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Shining Resonance Refrain (シャイニング・レゾナンス リフレイン Shainingu Rezonansu Rifurein)


Shining Resonance Refrain

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Давным-давно разбирал ресурсы игры для PS3. Сделал текстовый редактор, со шрифтами тоже, кажись, особых проблем не было. Но так как игра была на jap, то переводить её, разумеется, никто не собирался (да и за eng никто бы всё равно не взялся). Посмотрю, как обстоят дела с ПК-версией. Если отличий минимум, можно и порт сделать.

Изменено пользователем AdventCorpse

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19 минут назад, AdventCorpse сказал:

Давным-давно разбирал ресурсы игры для PS3. Сделал текстовый редактор, со шрифтами тоже особых проблем не было. Но так как игры была на jap, то переводить её, разумеется, никто не собирался (да и за eng никто бы всё равно не взялся). Посмотрю, как обстоят дела с ПК-версией. Если отличий минимум, можно и порт сделать.

Сможешь сделать достать текст и запаковать его?

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Может вы закончите перевод Okami и Final Fantasy 12 и уже потом будите браться за другие проекты

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В общем, посмотрел файлы. Различия есть, но проблем не должно возникнуть.
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Там ещё непонятные текстуры есть, где текст из шрифта генерируется, наверное. 


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3 минуты назад, AdventCorpse сказал:

В общем, посмотрел файлы. Различия есть, но проблем не должно возникнуть.
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Сможешь убрать эти системные скрипты, типа  <END> и Line, вообщем оставить только текст?

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3 минуты назад, mercury32244 сказал:

Сможешь убрать эти системные скрипты, типа  <END> и Line, вообщем оставить только текст?

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So where is this so-called ruin? Please take me there quickly!
Now, there's no need to hurry.
We need to do something about the swarm of monsters blocking that road first.
It'd be a pain to go around them. Shall we take care of them in an instant?
That sounds like a good idea. All right everyone, let's go!
Do be quick about it. I must hurry to the ruins.
...Seems you have no intention of joining us in the fight, Miss Kilmaria.
Me? Don't be ridiculous!
You expect me to fight alongside those related to demons? Out of the question!
That would be in violation of justice!
Sheesh. You could stand to be a bit less stubborn.
There's nothing we can do, sister. Let's take them down quickly so we can move on!
We finally reached the forest. Where can we find the tower with the griffon?
Should we check the map? Let's see...
Here's where we are right now... Well, we should be able to see it after one more day of walking.
Erk... We still have a long way to go...
Are you tired, Master Yuma?
...No, it's just a lot farther than I imagined.
Shape up! If you're already tired, you'll never be able to get out of this forest!
Good point... I sense something ominous coming from the forest.
This forest has likely become a nest for demons. A confrontation is probably unavoidable.
I see. So this is where the real fight begins.
Once we get out of the forest, we'll end up fighting the griffon that took the dragon soul.
We may be fighting on the same side, but you won't get any special treatment, even if you can transform into the Shining Dragon.
Look out for yourselves. If you can't manage that, you can just wait here.
...Yeah, you're right. This isn't the time to be whining.
Thanks for the pep talk, Sonia. I feel more motivated now.
Th-That wasn't my intention...
Ha ha ha! I like the look in your eyes, Yuma! Looks like you're raring to go now.
It seems everyone has had a chance to catch their breath. Shall we be off then?
Yeah, you're right. Let's go!
Whoa... what's up with this forest? I've never seen mushrooms this huge before.
It is rather unsettling. Could this also be the influence of the Dark Dragon soul?
The trees are restless... It seems we are not welcome here...
Sounds like we should proceed with caution. Stay sharp, everyone.
Looks like we can take a nice rest here. Let's call it a day and set up camp.
Good work today, Yuma. Make sure to go to sleep before you get chilled by the night wind.
Is something the matter?
We start early tomorrow. You should get some sleep.
What? You're making me uncomfortable staring like that.
You go on ahead and sleep. I still got a little something to take care of.
Wide awake huh? All right, I'll hang with you for a bit.
Did you need me for something, Master Yuma?
Not exactly...
I just kind of felt like talking.
Talking? With me?
Yeah. Do you mind?
No, not at all!
Of course, I would be happy to converse with you.
? Is something the matter?
The way you talk still bothers me.
I feel so distant from you because you're so humble.
It wouldn't hurt to speak more normally.
But I am a priestess who serves the Shining Dragon.
But you weren't always like that, right?
Back then... That was because I was a clueless child.
My behavior at that time was terribly disrespectful. Please forgive me.
Um, if I had to choose, I'd say I feel more uncomfortable now than I did back then.
I mean, I know you're devoted to the Shining Dragon inside of me and all.
But you're talking to ME right now. Yuma. Not the Shining Dragon.
I'd like you to just act normally when we're talking... Do you think you can do that?
Master Yuma...
Just Yuma. You don't have to call me "Master." Just call me like you did in the past.
Yu... Master Yuma... I'm sorry, I... I just can't do it...
Oh... sorry. I didn't mean to force you.
...Forgive me.
You don't have to apologize. I'm just glad I was able to tell you how I feel.
Of course... I shall keep your feelings in my heart, Master Yuma.
Now then... I'd better get some sleep.
Good night, Kirika.
Yes. Good night, Master Yuma.
If you stay up too late, you're gonna feel it tomorrow.
But you're still up too, aren't you Sonia?
I want to sort my baggage out.
It would be bad if I can't pull out a tool right away when I need it.
I see. Then, I'll help too.
I'm fine. It's easy enough, so I can take care of this by myself.
What's wrong?
I was just thinking about how serious you are, Sonia.
What's this all about... It's normal to do this much. I'm just sorting my baggage.
I don't mean just the baggage.
You never show weakness, and you act while being mindful of your surroundings and the faraway future.
I don't know how to put this... but I'm just worried you're overdoing it trying to take on everything by yourself.
...I-I don't need you to worry about me.
I'm fine. I know myself better than anyone else does.
All right then...
Besides, you should be worrying about yourself more than others.
Unreliable, no common sense, always whining! You need to be stronger!
...Sorry. You're absolutely right.
And if I had to pick, I'd say you're the one who's too serious, Yuma.
You're always thinking about something by yourself, and you're always making that brooding expression.
I am?
You didn't notice?
You always just slip away when everyone else is talking together.
Whenever I wonder where you've gone, I always find you a few steps away, with this troubled look on your face.
...Now that you mention it, I think I did do something like that.
You must watch me a lot.
Huh? I-I don't really...
Thanks. I'm happy to know you're worried about me.
I-I-I told you, it's not like that! I was just giving you a warning because I don't want you to do something stupid!
O-Oh. Sorry. You don't need to get so mad.
Ah! ...I wasn't mad...
W-Well, it doesn't matter. Anyways, I don't need you to worry about me. I'll find a good place to sleep.
You should go to bed too. You're really gonna feel it tomorrow.
All right, I'll do that. Well then... good night, Sonia.
Yeah. Good night.
Agnum, what are you doing there?
This? I was just gonna head to sleep after finishing this letter.
Letter? Oh, are you sending that to your sister?
Yeah. I was gonna tell her about all the stuff that happened on this journey.
You gotta write all this stuff down while it's still clear in your memory.
You're unexpectedly devoted, Agnum. Your maps are so detailed too.
Hey. What do you mean "unexpected"?
Well, it's true that if it weren't my big sis, I probably wouldn't care about sending letters for very long.
You look like you're having so much fun when you read letters from her.
Well, it's about a world I know nothing about. Of course it's interesting to me.
A world beyond the ocean, huh... I can't even imagine it. What kind of place is it?
Oh? Curious about the outside world now, are we?
Yeah, a little.
In that case, how about we save up some money and buy a boat?
We can all set out on a voyage to discover a new continent. That sounds like fun!
Wow, Agnum. You're actually serious about this, aren't you?
I guess. But before that, I have to finish mapping out this continent first.
Who knows what unseen lands and sights still await me out there!
You really look like you're enjoying yourself, Agnum, talking about the outside world.
Hell yeah it's fun! ...Wait, you sound like you don't feel the same way.
Uh, I didn't mean to sound like that...
I was just thinking that it's nice to have dreams.
What're you talking about? You got one or two dreams of your own, don't you?
Do I...? I feel like I've always had my hands full with the present, and whatever's happening around me.
Actually, I don't think I've ever really thought about it before.
Whoa, that's just sad. Then again, you might be something of a special case.
Well, I'm sure you'll naturally get one eventually. That's what dreams are.
You think so...? Yeah. Now that you said it, I'm starting to agree with you.
See? You can think about it once you've got one. I'll even help you.
Thanks, I'll be sure to tell you when I've got my own dream.
...I'd better get some sleep. And I don't want to bother you anymore while you're writing your letter.
Yeah, do it, get that shut-eye. Let's do our best tomorrow.
Yeah. Good night, Agnum.
Good morning, everyone.
Good morning. I'm all ready on my end. We can head out anytime.
I am ready as well. I replenished all of my magic after resting overnight.
I would expect to start seeing the tower soon after walking this far.
The griffon has probably made its nest on the highest floor of the tower... Let's get up there in one shot.
Our opponent is a monster that's carrying a dragon soul. Don't let your guard down!
Let's go, Master Yuma.
Yeah... Let's move!
So this is the top floor...
It's unusually quiet. Where's the griffon?
Not here. Maybe it went out somewhere...
No... Wait. I can feel it... A monster has its sights set on us...!
What the...! Where's that coming from!?
Master Yuma, above!
So this is the griffon...! Heh, this should be fun!
Here it comes! Get ready!
*pant* *pant* ...Did we... get it?
Yeah, we won! Nice work!
Master Yuma, are you hurt?
I'm fine. Thanks, Kirika.
Hey. Celebrating is great and all, but aren't we forgetting something important?
Oh... right, we need to retrieve the dragon soul.
There. This is it.
So this is the Dark Dragon's... I can sense a bottomless energy...
I can see why a monster would power up by carrying this thing around.
So these dangerous things are scattered all over the world?
And if this tiny little shard was that powerful, just imagine a monster with an even bigger piece...
Just thinking about it makes me feel faint...
Even so, we still have our mission.
We can't let the Empire get their hands on any more dragon souls.
Yeah... That's just another reason I need to get stronger.
I will also assist you, Master Yuma.
Well, we've accomplished our mission here, so guess we'll head back to Astoria. Man, I'm beat...
Hey, shape up! No relaxing until we get back to the castle!
Haha... Sonia sure is energetic.


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5 минут назад, makc_ar сказал:

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  Plain (Скрыть содержимое)

So where is this so-called ruin? Please take me there quickly!
Now, there's no need to hurry.
We need to do something about the swarm of monsters blocking that road first.
It'd be a pain to go around them. Shall we take care of them in an instant?
That sounds like a good idea. All right everyone, let's go!
Do be quick about it. I must hurry to the ruins.
...Seems you have no intention of joining us in the fight, Miss Kilmaria.
Me? Don't be ridiculous!
You expect me to fight alongside those related to demons? Out of the question!
That would be in violation of justice!
Sheesh. You could stand to be a bit less stubborn.
There's nothing we can do, sister. Let's take them down quickly so we can move on!
We finally reached the forest. Where can we find the tower with the griffon?
Should we check the map? Let's see...
Here's where we are right now... Well, we should be able to see it after one more day of walking.
Erk... We still have a long way to go...
Are you tired, Master Yuma?
...No, it's just a lot farther than I imagined.
Shape up! If you're already tired, you'll never be able to get out of this forest!
Good point... I sense something ominous coming from the forest.
This forest has likely become a nest for demons. A confrontation is probably unavoidable.
I see. So this is where the real fight begins.
Once we get out of the forest, we'll end up fighting the griffon that took the dragon soul.
We may be fighting on the same side, but you won't get any special treatment, even if you can transform into the Shining Dragon.
Look out for yourselves. If you can't manage that, you can just wait here.
...Yeah, you're right. This isn't the time to be whining.
Thanks for the pep talk, Sonia. I feel more motivated now.
Th-That wasn't my intention...
Ha ha ha! I like the look in your eyes, Yuma! Looks like you're raring to go now.
It seems everyone has had a chance to catch their breath. Shall we be off then?
Yeah, you're right. Let's go!
Whoa... what's up with this forest? I've never seen mushrooms this huge before.
It is rather unsettling. Could this also be the influence of the Dark Dragon soul?
The trees are restless... It seems we are not welcome here...
Sounds like we should proceed with caution. Stay sharp, everyone.
Looks like we can take a nice rest here. Let's call it a day and set up camp.
Good work today, Yuma. Make sure to go to sleep before you get chilled by the night wind.
Is something the matter?
We start early tomorrow. You should get some sleep.
What? You're making me uncomfortable staring like that.
You go on ahead and sleep. I still got a little something to take care of.
Wide awake huh? All right, I'll hang with you for a bit.
Did you need me for something, Master Yuma?
Not exactly...
I just kind of felt like talking.
Talking? With me?
Yeah. Do you mind?
No, not at all!
Of course, I would be happy to converse with you.
? Is something the matter?
The way you talk still bothers me.
I feel so distant from you because you're so humble.
It wouldn't hurt to speak more normally.
But I am a priestess who serves the Shining Dragon.
But you weren't always like that, right?
Back then... That was because I was a clueless child.
My behavior at that time was terribly disrespectful. Please forgive me.
Um, if I had to choose, I'd say I feel more uncomfortable now than I did back then.
I mean, I know you're devoted to the Shining Dragon inside of me and all.
But you're talking to ME right now. Yuma. Not the Shining Dragon.
I'd like you to just act normally when we're talking... Do you think you can do that?
Master Yuma...
Just Yuma. You don't have to call me "Master." Just call me like you did in the past.
Yu... Master Yuma... I'm sorry, I... I just can't do it...
Oh... sorry. I didn't mean to force you.
...Forgive me.
You don't have to apologize. I'm just glad I was able to tell you how I feel.
Of course... I shall keep your feelings in my heart, Master Yuma.
Now then... I'd better get some sleep.
Good night, Kirika.
Yes. Good night, Master Yuma.
If you stay up too late, you're gonna feel it tomorrow.
But you're still up too, aren't you Sonia?
I want to sort my baggage out.
It would be bad if I can't pull out a tool right away when I need it.
I see. Then, I'll help too.
I'm fine. It's easy enough, so I can take care of this by myself.
What's wrong?
I was just thinking about how serious you are, Sonia.
What's this all about... It's normal to do this much. I'm just sorting my baggage.
I don't mean just the baggage.
You never show weakness, and you act while being mindful of your surroundings and the faraway future.
I don't know how to put this... but I'm just worried you're overdoing it trying to take on everything by yourself.
...I-I don't need you to worry about me.
I'm fine. I know myself better than anyone else does.
All right then...
Besides, you should be worrying about yourself more than others.
Unreliable, no common sense, always whining! You need to be stronger!
...Sorry. You're absolutely right.
And if I had to pick, I'd say you're the one who's too serious, Yuma.
You're always thinking about something by yourself, and you're always making that brooding expression.
I am?
You didn't notice?
You always just slip away when everyone else is talking together.
Whenever I wonder where you've gone, I always find you a few steps away, with this troubled look on your face.
...Now that you mention it, I think I did do something like that.
You must watch me a lot.
Huh? I-I don't really...
Thanks. I'm happy to know you're worried about me.
I-I-I told you, it's not like that! I was just giving you a warning because I don't want you to do something stupid!
O-Oh. Sorry. You don't need to get so mad.
Ah! ...I wasn't mad...
W-Well, it doesn't matter. Anyways, I don't need you to worry about me. I'll find a good place to sleep.
You should go to bed too. You're really gonna feel it tomorrow.
All right, I'll do that. Well then... good night, Sonia.
Yeah. Good night.
Agnum, what are you doing there?
This? I was just gonna head to sleep after finishing this letter.
Letter? Oh, are you sending that to your sister?
Yeah. I was gonna tell her about all the stuff that happened on this journey.
You gotta write all this stuff down while it's still clear in your memory.
You're unexpectedly devoted, Agnum. Your maps are so detailed too.
Hey. What do you mean "unexpected"?
Well, it's true that if it weren't my big sis, I probably wouldn't care about sending letters for very long.
You look like you're having so much fun when you read letters from her.
Well, it's about a world I know nothing about. Of course it's interesting to me.
A world beyond the ocean, huh... I can't even imagine it. What kind of place is it?
Oh? Curious about the outside world now, are we?
Yeah, a little.
In that case, how about we save up some money and buy a boat?
We can all set out on a voyage to discover a new continent. That sounds like fun!
Wow, Agnum. You're actually serious about this, aren't you?
I guess. But before that, I have to finish mapping out this continent first.
Who knows what unseen lands and sights still await me out there!
You really look like you're enjoying yourself, Agnum, talking about the outside world.
Hell yeah it's fun! ...Wait, you sound like you don't feel the same way.
Uh, I didn't mean to sound like that...
I was just thinking that it's nice to have dreams.
What're you talking about? You got one or two dreams of your own, don't you?
Do I...? I feel like I've always had my hands full with the present, and whatever's happening around me.
Actually, I don't think I've ever really thought about it before.
Whoa, that's just sad. Then again, you might be something of a special case.
Well, I'm sure you'll naturally get one eventually. That's what dreams are.
You think so...? Yeah. Now that you said it, I'm starting to agree with you.
See? You can think about it once you've got one. I'll even help you.
Thanks, I'll be sure to tell you when I've got my own dream.
...I'd better get some sleep. And I don't want to bother you anymore while you're writing your letter.
Yeah, do it, get that shut-eye. Let's do our best tomorrow.
Yeah. Good night, Agnum.
Good morning, everyone.
Good morning. I'm all ready on my end. We can head out anytime.
I am ready as well. I replenished all of my magic after resting overnight.
I would expect to start seeing the tower soon after walking this far.
The griffon has probably made its nest on the highest floor of the tower... Let's get up there in one shot.
Our opponent is a monster that's carrying a dragon soul. Don't let your guard down!
Let's go, Master Yuma.
Yeah... Let's move!
So this is the top floor...
It's unusually quiet. Where's the griffon?
Not here. Maybe it went out somewhere...
No... Wait. I can feel it... A monster has its sights set on us...!
What the...! Where's that coming from!?
Master Yuma, above!
So this is the griffon...! Heh, this should be fun!
Here it comes! Get ready!
*pant* *pant* ...Did we... get it?
Yeah, we won! Nice work!
Master Yuma, are you hurt?
I'm fine. Thanks, Kirika.
Hey. Celebrating is great and all, but aren't we forgetting something important?
Oh... right, we need to retrieve the dragon soul.
There. This is it.
So this is the Dark Dragon's... I can sense a bottomless energy...
I can see why a monster would power up by carrying this thing around.
So these dangerous things are scattered all over the world?
And if this tiny little shard was that powerful, just imagine a monster with an even bigger piece...
Just thinking about it makes me feel faint...
Even so, we still have our mission.
We can't let the Empire get their hands on any more dragon souls.
Yeah... That's just another reason I need to get stronger.
I will also assist you, Master Yuma.
Well, we've accomplished our mission here, so guess we'll head back to Astoria. Man, I'm beat...
Hey, shape up! No relaxing until we get back to the castle!
Haha... Sonia sure is energetic.


О, это отлично. Красота!

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Яп. бы ещё дёрнуть, чтобы после перевода импортировать на консоли. где нет английского.  Могу залить сразу два перевода в один блок на ноте, а потом совместить строки с консольным https://www87.zippyshare.com/v/L7PAckmz/file.html, если строки совпадут, то можно  будет текст импортировать сразу.

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1 час назад, mercury32244 сказал:

Вы — это кто? Оками в данный момент перевожу один, я кому-то обязан или мне платят за работу? По-моему ни то, ни другое. Мне не платят и никому я ничем не обязан…


Но как я и говорил раньше, английский текст доступен всем, и мне не жалко. Можешь взять и быстренько перевести.

А за эту игру вам платить будут? Если так — то переводите эту) 

И еще — доступ к переводу Okami на ноте закрыт

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8 минут назад, FreakinBob сказал:

А за эту игру вам платить будут? Если так — то переводите эту) 

И еще — доступ к переводу Okami на ноте закрыт

Уже решили ведь. Переводить будешь ты. И официальная ответственность на тебе. Куда скинуть текст тебе?

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      Жанр: Психологический эксперимент, хоррор Платформы: PC Разработчик: Randumb Studios Издатель: Randumb Studios Дата выхода: 17 сентября 2020 Движок: RPG Maker Серия включает в себя:
      The Test (24.02.2020; 18883 обзоров, 96% из которых положительные) The Test: Hypothesis Rising (27.04.2020; 5668 обзоров, 97% из которых положительные) The Test: Final Revelation (12.10.2020; 5164 обзора, 98% из которых положительные) The Testing Chamber (28.03.2022; 571 обзор, 97% из которых положительные) The Test: Secrets of the Soul (20.02.2023; 1226 обзоров, 97% из которых положительные) The Test: Secrets of the Soul 2 (10.04.2023; 482 обзор, 98% из которых положительные) The Test - это серия проектов, представляющих собой социальный эксперимент с элементами атмосферного психологического симулятора и хоррора. Каждая игра серии предлагает игрокам погрузиться в глубины собственной психики, отвечая на сложные и порой неудобные вопросы, которые раскрывают скрытые аспекты личности. Через различные испытания и принятие решений, игроки исследуют свое подсознание, сталкиваясь с внутренними страхами и тайнами. Серия The Test — это уникальный опыт самопознания, где каждый выбор имеет значение, а результаты могут быть столь же пугающими, сколь и просветляющими, ставя перед игроком вопрос: готов ли он узнать правду о себе?

      Первый проект в серии занимает 8-е место среди самых популярных игр 2020-го года без русского языка.
    • Автор: 0wn3df1x
      Stormworks: Build and Rescue

      Жанр: Песочница, симулятор поисково-спасательной службы Платформы: PC Разработчик: Geometa Издатель: Geometa Дата выхода: 17 сентября 2020 Движок: Собственный
      У игры 43158 отзывов, 89% из которых положительные.
      Игра занимает 6-е место среди самых популярных игр 2020-го года без русского языка.

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