

z6=Alright, what do we have here?

z8=The oven is empty.

q2=Where's the door!?
q2_1=How the hell am I supposed to get out now?

s1=What the...?
s2=That just didn't happen!

o1=Wh... where am I?
o3=What the...?
o4=These aren't my clothes.
o5=Why am I wearing a suit?
o7=What the actual fuck is going on?

oa2=Is anyone here?
oa3=Can anyone hear me?
oa4=I need to get out of here.

oa5=Is anyone here?
oa6=I don't know what's going on...

ob1=What kind of camera is this...?

e1=There's no power.
e2=No surprise there.

e3=Come on, work now, okay?
e4=Yes, finally!
e5=Here I come home and a warm bed.

e6=Oh shit, something is trying to break through those doors!
e7=Come on, elevator...!
e9=Those doors aren't going to hold.
e10=I need to do something!

e11=Come on...

e13=If this is a dream, please let me wake up.

fux1=Just... how!?
fux2=I don't get it.

fu1=There's a fuse missing, labeled "elevator."
fu1_1=No wonder the elevator doesn't work.
fu2=I inserted the fuse.
fu3=The power for the elevator should be back on.

	01=Good evening.
	02=I see you're carrying the camera.
	03=That means you must be the camera operator.
	05=What's the matter, cat got your tongue?
06=I don't know where I am.
07=I don't know how I got here.
08=And I sure as hell don't know what you are on about.
	09=Yes, I can see your face is holding a very peculiar expression.
	10=Well, I suppose I may have been mistaken.
12=Wait a moment!
13=The elevator isn't working.
14=It seems to be missing a fuse.
	15=Ah yes, that's old news, I'm afraid.
	16=That old lady keeps frying the fuses like a cheap old toaster.
	17=That's why I always carry a spare one.
18=That's great news.
19=I need to get out of this place.
20=Can I have the fuse, pretty please?
	21=Well, look at this.
	22=I smell an opportunity!
23=Oh great, what do you want from me, then?
	24=I came here to collect some food for the dinner party.
25=Eww, that's gross!
26=Surely, there's nothing to eat here?
27=What are you looking for anyway?
	28=Anything that resembles food.
	29=We're not too picky.
30=Fine, I'll find something for you and your friends to eat.
	32=Please, take this jar.
	33=You can store whatever food you find in it.
	34=Please, just make sure there's plenty of it.

36=Good evening.
37=Perhaps you found something eatable for us?
37_1=I might've something for you.

38=Here you go.
39=The most refined culinary delicacy this strange place has.
40=I'm guessing, at least.
	41=Let me see what you've brought to me...
	44=What an aroma!
45=Huh, that means you actually like it...?
	46=Oh yes.
	47=My acquaintances and I are delighted.
48=Okay, what the hell is wrong with you?
49=You know, never mind.
50=Can I please have the fuse now?
51=This place gives me the creeps.
	52=Of course.
	53=I'm a man of my word.
	54=Here you go.
55=What a strange person.
57=Shit, I should've asked him what's going on.

59=Old man!

61=Where did he go?

wd1=Oh shit...
wd2=The lights are out.
wd3=As if it wasn't creepy enough already...
wd5=How the hell am I supposed to find anything to eat here?

dd1=I'm not going in there!

dd3=What on earth is going on?

dd4=You know, I'd rather go home.

cam1=What the hell?!
cam2=The door appeared from thin air!

cam3=And again...
cam4=I must've lost my marbles.

cam5=That is so weird.
cam6=The fridge door is gone.

cam7=That should buy me some time.

cam8=I hope that holds!

fm1=There's nothing to eat in the drawer.
fm2=There's nothing eatable in the pockets.
fm3=There's nothing in the oven, not even light.
fm4=The cardboard box is empty.
fm5=Nothing suitable for eating here.
fm6=There's nothing in the sink.

brt1=What the hell was that?

brt3=Huh, there's nothing here.

lx1=No point guessing.
lx2=I need to find the right combination.

e1=This doesn't look right.
e2=I must be dreaming.

e3=I see no point in going back.

b1=Huh, the balloon popped.
b2=I don't want to leave the rubber trash behind.
b3=My parents have taught me well.

t2=Something good happens when you recycle!

t3=Eww, I'd rather not put my hand in there.

t4=Trash belongs in a trashcan.

d1=Uh, hello?
	d2=Good evening.
	d3=I'm delighted to meet you, visitor.
	d5=Don't be scared.
	d6=I can perfectly understand your confusion.
	d8=Allow me to explain what's going on.
	d9=You're not in your world.
	d10=You're not dreaming nor fully awake.
	d11=You're here to reunite with your recently deceased loved one.
d12=Eh, that's cool and all, but I'd like to go home.
d13=I don't understand how I got here.
	d14=Yes, I suppose it will take time to accept all this.
d15=I don't know what to say.
	d16=You don't have to say anything.
	d17=But you may want to hear me out.
	d18=You've been granted a rare opportunity.
d20=Okay, I'll play along.
d21=What am I doing here?
	d22=Yes, how should I put this?
	d24=See, I'm something you could call a ghost.
	d25=As are the others you'll meet here.
d26=A ghost?
	d28=Unfortunately, we can't feel the way you do.
	d29=We can't feel thirst and bliss in fulfilling the need.
d30=That's horrible!
	d31=Well, we're not precisely numb, either.
	d32=It's hard to explain how and what we are.
d33=I can relate to that on some level.
	d34=Yes, you wouldn't be here otherwise.
	d36=I see you've already found the camera.
	d37=You must've noticed it's not an ordinary camera.
d38=I sure did.
	d39=The camera is something we ghosts can't operate.
	d40=And that is the very reason you are here.
	d42=Our little venue here is quite a peculiar place.
	d43=We're somewhere between the world of the living and the so-called afterlife.
	d44=When people pass away, they usually take a one-way trip to the afterlife.
	d45=However, on scarce occasions, someone from the afterlife tries to reach the world of the living.
	d46=This place is the closest they can get to achieving that.
	d47=And that is the purpose of our little venue.
d48=I still don't get it.
d49=Why am I here?
	d50=Please, bear with me.
	d51=I'll get to that soon, I promise.
	d53=The portal must be open when someone from the afterlife tries to reach this place.
	d54=That's where you and the camera step in.
	d55=Somewhere, there's a unique object that holds personal value to you.
	d56=Without a better word, we simply call it a portal object.
	d57=It acts as a key for the portal.
	d58=Your task is to find this object.
d59=I don't mean to be rude, but why would I do that?
	d60=You lost someone dear to you, didn't you?
	d62=You are here.
	d63=Someone is trying to be here for you.
d64=No, that can't be.
d65=That's impossible.
	d66=I understand that's a lot to take in.
	d68=By opening the portal, you'd also help us ghosts.
	d69=As long as the portal remains open, we can wholly feel again.
	d71=Yes, I don't know why it works the way it does.
	d72=I wish Riley were here to explain this to you.
d73=Who's Riley?
	d74=Riley is a scientist who disappeared a good while ago.
	d77=We've made a habit of organizing a dinner party.
	d78=It is a rare opportunity, and we are desperate for it.
d80=I helped someone collect food for the dinner party. 
d81=You don't want to eat that, though...!
	d82=You must've met the old fox.
	d83=The guy is such a comedian.
	d84=I wouldn't take him too seriously.
d85=Huh, so you're not going to eat it, then?
	d86=It's most likely to keep the rats away from our feast.
d87=Well, that's a relief.
d88=Okay, let's say I'll play along.
d89=Where can I find this portal object?
d90=What does it look like?
	d91=I wish I could help you, but the portal object is always something of personal value.
	d92=Unfortunately, I can't help you find it.
d93=Huh, okay then.
d94=How do I know when I find the portal object?
	d95=Don't worry.
	d96=You'll know when you find it.
d98=Am I in danger?
	d99=I'm afraid not all ghosts are human.
	d100=But me and my companions, we're decent folks.
	d101=You do not need to be scared of us.
d102=Well, that's a lot to digest.
d103=I better start looking, then.

da1=Who are you, anyway?
	da2=You don't want to hear my life story, and I'm not eager to share it.
da3=Okay, fair enough.

da6=Can you tell me more about this place?
	da7=Not much, I'm afraid.
	da8=We're somewhere amid an endless and empty plane.
	da9=I suppose this is our home now.
da10=Huh, that's strange.

da11=I need to ask you something.
	da12=Please do.
da13=Why did I have to pop a balloon with my magic camera and recycle its remains for you to make your appearance?
da14=Explain yourself, good Sir!
	da15=At first, I heard a balloon popping, so I came this way.
	da16=It was rather dark, so I turned on the light.
	da17=I did that at the same time you recycled the trash.
	da18=Coincidence, see?
da19=Huh, that makes sense.
	da20=Shouldn't you be going?

da21=I think I should leave him to be for now.
p1=What do we have here...?
p2=A remote?
p3=I'm sure I saw a television somewhere.

tv1=There's no power nor a power button.
tv2=Modern televisions...

tv3=This should work.

tv4=Huh... just snow?
tv5=Not very helpful.

tv6=Huh, isn't that by the elevator?
tv7=I better check it out.

pe1=It looks like I can insert the pendulum here.

pe4=Huh, what is this thing?
pe5=I better take a closer look.

pe6=Nothing seems to happen.
pe7=I think it's missing something?
pe8=Perhaps I should come back later.

pe9=Got it!
pe10=I'll just have that green gemstone.

pe11=What a strange device.
pe12=No point touching it anymore.

g1=It's an old grandfather clock.
g2=Why was it hidden behind the curtain?

g4=I'll take it, thank you very much!

do1=Yeah, I'm not getting in there just now.
do2=However, maybe I could unlock the door by inserting something into the two slots?

do3=It looks like I can insert the green gemstone here.
do4=It looks like I can insert the purple gemstone here.

do5=It looks like it needs two pieces.
do6=I still need to find the other one.

do7=Both gemstones are in place, and the door is unlocked.
do9=Am I ready for whatever lies ahead?
do10=I can't wake up, and I can't go back.
do11=Shit... here goes.

di1=Wait, what?
di2=I'm back where I started.

di4=Whoa, where am I?
di5=This is so strange.

ca1=What do we have here...?
ca2=It's an old and untitled cassette.

ca3=There's nothing left here I can use.

ra1=I haven't seen one of these in a while!
ra2=There's no cassette, however.

ra3=The cassette should fit here.

ra4=It kinda works now, so I rather not touch it anymore.

px1=Got it!
px2=I'll just have that purple gemstone.

px3=There's something inlaid in the wall.
px4=I'll take a closer look.

px5=There's no need to touch it anymore.

cam1=The grandfather clock is gone.
cam2=Only its pendulum remains.

cam3=Where did the balloon go?

cam4=No more snow.

cam5=The empty canvas is no more.

cam6=Huh, a present.
cam7=For me...?


	hu1=No, no, no, no, no!
	hu2=How did you find me!?
hu3=I was just...
	hu5=Now I have to find a new place to hole up.
	hu6=What does one need to do to be left alone!?
hu7=I'm sorry, I didn't...
	hu8=I don't want their company nor their sympathy!
	hu9=I want to be left alone!

ag3=It's so quiet.
ag4=Beautiful, even.

ag5=It's an empty canvas.
ag6=Why would anyone put this up on display?

ag7=Huh, look at that.

	x1=Hey, you!
	x2=Have you seen my cap?
x4=No, I don't think so.
	x6=Where on EARTH could it be?
x7=I'm sorry.
x8=Maybe I could help?
	x9=No, thank you.
	x10=Obviously, my cap's not here.
	x11=I'll search elsewhere.

x14=What was that all about...?

x21=Portal object...?
x22=What the hell is he smoking?

x24=There's a note on the table.

x25=I am feeling lost and disconnected.
x26=I caught a glimpse of myself in the water and no longer recognized the person I saw.
x27=I feel like I have lost my identity.
x28=I need to end things.
x29=Maybe I could disappear...?

o1=Still cold!
o2=Where the hell am I now?
	o4=Hey, you!
	o5=You don't have any change with you, do you?
	o7=Coins, you know?
o8=No, sorry!

w1=I have a feeling that I will need this.

s1=Well, that doesn't look too sturdy.
s2=Let's give it a push.
s2_1=Huh, what's that sticking out of the snow?

e1=It's an old concrete well.
e2=Huh, the handle is missing.

e3=The handle should fit here.

e5=There's something in the wooden bucket.
e7=It looks like there's an object contained within the chunk of ice.

e8=There's nothing left for me to use.


d3=Did you find a coin yet?
	d4=No, I did not.
	d5=And I can't keep working unless I get my hourly dose of caffeine.
d7=What do you do, anyway?
	d8=I am an ice sculptor.
	d10=But, as you can see, my hands are shaking.
	d11=How am I supposed to work my art like this?
d12=Yeah, I can see.
d14=Why are you sculpting ice?
	d15=It's difficult to put into words.
d16=I heard you guys can't feel in the usual way.
	d17=That's right.
	d18=However, my urge to create is so strong it pushes through this barrier.
	d19=When I'm creating my art, it's the closest thing to feeling again.
d20=I understand.
	d21=My latest creation is almost ready.
	d22=I only require some coffee to finish it up.
d23=Well, I wish you good luck.
d24=I'll find some coffee for you.

d50=I got something for you.
	d51=There's no mistaking the aroma of freshly roasted coffee.
	d52=I could smell it before you entered the room.
	d53=Can I have it, please?
d54=Here you go.
	d55=You're such a kind person.
	d56=You have my gratitude.
d57=Happy to be of assistance.
	d58=Please, let me enjoy the coffee while it's still warm.
	d59=I got something for you, but it will take a moment.
	d60=You can wait by the fireplace.

	d64=The owl ice sculpture is ready.
d65=I'm happy for you.
d66=Did it turn out to be as great as you hoped it would?
	d67=I suppose.
d68=You don't sound all that convinced.
	d69=Well, I'm happy with how it turned out to be.
	d72=It may not be a masterpiece.
	d73=The shape is too obvious, too effortless.
	d74=I need something genuinely challenging to prove myself.
d75=What could that be?
	d76=I do not know!
	d77=I need to find inspiration.
	d78=It must be something delicate.
	d79=Something fragile, something I can perfect.
	d81=You already helped me, and I am babbling like an ungrateful fool.
d82=That's okay.
	d84=Here, please take this for your troubles.

d85=Oh, thank you.
d86=Are you sure you want to give this to me?
	d87=I'm certain.
	d88=I hope you find some use for it.
d90=Did you figure out what you want to sculpt next?
	d91=No, not yet.
	d92=My mind is blank.
	d93=I suppose you don't have any ideas?
d100=Are you still looking for inspiration?
d102=Something delicate, you say?
	d103=Yes, yes.
d104=Something fragile, perhaps?
	d105=Oh, yes!
d106=In that case, I do have something for you.
d107=Would this flower do?
d108=I grew it all by myself.
	d110=That shape...!
	d111=That essence...!
	d112=The level of difficulty...!
	d113=It is perfect!
d114=You can have it.
	d115=Thank you!
	d116=I'm beyond excited.
	d117=I need to start right away.
	d118=Could you please fetch me some ice from the well?
d119=Sure, I might as well.
	d120=I'll get my tools ready while you are at it.
	d121=Thank you again.
	d150=Can you please get me some ice from the well?
d151=I'm on it.

b1=No dice.
b2=The ice is blocking the way.

cam1=And the ice is gone.

cam2=Huh, the statue is holding numbers.

cam3=A watering can, huh?

t1=Can I stay here, okay?
t2=It's warm and less scary.

t3=I don't want to risk burning the unknown object inside the ice.
t4=I could leave the chunk of ice next to the fireplace instead.

wb1=It's a plastic washbasin.
wb2=There's some water in it.

wbf1=I can fill the watering can here.

wb3=I can melt the ice here.
	wb5=Hey, what are you doing over there?
wb6=I'm trying to melt some ice.
wb7=Is that okay?
	wb8=Oh, that's fine.
	wb9=I use that bowl for the same function.
wb11=Yeah, this must be the only warm spot in this weird place.
	wb12=You bet.
	wb13=My art would melt otherwise.
wb16=The ice has melted.
wb17=Huh, isn't that a coin?

wb20=What are you sculpting now?
	wb22=An owl.
	wb23=But I can't continue before I get rid of my shaking hands.
wb24=I will find coffee for you.

wb25=I might as well get him the coffee while I'm at it.

fp1=It's an empty flowerpot.

fp2=It's a flowerpot that has some dry soil in it.

fp3=There's some dry soil and a seed in the flowerpot.

fp4=It's a flowerpot that has some wet soil in it.

fp5=There's some wet soil and a seed in the flowerpot.

fp6=Nothing is growing just yet.

fp6_1=Maybe it needs some sunlight?

fp7=Planting soil belongs in a flowerpot!

fp9=I can't plant the seed in an empty flowerpot.
fp10=I'm going to need some soil first.

fp11=I'll plant the seed here.

fp13=There's no point watering an empty flowerpot.

fp14=I'll water the soil.
fp16=The soil is now wet.

fp20=Let's see...
fp21=We've wet soil, seed, and some sunlight.
fp22=Would you grow, please?

fp23=It's beautiful.
fp24=It's delicate and fragile, precisely what the artist asked.

	hu2=Why can't you leave me be!?
hu3=I'm sorry, I wasn't looking for you.
	hu5=You don't understand.
	hu7=How could you?
	hu8=I don't know who I am anymore.
	hu9=I've forgotten my name.
	hu10=I've forgotten what I look like.
	hu11=I am an empty shell, nothing more.
	hu12=I want to vanish into oblivion.
	hu13=I ask of you, leave me be.

hu16=Maybe I could help.

puz1=Got it!
puz2=Huh, a seed?

puz3=What a strange little box.
puz4=Maybe I could open it?

puz5=I've already solved the puzzle!

puz7=The cabinet is now unlocked.

puz8=It's locked tight.
puz9=I'm going to need the right combination.

ca1=What do we have here...?
ca2=Huh, a bag of soil?

ca3=No more gardening stuff here.

ic1=It's an incomplete ice sculpture.
ic2=I can't quite make out what it is supposed to be.
ic4=An owl, maybe?

fm1=It's a broken and empty snack vending machine.
fm2=Bummer, I could eat a chocolate bar.

cm1=A coffee vending machine!
cm2=Now we're talking.
cm3=If only I had a coin.

cm4=Alright, the coffee's pouring!
cm5=I wish I had an extra coin for myself as well.
cm6=I love coffee.
cm7_1=I must wait patiently for the coffee to finish pouring.
cm8=Alright, the coffee has poured.

cm10=No coffee for me.
cm11=That's the real nightmare.

wc1=It's an empty watering can.
wc2=I have a feeling I'm going to need this.

ap1=What a strange apparatus.
ap2=I've no idea what it is or what to do with it!

ap3=Huh, the owl ice sculpture might fit here.

ap4=It reflects light!
ap5=Maybe I could control the angle of the light beam?

su2=Hey, I know you!
su3=What the hell is going on?
su4=What is this eerie chanting?
	su5=Take a deep breath and try to relax.
	su6=We are awakening the spirit of the well.
su7=The spirit of... what!?
	su8=A non-human essence.
	su9=A tremendous source of spectral energy.
su10=What the hell...?
	su11=You need to calm down and listen to me.
	su12=Once you open the portal, we need the energy to keep it open.
su13=Huh, that sounds complicated.
	su15=I didn't want to bother you with this rite.
	su16=Your timing couldn't have been worse.
su17=Yeah, I don't want to see this.
su18=I'll be on my way...
	su19=The summoning has already begun.
	su20=You can't leave now even if you wanted.
	su22=Stay calm, and you'll be fine.

eo1=The lights went out.
ep2=Is the door stuck?
ep3=What is this?

ep4=I should check the phone first.

	p2=Good evening.
	p3=This is Patricia calling.
	p6=You know, the undertaker?
p7=Ah, yes, of course.
p8=I'm sorry.
p9=Hi, Patricia.
	p10=I hope I'm not interrupting anything.
	p11=Have you had time to check our urn catalog?
	p12=I don't mean to sound rude, but the funeral is fast approaching.
p13=Sorry, Patricia.
p14=You caught me at a bad time.
	p15=I always do, don't I?
	p17=Don't you have any respect for your late father?
	p18=What kind of person are you?
	p19=How dare you!?
	p20=You never even called him.
p21=What the hell is this?
	p22=He died alone.
	p23=He suffered alone.
	p24=Where were you?
p25=Stop it!
	p26=Where were you when he needed you!?
p27=That's enough!
p28=I'm hanging up!

p30=What the fuck was that?

p31=It's an old landline telephone.
p32=I don't have any use for it.

p33=I don't get it.
p34=How did she call here?
p36=Or did she even?

aas1=There's nothing inside except for some frozen junk.

aas2=More suits here.
aas3=Nope, I already have one.

aas4=Eww, there's nothing I can use here.

aas5=Nothing here I can use.

x1=Hey, I know you.
x2=Did you find your cap yet?
	x3=Do you see a cap on my head?
x5=I'm sorry!
x6=I didn't mean to...
	x7=Don't concern yourself.
	x8=I'll find my cap.
x9=I'll let you know if I see it.
x10=Good luck.
	x12=Much obliged.

x20=I don't want to go back outside.

x25=Huh, there's a hole in the wall.

x30=I'm not that mean!

x34=There's a handwritten note on the table.
x35=I seem to have lost my name.
x36=I keep trying to remember my name but can't find it.
x37=And where am I...?
x38=I can't remember how I got here.
x39=I will wait in silence.
x40=Eventually, I will fade away.
x41=That's pretty heavy...

x50=What the hell was that!?
x52=Okay, pull yourself together.

x60=What a strange fella.
x61=I do like his mustache, though.

x70=Nothing is growing yet.
x71=I need to water the dry soil.
x72=But where can I find some water?

x80=There's some water here!
	x81=Are you looking for something?
x82=Yeah, I need some water.
x83=Do you have a container that I could use?
	x84=Not here, no.
	x85=But I'm certain I saw a watering can in the room where the well is located.
1=The s..on.g.
2=Th..e las.t goo..d..bye.
3=The m.e..ss.ag..e rem..ains b.uri.e..d.
4=W..e wi..ll sho.w y.ou w..he.re.

s1=Wh... what the hell is going on?
s2=What just happened?

s3=It's too dark.
s4=I can't go that way.
s4_1=How the hell am I supposed to get out of here?


r2=Please, get away from me!
	r4=Loo..k b...ey.on..d.

d1=What is that rotten smell?
d2=It's disgusting!
d3=No way I'm going there!

a1=What the fuck?
a3=This can't be right!
a4=Am I still dreaming?
a6=This can't be a dream.
a7=It feels too real.

cam1=A balloon...?
cam2=It looks like a head.

b1=Eww, the string is made of hair!
b2=What the hell?
b3=That's so gross.

u1=Ah shit.
u2=The door's locked.
u4=What now?

	10=I thought I heard something.
12=It's pretty chilly in here.
13=Aren't you cold?
14=I know I am.
	15=I wish.
	16=I can't feel the cold the way you can.
17=Ah, right. The ghost... thing.
19=I uh, I'm looking for something.
20=I'd need to get inside.
21=Can you help me?
	22=I'm waiting for my choir.
	23=They should be here soon.
	24=I can let you in.
25=A choir, huh?
	27=There's something in the house, in the well.
	29=You don't need to worry about that.
	30=If you try the door, it's now accessible.
	31=I hope you find what you're looking for.
33=Thank you.

51=What was that all about?

53=Shit, I'm freezing.
54=I hope it's warmer inside.
a1=Wh... what?
a2=What just happened?
a3=Whatever this is, it's starting to be too much.
a5=Shit, at least it's warmer in here.

d1=Huh, what is this thing?
d3=Whatever it is, it looks like it's missing something.

d4=The shape of this item is very similar to what we have here.
d5=I wonder if it fits?
d6=Hey, look at that!
d7=It actually worked.

d8=The sensor is in place.
d9=But what does it do, exactly?

d10=A-ha, it's a light sensor!
d11=Who would put something like this in here?

d11_1=Why would Riley put something like this in here?

o2=What now...?

cam1=I bet there's something in the box.
cam2=What on earth...?
cam3=That did the trick!
cam3_1=The tumor's gone.
cam4=Another lump's gone.
cam5=Third time's the charm.

ob1=What do we have here...?
ob3=What the hell is this?

ob4=Nothing left to loot here!

s1=Look at it spinning.
s2=I don't want to lose one of my limbs by touching it.

	1=You... you can see me!?
2=Hi there.
	3=You.... you brought me back?
	4=Thank you!
5=No problem.
	6=No, you don't understand.
	7=I can't thank you enough.
	8=I was stuck there for a long time.
9=Yeah, what was that all about?
	10=I believe introductions are in order.
	11=My name is Riley.
	12=I am a scientist.
13=Nice to meet you, Riley.
	14=You wouldn't believe how happy I am to meet you.
	15=You saved me!
	16=See, I'm researching this peculiar place.
	17=The rules are different here.
	18=There's this unknown form of energy.
	19=It's almost magical.
20=I won't argue with you about that.
21=I've seen some crazy stuff!
	23=It sure is confusing when the base of reality disappears.
	24=Scary, even.
	26=Anyhow, I see you're carrying the camera.
	27=I never saw anyone using it since just now.
	28=I've heard it can, uh... "move" things.
	29=I built a device that could replicate this behavior.
	30=I kind of succeeded.
31=I'm guessing you moved yourself to the...
33=Otherside, huh?
34=Yeah, that'll do.
	35=That's indeed what happened.
	37=I lost my physical body, but my consciousness remained.
	38=My mind went into shock.
	39=What a horrifying experience it was.
40=Eww, I bet!
	41=At least I got more constants and variables from my visit.
	42=There must be an explanation.
	43=I will find the truth.
44=I hope you will succeed.
46=Could you help me in turn?
47=Am I being duped?
48=I'm supposed to find a portal object or something like that.
49=Apparently, my late father is trying to reach this place.
50=It all sounds too much, you know?
	51=It's true.
	52=I've seen various reunions.
	54=The portal is highly fascinating.
	55=As I previously mentioned, the energy here is different.
	56=And your camera?
	57=It has the power to focus massive amounts of energy.
	58=Only the camera can unlock the portal.
	59=For now, at least.
60=That was assuring to hear.
	62=We could help each other out.
	63=Please, come with me.
	64=I'll show you something.

	65=Come on, this way.
	80=I've analyzed the data and it seems like there's a significant surge of energy emanating from that area.
	81=If only I could find the source of it.
	82=But there's nothing in there, nothing your naked eye can see.
	84=But you have the camera.
85=I see where this is going.
86=You want me to go in there.
	87=It pains me to admit it, but I will need your help.
	88=Could you, please?
89=Yeah, I might as well.
	91=If you find anything, please try to photograph it for me.
	94=Please, wait here for a moment so I can turn the fan off.
95=Yeah, okay.

101=Okay, why the hell not?

	201=Those particles...
	202=They defy the laws of physics.
203=Hey, what's up?
	204=But how...?
	205=It's not kinetic energy.
	206=Maybe... elastic?
	208=No, it can't be elastic energy, either.
	209=The visible light could refer to radiant energy.
	210=But could electromagnetic radiation create such colors?
	210_1=Could it be a glitch in frequency and wavelength?
211=I'll just be on my way, then.
	212=Oh, hey there.
	213=I didn't notice you.
214=You don't say.
215=What are you doing?
	216=This device is extraordinary!
	217=It has never been "on" before.
	218=Did you do something to it?
221=I occasionally drop by.
222=It gives me a sense of comfort, in a way.
	225=Maybe it's your presence that triggers the mechanism.
	226=Or, more likely, it could be your camera.
227=I wouldn't know, sorry.
228=I better leave you to it.
	229=Talk to you later.
230=Wow, such intense focus.
231=I don't want to interrupt.


233_2=Welcome back, visitor!

	250=Huh, you're back already?
251=I didn't go yet.

av1=It seems like there's someone living here.

b1=There's something in there.
b2=I can feel it.
b4=I need something so that I can remove the grate.

b5=I can't get a good grip on the screws.
b6=I'm going to need to find something else.

b7=Let's get this grate removed.

b9=Time to crawl in.

ra2=Sheesh, these folks need a piece of better audio equipment.
ra3=They're just like my dad, sticking to his old ways.

ra4=One of the knobs seems loose.
ra5=I think I can pull it off with the pliers.

ra8=I don't want to put it back.

ra10=Another radio.
ra11=It's in rough shape and likely only suitable for spare parts.

pl2=More junk...

pl4=There's nothing more I can use.

dr1=The drawer is locked.
dr2=Let's take a closer look.

dr3=I wonder if I could use the knob here?
dr5=It fitted right it!

dr6=There's nothing I need here anymore.

dr7=Got it!
dr8=The drawer is now unlocked.

dr9=What do we have here?

pb1=It's pitch black.

e1=S... Sh... Shit...!
e2=What the fuck is that... thing!?
	e3=?ereht seog ohW
e4=Wh... what the...?
	e5=?ereh uoy era yhW
e6=It can... speak?
e7=I'm... sorry.
e8=I... I don't... understand!
	e9=!em pleH
e11=You... you're speaking in reverse!?
e13=Wh... what do you want?
	e14=.niap ni m'I
	e15=!em pleh ,esaelP
	e16=!eerf em teS
	e17=!STRUH TI
e18=I'm sorry, I'm trying...!

e20=Hang on in there!

en2=What in the world is happening?

en3=What the hell?
en4=It's a mask from that poor... thing.
en6=Huh, it seems different.
en7=The expression has changed into a more peaceful one.
en8=I should take it to Riley.

	300=You're back!
301=Hi, Riley.
	302=Please, accept my apologies for my enthusiasm.
	303=Tell me you found something of interest.
	303_1=My anticipation is killing me.
305=I don't know what I saw.
306=It would be easier to show you.
	308=I'll be here when you're ready to show me your findings.

	309=Are you ready to show me your findings yet?
310=In a moment, Riley.

	311=You're back!
	312=Please, accept my apologies for my enthusiasm.
	313=What do you've there?
314=Hey, Riley.
315=I found this mask.
	316=A mask, huh?
	317=There must be a story to it.
	317_1=My anticipation is killing me.
319=You wouldn't believe what I saw.

320=See this mask?
321=You wouldn't believe what happened.
	322=Please stop teasing me and tell me, I implore you!

323=Let me explain it all to you...

	324=That is extraordinary!
	325=The mask, the photos, and the creature?
	326=And you really let me borrow these for my studies?
	327=You're a lifesaver.
328=Hey, that's cool!
329=I don't have any use for that stuff.
330=I hope you find them helpful.
	331=I'm sure I will.
	333=I think I'm going to check the place myself, too.
	334=Maybe there's still something there.
335=Yeah, okay.
336=Good luck, Riley!

lk1=Huh, another light sensor.

ln1=The cabinet is blocked.

ln2=That did the trick.
ln3=What do we have here...?

ln4=Great, more geek stuff.

ln5=I've already got all I need.

kf1=I don't want to get electroshocked.
kf2=I should keep some distance.

bl1=A blanket and a pillow, huh?
bl2=I wouldn't mind some shuteye.
bl3=Just... not here.

co1=It's an old computer.
co2=Huh, let's take a closer look.

co4=Eww, too geeky for me.

co5=This computer looks like the one my father used to have.
co6=I'm sure that's a floppy disk drive.
co7=I'll just insert the floppy disk.
co9=There, what next?

co10=I don't want to touch it anymore.

bo1=Riley's Untitled Powerlink

bo2=>Check for overload

bo5=>Reboot grid sequence

bo8=>Boot Powerlink 1.02
bo11=>Authentication key failed!

bo13=to boot.

bo12_1=Press (A) to boot.

bo14=Status: Connected
bo15=Status: Warning
bo16=Status: Disconnected

bo17=That did it.
bo18=Some of the power is now off.

x1=Huh, it looks like there's something inside the bottle.
x3=I can't reach it!
x4=I need to find something to extend my reach.

x5=I can reach it with the bug net.

x6=Got it!
x7=Let's see what's inside the bottle.

x9=Huh, what's this for?

x10=A bug net, huh?
x11=That'll do.

x20=A way out!
x22=Shit, I can't reach the ladders.

x23=There are no buttons to be found.
x24=Could it be a type of card reader, perhaps?

x25=I hope this works.


x27=There's no need to touch it anymore.

x31=Time to get out of this place.
x33=I don't know what awaits me up there.
x34=But I'm drawn to the sunlight.
x36=There's only one way to find out.

	x50=Are you following me!?
x51=No, I...
	x52=Leave me be!
x53=Maybe I could help you?
	x54=You can't help me.
	x55=No one can!
x56_1=Surely there's something I can do for you.
	x57=You wouldn't understand.
x58=Try me.
	x60=Please, don't think of me.
	x60_1=You need to let me vanish.
x62=I kinda feel bad for him.
x63=Well, he doesn't want my help.
x64=There's nothing I can do.

x70=Hello Riley.
x71=I came across a floppy disk and was wondering if it belongs to you?
	x72=Oh, I didn't realize that it had been misplaced.
	x74=You can hold on to it for now.
x75=Oh, okay.

x80=There's nothing but junk in the drawer.

x90=Huh, another note.

x91=Writing is the only thing that keeps me sane.
x92=Maybe that is what keeps me here.
x93=I need to stop writing and fully commit myself to silence.
x94=To blackness.
x95=But I'm scared of what would happen.

x96=That's so sad!
x97=I wish I could do something for him.

x101=Where did you appear from!?
	x102=Hi Riley.
x110=Huh, it looks like one of the knobs is missing.

x120=What a fascinating person.
cam1=Huh, what the hell?
cam2=Huh, another grave?
cam3=No more boards.
cam4=Hello, herbs!
cam5=Isn't that an oven mitt?
cam7=I know that urn...

1=Fresh air, finally!
2=Huh, but where am I now?

3=Such beautiful scenery.
4=A welcome change for sure.

	d1=Oh, hello.
	d3=I didn't hear you from the bathroom.
d4=I wasn't aware ghosts needed to use...
d5=Actually, never mind.
	d6=Well then!
	d7=I don't recognize your pretty face.
	d8=And you're also carrying the camera.
	d9=You must be our new guest!
	d10=Any luck finding the portal object yet?
d11=Not yet, I'm afraid.
	d12=Don't worry about it, dear.
	d13=I'm sure it'll show up in no time.
	d15=Oh, where are my manners?
	d16=Would you like to have a cup of tea?
d17=I'd prefer a cup of coffee, if possible.
	d18=Of course, dear.
	d19=Please, join me shortly, and the coffee should be ready.
d20=Alright, thanks.

	d50=Oh, don't be silly.
	d51=I'm sure it's nothing!
		d52=Damn you, woman!
		d53=I'm telling you, something wicked is among us.
	d54=Mind your tongue, reverend!
		d56=Please, accept my apologies.
		d57=Would you please come with me?
		d58=It will be easier to show you.
	d59=Of course, you should've asked me right away.
d59_1=What's up?
	d60=I'm terribly sorry, dear.
	d61=But the coffee must wait for a little longer.
d62=No problem.
		d63=Who's this, then?
		d64=Never mind, there's no time.
		d65=Let's get going.
	d66=Maybe you could come with us?
	d67=We could use your help repelling the evil.
d68=Sure, it sounds like something I'd enjoy doing.

			d100=But nothing is blocking the gate!
				d101=Neither it's locked.
					d102=I don't understand.
		d103=I'm afraid dark times are upon us.
		d104=We're not allowed to enter the memorial site.
		d105=We must repent!
				d106=Let's calm down.
				d107=There must be a logical explanation.
			d108=Something may be blocking the gate from the other side.
		d109=I can sense the dark presence!
						d110=I... I can feel some... some tingling.
		d111=It's the darkness.
		d112=We must resist its seducing company.
	d114=Could it really be something wicked?
	d115=How strange.
d116=Maybe I could help?
						d118=Co... could you dr... drive the demon a... away?
		d119=What a coincidence.
		d120=Perhaps it is she who wrought this bane upon us.
	d121=That's enough, reverend!
	d122=Look at the kindness on her face.
	d123=There's no way she has anything to do with any of this.
		d125=You're likely right, as always, Mrs. Easswin.
		d126=I'm sorry.
d127=I appreciate your apology.
			d128=But what should we do?
				d129=Somebody has to do something!
d130=Could everyone step back from the gate, please?
d131=I'll see what I can do.
	d132=Our hero!
						d135=Hu.. hurray!
g1=It won't budge.
g2=How strange.

						d200=De... de... demon!
	d201=Intriguing how things have unfolded.
			d202=What on earth was that!?
				d203=Are we safe?
					d204=Reverend was right!
		d205=Calm down, everyone!
		d206=I can no longer sense the dark presence.
		d207=Our new friend here succeeded in banishing the shadowy spirit.
				d208=Does that mean we're safe?
		d209=So it seems.
	d210=Nothing like this has ever happened before.
			d211=I wonder what brought the spirit here?
		d212=So many questions...
		d213=... but no answers.
		d215=It's time to put this strange and curious episode behind us.
		d216=I invite you all!
		d217=Join me at the memorial site to reminisce about our loved ones.
d261=I might as well join them.
pi1=The Cross and the Triangle are furthest away from each other.
pi2=The Circle is alongside the Cross.
pi3=The Triangle is alongside the Square.
pi4=The Circle is on the left of the Square.

gs1=There's something weird about this gravestone.
gs2=Let's see.

d300=Hi, reverend.
d301=What is this place?
		d302=This is our memorial site.
		d303=In a way, it acts like a cemetery.
		d304=But instead, we remember our living loved ones.
d305=So it's anti-cemetery?
		d306=Ha-ha, good one.
		d307=I suppose you could put it that way.
d310=Well, it's beautiful.
		d312=We can't feel much.
		d313=Here, emotions seem to be more easily felt and expressed.
d314=I can believe that.
d315=It's so calm.
		d317=I'm sorry for giving you such a hard time.
		d318=It's clear that I don't have nerves made of steel.
d319=That's fine, don't fret over it.
	d320=It sure was exhilarating!
	d321=Oh, I hope I didn't interrupt you two.
		d322=All is well, Mrs. Easswin.
	d323=Well, I should be going now.
	d324=That coffee won't brew itself.
d325=Thanks, I'll join you shortly!

co80=What perfect timing, dear.
co81=I saw you from the window.
co82=The coffee is waiting for you on the table.
co83=Please, enjoy it, dear.
	co84=I'm sure I will.
	co85=Thank you, Mrs. Easswin.
co1=Ah, what a fantastic aroma.
co2=It was so good.
	co3=I'm delighted to hear that, dear.
	co4=We cultivate the beans ourselves.
	co5=They're one of a kind.
co6=I can tell.
co7=That did me good.
co8=Thank you, madam.
	co9=My pleasure, dear.
	co11=But you still sound so tired.
	co12=You know what?
	co13=I'm going to run you a bath.
co14=No... no, you don't need to.
	co15=I insist.
	co16=It's going to do you wonders.
	co17=Nothing heals you like warm water.
co19=Well, I suppose I could.
	co20=That's the spirit.
co21=I just don't want to trouble you, that's all.
	co22=If that's what you're worried about, you can help me.
	co23=I always mix some aromatic herbs with the bathing water.
	co24=Could you fetch some herbs from the garden?
co25=Yeah, of course.
	co27=Bring the herbs to the bathroom once you're ready.
co28=Okay, thanks.

h2=Still chasing your cap, I take it?
	h3=Smartass, ey?
h4=Yup, that's me!
	h5=I was so close.
	h6=Cursed be that gust of wind!
	h7=Who knows where it will take my precious gap next?
h8=Yeah, tough luck.
	h9=I'm so sick of this!
	h10=I will not deliver a single envelope before I get back my cap.
h11=Are you going on strike, then?
	h13=Yes, exactly!
h15=Okay, regain your composure.
h16=I'll see if I can find your cherished cap.
h30=Could you please move?
h31=I'd need to get there.
	h32=No cap, no dice!
h33=How's the strike going?
h35=I like your mustache.
	h36=Thank you.
	h37=I grew them all by myself.
pp1=Look what we have here.
pp2=There's no doubt this is the mailman's cap.

h50=I found your cap.
	h51=You... you did?
h52=Here you go.

	h53=Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
h54=That's cool.
	h55=You may not fully grasp the significance of these deliveries to us ghosts.
	h56=These letters carry the thoughts and prayers of our living loved ones.
h57=Huh, I had no idea.
	h58=Understandably so.
h59=Have you ended your strike, by any chance?
	h60=I have, indeed!
	h61=I got my cap back, so I'm all good to go.
h62=Well, in that case, I will not hold you any longer.
	h63=You're a good person.
	h64=Thank you.

px1=There's no mail.

px2=I shouldn't be going through other people's mail.
px4=A letter from Mr. Easswin?
px5=Yeah, that's not for me.
px8=What's this?

px9=I want to keep Mrs. Easswin's letter private.

px20=There's nothing in the mailbox that I could use.

pz1=I wonder if the item fits here?
pz3=A perfect match!

pz10=That's it!
pz11=Huh, there's a hatch being opened on the tombstone.

pz12=What do we have here?

pz13=No more keys here!

gt1=The gate is locked.

gt2=I'm pretty sure the key fits here.
gt4=The gate is no more locked.

he1=What a lovely aroma!
he2=Basil, mint, rosemary.
he3=And that one is sage if I'm not mistaken.
he4=These will do.

he5=I already have enough herbs.

he7=I don't need herbs just now.

	fh1=Did you fetch any herbs yet, dear?
fh2=I'm on it!

	fh3=Are you ready to unwind in a soothing bath, dear?
fh4=In a moment, Mrs. Easswin.
	fh5=Please bring me the herbs when you're ready.
fh10=Here are some herbs.
	fh11=You chose well, my dear.
	fh12=Gently rub the herbs and release them into the bathing water.
fh13=Sure thing.
	fh14=I've left you a fresh towel on the table.
	fh15=Try to unwind!
fh16=I'll try.
fh17=Thank you, Mrs. Easswin.

n2=This is nice.
n4=I haven't had time to stop for a moment.
n5=All these crazy events...
n7=I'm still dreaming.
n8=I must be.
n9=Yet the water feels the same as when I'm awake.
n10=My thoughts are clear.
n11=I am me.
n13=Or did I die?
n14=I can't remember dying.
n16=And who exactly are these ghosts?
n17=The camera and the portal?
n18=What the hell...?
n20=But if I'm dreaming, why can't I wake up?
n21=I can't snap out of it.
n23=My father...
n24=I miss him.
n25=I should've been there.
n26=I should've called him more often.
n28=And now?
n29=He's trying to be here.
n30=He's trying to reach me for the last goodbye.
n31=What a plot for a dream...
n33=But is it even real?
n34=I can't wrap my head around all this.
n35=But I will have to push through.
n36=And maybe...
n37=Maybe I could see my father one last time.
n39=This is a good moment to rest my eyes for a little bit.
n40=And who knows, maybe I'll wake up in the real world.

n51=I must've dozed off.
n53=The water is freezing!
n54=I better get dressed.

n55=What the hell is going on?

mi2=I look terrible.

mi4=What the hell...?

	p2=This is Patricia.
p3=Oh, hello.
	p4=I hope you're well.
p5=Yeah, me too.
p6=I don't know what's happening to me.
p7=I'm losing my mind.
	p8=I'm sure it's nothing.
	p9=Tell me, did you have time to check the new brochure yet?
	p11=The urn for your father.
	p13=Don't tell me you still haven't chosen the urn.
	p14=We're running out of time!
	p15=What is wrong with you!?
	p16=Don't you care about your father's funeral?
p17=I'm sorry, Patricia.
p18=I tried to tell you...
p19=I don't understand what's happening.
	p20=You wor...thless fo...ol!
	p21=I'm ge...tting si...ck of yo...u!
	p22=Y...ou didn't de...serve the lo...ve of your fath...er!
p23=Sorry, your voice is breaking up.
	p24=.. ...   ... .   ..  ....
p25=I can't understand you.
	p26=... ..  ..   .... . ....
p28=Huh, who's this?
		p29=This is reverend.
		p30=Can you hear me?
p32=What the hell is going on!?
		p33=I need you here.
		p34=Meet me at the memorial site.

p40=What the hell...?
p41=I better get to the memorial site.

p80=The number is not in use by the sound of it.

p90=That's it!
p91=It's connecting somewhere.
p92=I'll just let it ring.

p100=I don't want to hang up.

p101=I don't have anywhere to call.

eg1=I should help the poor villagers.

ku2=What the hell is that?

ku4=I better keep some distance from that thing.
ku5=Maybe I could distract it somehow.

sw1=What a creepy-ass scarecrow.
sw2=That surely keeps the unwanted guests off.

sw3=The scarecrow is more unnerving now that it's dark outside.

sw4=It's less intimidating when it's wearing the oven mitt.
sw5=Time to make it scary again!

sw6=I don't want to touch it.

fp1=There's no fire in the fireplace.
fp2=That's a shame.
fp3=I love the sound of fire and popping resing.
fp4=The sensation of warmth emanating from a fire is unique.
fp5=Oh well...

fp6=It's a fireplace.

fp10=There is something in the fireplace among the embers.
fp11=It looks like a note.
fp12=Let's take a look.

fp14=The fireplace handle is burning hot!
fp15=I can't open it with my bare hands.

fp16=Now that my hand is covered let's open the fireplace hatch.

l4=Where did he go?

	l5=Hey, quietly now.
	l6=I came across something horrifying.
l8=Take a deep breath.
l9=I saw it too.
l10=What the hell is that?
	l11=How should I know?
l12=I was able to distract it.
l13=I think we're okay.
	l15=Give me a second to catch my breath.
l17=I was going to ask you what's going on.
l18=But you seem as puzzled as I.
	l19=There's something outlandish about this darkness.
	l20=I feel an immense burden on my mental being, unlike anything I've experienced before.
l21=Yeah, I can feel it too.
l22=Uh, you wanted to see me?
	l25=I don't know how to explain myself.
	l26=See, we've never had such darkness here before.
	l27=It can't be a coincidence.
l28=What are you saying?
	l29=The portal object must be here at this memorial site.
	l30=I can feel it.
	l31=It's the reason for all these strange happenings.
l32=Huh, could it really be here...?
	l33=That's what my gut says.
	l34=It's time for you to use your camera.
	l50=Try looking through the lens of your camera.
	l51=The portal object is nearby, I'm sure of it.
l60=Reverend, this urn contains the ashes of my beloved father.
l61=Could you kindly give us a moment?
	l62=Of course.
	l63=I'll wait over there.
l71=Hey, dad.
l72=I don't know where to start.
l74=I miss you.
l75=I'm sorry I wasn't there for you.
l77=I don't know if you can hear me.
l78=I don't understand what's happening.
l79=This can't be a dream.
l80=I'm sure I'm not dreaming.
l81=Am I really going to see you again?

l84=What's happening?

	l87=It's beautiful and so mesmerizing.
l87_4=What's happening...?
	l87_2=There's no mistaking it.
	l87_3=You've found the portal object.
l89=But it's the urn that...
	l90=I understand your rush of emotions.
	l91=The portal object is always something of personal value.
l93=What happens next?
	l94=You have the opportunity to be reunited with your beloved father.
	l95=Prepare yourself.
x1=It's a telephone booth.
x2=I haven't seen one in a while!

x3=There's nothing I can use in the cupboard.

x4=Yeah, I could use a bath.

x5=What do we have here...?
x6=Nope, nothing of use.

x7=There are no herbs here.
x8=What now...?

x9=There's no way I'm going back there!

x20=What a beautiful place they have there.

x30=Hmm, it looks like it's missing a piece.
x31=I should get back to it later.
cam1=I hope this works...!

cam3=That's a lot of food, wine, and beer.

cam4=There was a hidden door behind the curtains!

cam5=That did the trick!

2=I must be close now.
5=Where's the camera!?

	10=I.. . co . ... .our . .. ...
	12=... .is .. . cam ..
13=I'm sorry, I can't understand what you're saying.
15=Huh, isn't that my camera?
	16=Ye. . .. i.
18=Do you want to give it back to me?
	19=.. .a.nt . .. .o.
20=Thank you.

22=The camera lens is cracked.
23=What now?

	30=..u must . .e ...  car...l
31=Uh, sorry...?
	32=... dan. . . er. .
33=Did you say I should be careful...?
	34=Y.. . ... eek.
35=I should peek?
36=Huh, thanks for the heads up.

w1=There's a piece of ice on the workbench.
w2=Better I take a closer look.

w3=Huh, maybe I could carve the ice if I had a chisel?
w4=I should return later.

w5=Ah, behold!
w6=The new lens for my trusty camera.
w7=I'm worthy of a Nobel prize if this works.

w8=Time to replace the lens.

w9=The lens fits right in!

w11=Time to carve some ice!

w12=I don't need to sculpt anything else.

d1=Huh, the doorknob is missing.
d2=I can't get in.

d3=I need to find the missing doorknob.

sd2=Why not?

p1=What the hell...?
p2=That must be the portal.
p4=Is this really happening?

p5=I don't know what to do with it.

p8=I can't believe this is happening.
p9=Dad, I'm waiting for you.

r2=What a beautiful ice sculpture.
r3=The artist succeeded in creating his masterpiece.

b1=Huh, this looks interesting.

b2=I've already solved the puzzle!

xf1=I don't know what that's for.
xf2=Maybe it's some sort of stand?

xf3=I've got a feeling the ice sculpture belongs here.

xf5=Yeah, looks good to me.
xf6=What next...?

	dk1=.. kn.b . . ..
	dk3=.. open . . . do...
dk4=I'm sorry, can't...
	dk5=.. t..e. .. .
dk7=Thank you!

v1=I'm sure the doorknob fits here.

y1=What a beautiful spot.
y3=Isn't that a wishing well?
y4=I'd have a wish or two.

y5=Okay, make a wish.
y7=I must be close now.
y8=I can feel it.
y11=I want to see this through.
y12=I wish to see my father for one last time.

y15=I'm out of coins, I'm afraid.

se1=There's nothing but trash here.

se2=Just junk here.

se3=It's empty!

se4=Huh, what's this?

se5=There's nothing I can use.

	x2=I won't take this anymore!
	x3=I refuse...!
x4=Would you please calm down?
x5=Consider this for a moment.
x6=It's interesting how we keep running into each other.
x7=Maybe, for a reason?
	x8=I don't care.
	x9=Please leave me be.
	x11=I will pay you!
	x12=Take this.

	x13=Never seek to me, you understand?

x15=He's more stubborn than I am.

u1=Those are my father's ashes in that machine.
u2=Does it work?
u4=I don't know what it's supposed to do.

50=What the...?
51=What on earth just happened?
53=Huh, what's going on over there?
54=I should check it out.

	60=I don't understand!
		61=I am sure that I saw all the food here a moment ago.
			62=I'm telling you, they just disappeared.
				63=Perfect, just perfect!
				64=Can't we catch a break?
	65=It looks like we have to get by without any of the culinary delights.
			66=What a bummer!
		67=Isn't there anything we can do?
				68=I'm afraid it's too late.
70=What seems to be the problem?
	71=Our food and drinks disappeared!
	72=So much for our feast.
73=That's strange, but likely nothing my camera couldn't fix.

	80=Everyone, look!
		81=What's going on?
			82=Hey, the food is back!
		83=But how?
			84=She used the camera!
				85=How curious.
	86=Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys!
				87=Thank you so much, dear!
88=You're welcome, Mrs. Easswin.
	90=I can see your eyes are wandering.
	91=You're looking for your father, I assume.
93=Is my dad... here?
	94=Not yet.
	95=However, the portal is open.
	96=It's only a matter of time.
97=After all I've been through, I still struggle to believe I'd see him again.
	98=I understand.
	99=May I suggest you something?
100=Uh, sure.
	101=Try to unwind.
	102=Your journey here is coming to an end.
	103=Take it easy and enjoy yourself.
104=You're likely right, thanks.
	105=Don't mention it.
	106=Maybe close your eyes and take a deep breath?
107=Sounds like a plan.
111=I think I'll just look around more.
j1=Hi, Riley.
j2=What are you doing?
	j3=He-hey, it's my white knight!
	j4=To answer your question, studying.
	j5=All this is highly fascinating...
j6=I'm going to stop you right there.
j7=I wouldn't understand what you're saying anyway!
j8=I'm sorry, Riley!
	j9=That's fine.
	j10=I am just so excited and want to share the feeling with someone.
j11=I get it.
j12=I hope you make a groundbreaking discovery.
j13=Good luck!
	j14=Much appreciated.

j20=I shouldn't interrupt a genius at work.

j31=What's up?
	j32=I almost forgot.
	j34=You let me borrow the mask, remember?
j36=Sure, I remember.
	j37=It's no ordinary mask.
	j38=My devices gave me some bizarre readings!
	j39=I received highly valuable data.
j40=That's great, Riley!
j41=Uh, you can keep the mask if you want.
	j42=No, I couldn't.
	j43=The mask is extraordinary.
	j44=You found it, so it's yours.
j45=Are you sure you don't need it?
	j46=Yes, I'm sure.
j47=Okay, thanks.

	j48=I hope you find some use for it.

	c1=Hello, dear.
	c2=Are you enjoying yourself?
c3=Yeah, I think I am.
c4=There's such a positive vibe here.
c5=I kinda dig it.
	c6=I'm glad to hear that.
c7=How are you, Mrs. Easswin?
	c8=Oh, me!?
	c9=I feel so vibrant and young again!
	c9_1=I could dance all night!
c10=I'm so happy to hear that.
c11=Talk to you later, Mrs. Easswin.

c15=Hi, Mrs. Easswin.
c16=Can I get you something?
	c17=Oh, you don't have to, dear!
c18=Are you sure?
	c19=I'm sure, dear.
f3=How are you holding up?
	f4=I'm tired.
f5=I'm sorry.
f7=Would you join us?
f8=It could make you feel better.
f9=We're having a good time.
	f10=I can't.
f11=But why?
	f12=You wouldn't understand.
	f14=I don't know who I am anymore.
	f15=I'm an empty shell.
f17=Have you ever thought that maybe you could rediscover yourself?
f18=Just come with me, okay?
f19=I'll introduce you to others.
	f21=Are you blind?
	f22=I don't even have a freakin face.
	f23=I'd only scare everyone.
f24=You don't scare me.
f25=No one would be bothered.
	f27=Look, I appreciate the fact you're trying to comfort me.
	f28=But it's too late for me.
	f29=You need to leave me be.
	f31=You don't know what it's like.
	f32=I'm crying, but I have no tears.

f40=I better leave him be for now.

f50=I promise this is the last time I will try to change your mind.
f52=Not in the mood to talk, huh?
f54=But please, hear me out.
f55=You said you're afraid you'd only scare everyone.
f56=You know, for not having a face...
f57=I understand how that must make you feel.
f58=However, I might have a solution.
f60=Look at this mask.
	f62=Such a peaceful expression.
f63=You can have it if you want.
	f64=You'd give me a face...?
f65=Of course!
	f67=Thank you.
f68=You're welcome.
	f69=Please give me a moment.
	f70=I need some time to think.
f71=Yeah, sure.
f72=I hope to see you later!

	a1=That's funny.
	a2=I can't remember bringing my masterpiece here.
a3=Good evening.
	a4=Hi there!
	a5=So, what do you think?
	a6=Pretty good, huh?
a7=It's beautiful.
a8=You're very talented.
	a9=All thanks to you!
a10=Oh, It was nothing.
	a11=And look, she's humble as well.
a12=Now you're just flattering me.
a13=Catch you later!

a20=How is it going?
	a21=Never been better!
h1=Hi there.
h3=I hope I'm not bothering you.
h4=This is such a beautiful room.
	h5=It sure is.
	h6=As for your initial utterance, I came here to be alone for a little while.
h7=Oh, I'm sorry!
h8=I didn't realize you wanted to be left alone.
	h10=I came across as rude, didn't I?
	h11=Please, accept my apologies.
h12=None taken.
	h14=I must admit that I find the cacophony of noise and the jostling crowds to be quite bothersome.
	h15=It can be quite overwhelming and disorienting.
	h16=I often find myself yearning for some peace and solitude.
h17=I know what you mean.
h19=Well, I'll get going.
h20=I hope to see you soon.
	h21=Thank you.
	h22=I'll join you all shortly.
h25=I should give him some alone time.

	150=It's the moment you've all been yearning for.
	151=Letters from home.
	152=Let me see who comes first.
	153=The first letter goes to Riley.
	155=You're welcome, Riley.
	156=This letter's addressed to Benjamin.
			157=Thank you.
			158=I will cherish this.
	160=I can't seem to find Mrs. Easswin.
				161=I'm here!
	162=Ah, there you are, madam.
	163=Here's your letter, Mrs. Easswin.
				164=Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
	165=I'm more than happy to provide my services, madam.
	167=Hmm, what's this?
	168=It appears to be a letter addressed to someone named Mark.
	169=Did I bump my head or something?
	170=Who in the world is Mark?
					172=That's my name.
					174=My name is Mark.
					175=I... had forgotten.
176=Hi, Mark!
177=My name is Jennifer, but you can call me Jen.
	178=Good evening, Mark.
	179=We are excited to have you here with us.
		180=Let's have a wonderful evening together.
					182=I am deeply touched by the genuine hospitality you have shown me.
					183=I've been in the shadows for too long.
					184=Thank you for everything, Jen.
185=Don't mention it.
	186=Here's your letter, Mark.
					188=Are you sure it's for me?
					190=But from who...?
	192=You need to read the letter and see for yourself.
					193=I'm going to save this for a little later.
					194=Thank you.
	195=My pleasure, good Sir.
		196_1=It's happening!
		197=Look at the portal!
	198=Jennifer, the time has come!
	199=Are you ready for the big moment you've been waiting for?
200=I'm ready.

212=Is it really you?
213=I've missed you so much.

bj1=How are you holding up?
	bj2=I feel better now.
	bj3=The storm inside my head has calmed down.
bj4=That's great news.
	bj5=We may not feel much at all, and then all of our emotions come rushing in like a storm.
	bj6=It could be difficult to comprehend this feeling.
bj7=I can only imagine.

xgf1=Hold on a second!
xgf2=That's not how it went.
xgf3=I don't think I explained it correctly the first time.

xgf4=All of these items are simply useless to me.

x35=Huh, there's a letter in the drawer.

x36=Despite my efforts, I couldn't resist the urge to keep writing. 
x37=There's someone who has been trying to help me.
x38=Maybe I should consider her advice.
x39=But I can't find an exit from the darkness.
x40=I can't vanish.
x41=I feel lost about what to do next.

x42=Poor soul.

x51=Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
x52=What now?

x55=The door is obstructed by a heavy wooden beam.

x57=I am amazed that the camera is functioning properly!

x60=Poor thing...
x61=At least he didn't run away from me like he did before.

x65=Well, that was a very specific item to be found!
x66=Maybe I'm just lucky.

x70=Hey, I know this jar!
x71=It really was to keep the rats away, huh?
x73=Eww, It still reeks!

x80=Hmm, I'm not sure what I should do.
x81=Perhaps I should look around for some clues.

x90=Yeah, the camera lens is damaged and needs to be replaced. 
x91=Until then, the camera will not be functional.
	0=Ruff ruff!
2=Yeah, give me a second, Minni.
4=What the hell was that?
	6=Woof woof!
7=Who's a good girl?
	8=Ruff ruff!
9=Yes, you are!
11=You're thirsty, huh?
	12=Ruff ruff!
13=Let's get you some water.

20=Here you go, girl.

21=You were so thirsty.
22=I'm so sorry I neglected you.
23=Can you forgive me?
	24=Ruff ruff!
25=I love you, you little fur ball!
	26=Ruff ruff!
28=You know, I had a crazy dream.
29=It felt incredibly real.
31=Somehow I'm both relieved and disappointed to have woken up.
32=I met such peculiar characters with distinct personalities.
33=Could my mind have made up all that?
36=And then, in the end, I met my father.
	37=Woof woof!
38=That's right.
39=I know you loved him too.
41=But it was only a dream, wasn't it?
43=Well, it's still early.
44=We should head back to bed.
45=Come on, girl.

	50=Woof woof!
51=Keep it quiet, Minni!
52=I wouldn't want to wake our neighbors.
53=It's time to sleep now.
54=Come on.
	55=Raff raff!
58=What now?

c1=All my father's stuff is packed and ready to go.
c2=I need to rent storage for all this stuff.

c5=It's all the stuff my father left behind.
c6=I've already gone through them, Minni.
c7=I'll take them to storage soon.
c8=Can we please go to sleep now?
	c9=Woof woof!
c11=You don't give up, do you?
c13=Maybe there's a bone or something.
c15=I will search through only one box.
c16=Do we have a deal?
	c17=Ruff ruff!
c18=Then it's settled.
c19=Let's see what you're so keen about.

c21=Is that it, girl?
c24=Okay, then.
c25=What else do we have here?

c27=A scent of bacon, perhaps?
c29=Huh, I thought that was it.
c30=One last item.
c31=I'm too tired for this.

c33=Do you want to listen to some music?
	c34=Ruff ruff!
c35=I was kidding, you silly little hairball.
	c36=Woof woof!
c37=Huh, you really are excited about this cassette player?
	c38=Woof woof!
c40=I need to find a place to plug the cassette player into the outlet.

c50=I really don't want to.

t1=There's nothing watchable on TV at this hour.

d1=I don't need anything from the drawer.

d2=I can put the cassette player here.

d3=There's an outlet behind the drawer.
d4=Yeah, this will do.

o1=Do you need to go, Minni?

k1=There's still no water coming from the kitchen tap.
k2=I should call a plumber.
k3=If only I weren't so fucking lazy.
	k4=Wuff wuff!
k5=I know I shouldn't be cursing.
k6=I'm sorry, Minni.

k7=I wish it were that easy.
k8=I need to walk all the way to the bathroom to get some water.

b1=Yeah, there's no water.
b2=I'm sorry, girl.
b3=My mind has been wandering a lot lately.
	b4=Woof woof!
b5=Alright, then.
b6=Let's get you some water.

b7=There are two kinds of people.
b8=One takes the water bowl to fill it up, and one brings water to the bowl.
b9=I'm the latter.

b15=She drank it all!
b16=Someone's gonna pee later.

j1=A mighty water vessel, I call upon thee.

	j2=Woof woof!
j3=Too much?

h1=I've had my blue hair for long enough.
h2=I'll dye my hair red tomorrow.
h4=Sort of a fresh start.

u1=My hands are perfectly clean.

u2=Alright, then.

u5=At least I can get some water from here.

l1=I should switch off all the lights first.

l1_1=I think I left the bathroom light on.
l1_2=I should switch it off.

r1=Well, there it is.
	r2=Ruff ruff!
r4=You're acting strange, Minni.
	r5=Woof woof!
r6=Yeah, okay.

70=Huh, it sounds like I need to rewind the cassette.

71=Instead of fast-forwarding, I should rewind the cassette.

72=I'm not sure what I thought would happen.

73=Okay, it's rewinding.
	74=Ruff ruff!
75=It's going to take a moment.

76=Alright then.

77=I've already rewound the cassette.

78=I don't want to fast-forward the cassette I've just rewound.

81=It's my father playing his keyboards.
	82=Woof woof! 
84=Huh, the melody sounds familiar.
84_1=Did I hear it in my dream...?
84_2=How strange...
	85=Ruff ruff!
87=I know, Minni.
88=I miss him too.

90=Is this on...?
92=Hey, Jennifer.
94=I wanted to call you, but it's late.
95=I didn't want to wake you up.
96=I, uh...
97=I was overwhelmed by this strange feeling.
99=It's probably nothing to worry about.
100=But I still thought it best to leave you a message in case something happens.
101=And if not, I'll just call you tomorrow.
103=It's been a while since we last talked.
104=I hope you're well.
106=I deeply regret not calling you more often.
107=Life always gets in the way.
108=I'm sorry.
110=For what it's worth, I do think about you every day.
111=I hope that you are doing well.
112=I hope you're happy.
113=You deserve it.
115=I want you to know that I am incredibly proud of you.
116=I have always been and always will be proud of you.
118=I hope I have expressed this to you before.
120=You're intelligent and talented, as well as kind and compassionate.
121=You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind to.
122=It's never too late to pursue your dreams.
123=Please remember this always.
125=I'm sorry.
126=It's like I'm reading a monologue.
127=It's just all these things I wanted to tell you.
128=But for some reason, the timing never felt right.
133=In the end, I'm leaving this message for one single purpose.
135=I wanted to tell you how much I love you.
136=I love you, and I'm proud of you, Jennifer.
137=A father couldn't hope for a better daughter.
143=I can't... breathe.
145=My... chest...

x1=Oh no, I forgot to start the washing machine.
x2=It'll have to wait until the morning.

x3=I feel completely clean after taking a bath in my dream.
x4=That's weird.
001=I had the most vivid dream.
002=Dream like no other.
	003=Would you describe this dream to me?
004=I'm lying in an unfamiliar bed, staring at the ceiling.
005=I don't recognize the place.
006=I can feel my body as if I were awake.
007=I can see my fingers casting shadows.
008=I can smell the damp and moldy air.
009=I guess what I'm trying to say is that...
009_1=... I could see and feel all the little details a dream should blur.
	010=As if you weren't a mere spectator of your dream?
011=Yeah, something like that.
	013=I'm sorry, please go on.
014=It is such an uncanny feeling.
015=I, uh, don't know how to describe it.
016=That dream...
	017=You are in a safe place.
	018=Take a deep breath.
	019=Would it help if you closed your eyes?
	020=Try to focus and tell me more about this dream of yours.
021=Yeah, okay.

023=I got up from the maggot-eaten bed.

	a2=Are you alright?
a3=Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts for a second there.
a4=My memory is a bit... hazy about that particular part.
a5=I could swear I got to the elevator.

	100=That is quite a dream.
	101=How does it make you feel?
102=Well, it's hard to believe it was only a dream.
103=I can't emphasize enough how real it felt.
	104=Is there something in particular that makes you feel that way?
106=Think about being awake and conscious but knowing it's only a dream.
107=It's scary and strange.
	108=Yes, it does sound curious.
	109=Dreams can be lively, but what you're describing sounds something more.
110=Oh, it's only getting weirder from here.
111=I uh...
112=I'm not even sure it was a dream.
113=Maybe I'm losing my mind.
	114=I can tell this is difficult for you.
	115=Remember, you're in a safe place.
	116=I suggest we continue with your experience.
	117=But only if you feel comfortable doing so.
118=Yeah, okay.
120=Where was I...?
	121=You told me you stepped into the elevator.
122=Ah, yes, that's right.

	200=You mentioned that you've been interacting with ghosts.
	201=What do you believe this signifies?
202=I must sound like a broken record, but the dream felt inseparable from real life.
203=Regarding the ghosts, I got an explanation for why I was there.
	204=Yes, that's curious.
	205=To find yourself between the world of the dead and the living.
	206=That must've been scary.
	207=Do you often feel that way?
208=I, uh...
209=Sometimes, I suppose?
	210=Yes, I see.
	210_1=Let's change the subject.
	211=You told me you lost your father recently.
	212=My condolences.
	213=Would you tell me what happened?
214=Thank you.
216=My dad got a heart attack.
218=He was alone.
220=I'm sorry.
	221=Telling this must be painful for you.
	222=I'm very sorry for your loss.
224=I wasn't there for him.
225=He died alone.
226=I should've been there.
227=I should've known.
	228=It must feel terrible.
	229=Yet it would be best if you didn't blame yourself.
	231=It's not unusual to dwell in such thoughts.
	232=Try being easier on yourself.
233=Yeah, I know.
234=I only wish I had told him I loved him when I had the chance.
	235=Yes, that is very understandable.
	235_1=And now, in your dream, you could get that chance.
	237=Let's change the subject.
	238=Would you be willing to participate in a bit of research?
239=Huh, like what?
	240=To put it simply, I'm researching fear.
	241=It's something I hold a great interest in.
	242=It sounds like your narrative has signs of terror in it.
	243=Participating in this study could benefit your recovery.
244=Yeah, okay.
245=How do we do it?
	246=I will read a statement out loud, and you tell me whether you agree or disagree on a scale of one to five.
	248=Base your answers on the story you've told me so far.
	250=I need to warn you the questions might sound a bit off.
	252=I can guarantee you they're carefully selected.
	252_1=I ask you to close your eyes and focus.
253=Alright then, shoot me.

q1=I had never been more afraid in my life.

q2=I was more afraid of what I couldn't see.

q3=The outlandish setting felt frightening.

q4=The structure of the dream felt compelling.

q5=I felt strange sadness.

q6=I wanted the dream to end.

s1=Strongly Disagree
s5=Strongly Agree

300=That's crazy, right?
	301=That sounded like something that could happen in a dream.
302=If only it felt like a dream.
303=But you don't feel such cold in your sleep.
	304=Yes, I can understand your confusion.
305=And there's more.
306=Earlier, I saw a giant face coming from the blackness.
307=And the same face was forming in blood coming from the well.
309=The face belongs to my father.
310=I'll never forget that empty stare in his eyes.
	312=I'm sorry to hear what you've been going through.
	313=That must've been tough.
	315=Do you have any strength left to continue our session?
317=I want to see this through.
318=The dream didn't end there.
	319=I'd like to hear what happened next.
	320=A dream can rarely hold such a structure.
	321=I must admit your dream fascinates me.
323=Yeah, you're not alone there, doc.
324=I, uh...
325=Sorry, this part is a bit hazy.
	326=Take your time.
	327=Remember, you're safe.
329=I jumped into a well.
330=I don't remember doing it.
331=It's almost as if I saw myself doing it instead of doing it.
332=Does that make sense?
	333=I believe so.
	334=Usually, we're spectators of our dreams.
	335=It is rare for us to be in control.
	336=So yes, I understand what you mean.
	337=Please, go on.
338=I jumped into a well but ended up in sewers.

	400=It must have felt liberating to get out of the sewers.
401=Yeah, seeing the sunlight shining from above.
402=And I could smell the scent of flowers, grass, and trees.
403=I didn't know what to expect, but it sure felt encouraging.
	404=Yes, I can imagine.
406=I'm just so damn confused.
407=A scientist talking about different forms of energy?
408=See, I've zero knowledge about any of that.
409=So how could my mind make up all that?
	410=That is curious, indeed.
411=And that spider-like creature and the mask it wore!
412=What the hell...?
	413=Unfortunately, I don't know what to tell you.
	414=You seem well aware of how the human mind works.
 	415=It yields such power over us.
	417=Or maybe your experience was something more.
	418=In the end, we don't know much about the universe.
420=Yeah, well said.
421=I am inclined to believe that there is an explanation beyond logic.
422=Maybe I will make a fool out of myself.
423=At this point, I don't care.
	424=It's better to be open-minded.
	427=You look eager to continue unless I'm mistaken.
428=You read me right.

430=I climbed up the ladders.

	500=That's quite something.
	501=So you finally found the portal object.
	502=It turned out to be the urn.
	503=How did this make you feel?
505=I suppose it made sense in a way.
506=I, uh...
507=I'm not sure what I felt.
508=It was something of a mixture of intense longing but also hopefulness.
509=Maybe, just maybe, I could meet my father for one last time.
511=I felt I was close.
	512=Your dream is coming to an end by the sound of it.
515=I'm still shaking.
516=Did it really happen?
517=I keep asking this same question over and over again.
519=I'm sorry.
520=I got ahead of myself.
	521=That is understandable.
522=Let me take a deep breath.

524=This is what happened at the dream's end.

	600=What a fascinating story.
	601=I'm beyond intrigued.
	602=Tell me, do you think you really met your late father?
604=My mind says no.
606=My heart says yes.
608=I know it's such a cliche.
609=I've lost contact with reality, haven't I?
610=I feel like I'm watching the world through this thin veil.
611=And all the time, there's this feeling something's off.
612=Something is wrong and constantly unplaced.
613=But I can't point it out.
614=And it eats me like a rat.
	615=I'm afraid I don't have the answer to your question.
	616=For what is real, anyway?
	617=Is it only this very moment?
	618=Let's take an example, shall we?
	619=You must've noticed that you're still wearing the suit.
	622=It's the same suit from your dream.
	623=Does it make this moment unreal?
	624=Does it mean I'm not real?
	625=And in the end, does it even matter?
	627=Tell me, did you feel joy reuniting with your beloved father?
629=I certainly did.
	630=Well, there you see.
	631=You felt joy.
	632=You always... feel, emotions.
	633=Otherwise, they wouldn't be emotions at all.
	634=So let me ask you again, does it matter if any of this isn't real?
636=Yes, I think it does.
637=I need to know it was my father.
638=Otherwise, he wouldn't share the joy of reuniting, wouldn't he?
	639=I see what you mean.
	640=I suppose there's no way to know for sure.
	642=It seems our time is up.
	643=Thank you, for I've greatly enjoyed your story and our time together.
	644=It's time for me to move on and for you to wake up.
	645=Such are the rules.
1=Hi there!

2=Thank you very much for playing Afterdream. I hope you enjoyed your visit to the lucid dream. Creating this game took a lot of effort, but I enjoyed the process.

3=Getting noticed in the crowded gaming industry is challenging, so I would be grateful if you could leave a review on the storefront where you downloaded the game. Thank you!

4=I want to express my gratitude to my wife and children for their unwavering support. Thank you so much!

5=I also want to extend my thanks to the individuals and media outlets who showed tremendous support on social media. Your compassionate words helped me stay motivated and inspired. Thank you!

6=I would like to give a big shoutout to the local game developer community. It's always a delight to converse and share a drink with you all! Thank you for everything!

7=I want to express my gratitude to Gamera Games for releasing Afterdream for PC. Thank you so much, guys!
7_1=I want to express my gratitude to Feardemic Games for releasing Afterdream for consoles. Thank you so much, guys!

8=Thank you for playing,



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@Tericonio, второй способ самый красивый получается. Останется найти текст названия языка и поменять на “Русский”.

https://pixeldrain.com/u/9M1EocK5 — распаковать к игре, драгндропнуть exe игры на батник (резервная копия exe тоже создается. если что). Перевод через deepl без корректировки.

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14 часов назад, Arklight сказал:

@Tericonio, второй способ самый красивый получается. Останется найти текст названия языка и поменять на “Русский”.

Этот текст — текстура, где она увы не известно, и формат может быть любой.

Изменено пользователем Tericonio

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@Tericonio, вчера тоже перерыл все языки, не нашел.

Сделал дамп текстур, и там ничего. Все же где-то в коде и после компиляции/сжатия все в кашу превратилось.





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Никто не брался полноценно переводить ручками, без машины? Если нет, то могу исполнить, как погляжу, английский скрипт имеется ужо. Так же могу подфотошопить текстуры нужные, ежели кто-то мне их даст.

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@katz_eis Насколько я знаю, тимриг взялись переводить. Возможно, скоро и анонс сделают.

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21 минуту назад, Chaves Dudevich сказал:

скоро и анонс сделают

Хосподя, там по самому пироводу работы дня на три-четыре, анонсы целые, как всё серьёзно.

Я у них, где мог, посмотрел, нигде ни слова вроде нет. Всё-таки поковыряю, пожалуй, хотя бы текст.

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@Arklight CTFPV вот эта вещица говорит, что языки — это текстовые объекты, правда, как к ним подобраться — загадка.
Она мне выдала Pointer ("afterdream.exe"+A35D0, 0x8D0, 0xB8), но я пока не догоняю, чего с ним делать.

А Textmod что-то похожее на искомое даже не захватывает.

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17 часов назад, katz_eis сказал:

Никто не брался полноценно переводить ручками, без машины?

Видимо пока нет :ohmy:

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1 час назад, bertop сказал:

Видимо пока нет

Ну вот я и взялся. Половину уже сбацал.

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@Chaves Dudevich, через SourceExplorer нашел эти значения. Теперь как-то в raw перевести нужно. Думаю, magic key необходимо использовать, но инфы по этому поводу не нашел.




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Так, пиоровод начерно сделан, но он очень нуждается в прочитании непосредственно в самой игруле. Прост в паре мест вообще непонятно, что и к чему относится.

Чем я собственно и хочу немедля заняться. Тот способ с батником из архивчика на пиксельдрэйне выше, он рабочий? Ничего не сломается?

Ну и готов текстурки пофотошопить, ежели кто их мне даст. Хотя, насколько я помню, там только дзынь-дзынь на зеркале и все.

  • Лайк (+1) 1

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