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Список изменений в обновлении «Грязные деньги: часть 2»

  • Добавлено 5 новых транспортных средств в онлайн-магазин Legendary Motorsport в режиме Истории и в GTA Online: Coil Brawler, Vapid Chino, Invetero Coquette BlackFin, Progen T20, Dinka Vindicator.
  • На сайт по продаже плавсредств Docktease в одиночной кампании и в GTA Online добавлен катер Lampadati Toro.
  • Все новые транспортные средства доступны для покупки сразу же в режиме истории на Xbox One, PS4 и PC, а в GTA Online для всех платформ. Для консолей Xbox 360 и PS3 покупка транспортов доступна в зависимости от свойств жесткого диска.
  • Добавлены три новых сигнала (клаксона), которые будут доступны в Los Santos Customs в одиночном режиме и GTA Online: Классический гудок 8, Классический циклический гудок 1, Классический циклический гудок 2 (Classical Horn 8, Classical Horn Loop 1, and Classical Horn Loop 2)
  • Добавлены два новых оружия в магазины Ammu-Nation в однопользовательской кампании и GTA Online – кастеты Knuckle Duster и пистолет Marksman Pistol. Оружие станет доступно по мере прохождения режима Истории на Xbox One, PS4 и PC. Для PS3 и Xbox 360 оружие в однопользовательском режиме можно будет купить сразу же. Для GTA Online на всех платформах оружие будет доступно сразу же.
  • Появилось 15 новых татуировок в Тату Салонах для женских и мужских персонажей в GTA Online.
  • Появились сотни новых разновидностей одежды, в том числе люкс-снаряжение и аксессуары для мужских и женских персонажей в GTA Online. Все новинки доступны в магазинах одежды по всему Лос-Сантосу.
  • Теперь 8 случайных очков доступны не только мужским персонажам в GTA Online, но и женским.
  • Радиостанция The Lab, которая впервые появилась на ПК, теперь доступна игрокам в однопользовательском режиме и в GTA Online на всех четырех платформах.

Новый контент – только для PS4, Xbox One и PC


  • 9 уникальных разновидностей кастета Knuckle Duster в Ammu-Nation для одиночного режима и GTA Online: The Pimp, The Ballas, The Hustler, The Rock, The Hater, The Lover, The Player, The King и The Vagos.

Новые возможности/обновления – Все платформы

Создатель дел: Игроки теперь могут создавать Работы внутри Международного аэропорта Лос-Сантоса и Форта Занкудо.

Новые возможности/обновления – только PC, Xbox One и PS4

Манжеты и шарфы добавлены в раздел «Аксессуары» (Accessories) в меню взаимодействия.

Новые возможности/обновления – только Xbox 360 и PS3

Иконка доставки транспорта от страховой компании Mors теперь несколько раз будет мигать на миникарте.

Новые возможности/обновления – только ПК

Только ПК: добавлен справочный текст для игроков с подключением NAT-типа, который предупреждает их о возможности возникновения ошибок с подключением и направляет на страницу поддержки http://rsg.ms/nattype для получения дополнительной информации об улучшении соединения.


Кроме того, вместе с обновлением «Грязные деньги: часть 2», разработчиками были внесены десятки мелких исправлений различных багов и глитчей как в самой игре, так и в Rockstar Editor.




New Content – All Platforms

  • Five new vehicles have been added to Legendary Motorsport for Story Mode and GTA Online: Coil Brawler, Vapid Chino, Invetero Coquette BlackFin, Progen T20, Dinka Vindicator
  • One new vehicle has been added to Docktease for Story Mode and GTA Online: Lampadati Toro
  • All new vehicles are available to purchase immediately in Story Mode on Xbox One, PS4 and PC and in GTA Online for all platforms, and are depositedstraight into the player’s relevant vehicle storage properties in Story Mode for Xbox 360 and PS3.
  • Three new horns have been added to Los Santos Customs for Story Mode and GTA Online: Classical Horn 8, Classical Horn Loop 1, and Classical Horn Loop 2
  • Two new weapons have been added to Ammu-Nation for Story Mode and GTA Online. Both weapons unlock in Story Mode as the player progresses through Story Mode on Xbox One, PS4 and PC. They are available immediately in Story Mode for Xbox 360, PS3, and are available to purchase in GTA Online for all platforms: Knuckle Duster and Marksman Pistol
  • 15 new tattoos have been added to the Tattoo Parlors for both male and female characters in GTA Online.
  • Hundreds of new clothing items, including new luxury outfits and accessories, have been added to the Clothes Stores for male and female characters in GTA Online.
  • Eight casual glasses have been added for females that were previously only available for males in GTA Online.
  • The Lab radio station from PC has been added to all consoles for Story Mode and GTA Online.

New Content – PS4, Xbox One, and PC Only


  • Nine unique Knuckle Duster variants are available from Ammu-Nation for Story Mode and GTA Online: The Pimp, The Ballas, The Hustler, The Rock, The Hater, The Lover, The Player, The King, and The Vagos

New Features/Updates – All Platforms


  • CREATOR: Players can now create Jobs inside Los Santos International Airport and Fort Zancudo.

New Features/Updates – PS4, Xbox One, and PC Only


  • Scarves and Cuffs have been added to the Accessories section in the Interaction Menu.

New Features/Updates – Xbox 360 and PS3 Only


  • Mors Insurance delivery vehicle icons now flash a few times on the minimap.

New Features/Updates – PC Only


  • PC ONLY: Help text has been added for players with a strict NAT type that warns them of connectivity issues they may experience and directs them to the support page http://rsg.ms/nattype for further information about improving connection.

Generic/ Miscellaneous Fixes – All Platforms


  • Fixed an issue in Story Mode where the player could become stuck when attempting to skip the intro cutscene for Father / Son.
  • Fixed an issue where players placing a Bounty could get stuck on the call if the bounty was placed on a player who just joined a Job.
  • Fixed an issue where players were spawning in a circle close together when returning to free mode from a Playlist / Job.
  • Improved the load times of the in-game Leaderboards screens.
  • Fixed an issue where the player is unable to serve successfully after faulting a previous swing during a Tennis Match.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to enter their personal vehicles in the garage after accepting an invite to from friend via On Call - Friends in Session.
  • Fixed an issue where too many players can be placed on one team in an Adversary Mode Job that’s a part of a Head to Head Playlist.
  • Fixed an issue with interiors not loading properly for low end apartments.
  • Fixed an issue where a player could become trapped inside another player’s apartment after blacking out.
  • Fixed an issue with Pegasus vehicles falling through the world.
  • Fixed an issue where players could become stuck when joining GTA Online via the Random Job option from boot.
  • Fixed an issue where players buying a Convertible (topless) Voltic would receive a Voltic with a roof instead.
  • Fixed an issue in Story Mode where unlock feed messages were incorrectly appearing.
  • Fixed an issue where a player could be kicked from a GTA Online session would return to Story Mode with an incorrect error message, instead of being matched to a different session.
  • Fixed an issue where remote players could be seen inside the garage during the local player’s garage tutorial after entering their apartment for the first time.
  • Fixed an issue with the positioning of players on the starting grid of a Sea Race Job.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the reflections of vehicles in GTA Online garages to appear as the incorrect color.
  • CREATOR: Fixed an issue where players could place more than 20 dynamic props in a Race.
  • Players can now use SMG class weapons during drive-by in the same situations that they can use other two-handed weapons.
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect zoom levels would be applied to sniper rifles being fired from helicopters.
  • Fixed an issue where weapon attachments and engravings could be incorrectly added or removed when re-spawning.
  • Fixed an issue where On Call players could get stuck during transition if the host quits.
  • Fixed an issue where players ranked higher than 12 are getting the message 'Heist unlock at rank 12'.
  • Fixed an issue with button prompts becoming incorrect if the player attempted to use the radio or TV after using the planning board to look for a Heist.
  • Fixed an issue with several awards and rewards unlocking incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue which caused boat physics to behave unnaturally.
  • Fixed an issue which produced incompatible clothing options.
  • Other general fixes to improve game and network stability for Story Mode and GTA Online.

Generic/ Miscellaneous Fixes – PS4, Xbox One, and PC Only


  • Fixed an issue in Story Mode where the game would go into a low LOD state when attempting to switch to Michael from Trevor before the Heist Setup: Architect’s Plans.
  • Fixed an issue in Story Mode where the trigger cutscene for Friend Request wouldn't start.
  • Fixed an issue where players could become trapped inside the Luxor if it was being reclaimed by Pegasus.
  • Fixed some issues with equipping / un-equipping watches and earrings while browsing the Personal Interaction Menu.
  • Fixed an issue in Story Mode where the Submersible was not attached to the ship after loading a save nearby for Heist Setup: Minisub.
  • Fixed an issue in Story Mode where the player continually dies when starting Repossession in a large aircraft such as the Luxor Deluxe.
  • Fixed an issue in Story Mode where the player could see the world load in when using a saved game made in a tunnel or an underground metro station.
  • Fixed an issue where players were starting Contact Missions in the air when accepting an invite while airborne.
  • Fixed an issue where the Next Job Vote Screen speaker icon wasn’t animating when a player was speaking.
  • Fixed an issue where using certain special characters in the playlist name would prevent the player from saving the playlist.
  • Fixed an issue where the Social Club Leaderboard for Darts was showing incorrect / impossible scores.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicle spawning near Pershing Square appeared aggressive when entering the session after creating a new character.
  • Fixed an issue where several players could see under the world in the vehicle selection and betting screens during a playlist.
  • Fixed an issue where the Smuggler plane circled the area over Vinewood Racetrack indefinitely.
  • Fixed an issue where only one player on the cargo team was warped into the Casco after shooting open the lock.
  • Fixed an issue where zooming with a sniper rifle conflicted with the using the phone while in an aircraft.
  • Fixed an issue where the Hydra was not displaying for spectators in a Race Lobby.
  • Fixed an issue where the bong and wine bottle could been seen floating in mid-air.
  • Fixed an issue which caused newly purchased vehicles to disappear from garages.
  • Fixed an issue that could have caused weapon attachments to become unequipped when dying in certain situations.
  • Fixed an issue with player names not appearing in the correct location above another player’s character in GTA Online.
  • Fixed an issue with the apartment radio not functioning correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where earrings were not transferring correctly between Xbox 360 / PS3 and Xbox One / PS4 / PC.

Generic/ Miscellaneous Fixes – PC Only


  • Fixed an issue where spectators could not view Leaderboards when using a keyboard and mouse.
  • Fixed an issue which caused Insurgents to be incorrectly priced.
  • Fixed an issue in Story Mode where The Epsilon mission ‘Chasing the Truth’ does not progress after the opening cutscene on PC.
  • Fixed an issue where the free haircut coupon from Herr Kutz was not reflected in game.
  • Fixed an issue where menus in the Barber / Hairdresser were offset with certain display settings.
  • Fixed an issue where players couldn’t change the 'Remain Host after Next Job Vote Screen' option.
  • Fixed an issue where the Self Radio station was not present in apartment radios.
  • Fixed an issue where the free Chrome Rims that were unlocked on a previous console were no longer free after transferring to PC.
  • Matchmaking for GTA Online sessions will now consider the “Population Density” setting, increasing online population for people on high-end systems and improving performance for people on low-end systems.
  • Fixed an issue with Snapmatic photos created with the Meme Editor saving at an incorrect aspect ratio.
  • Added a new advanced command line option for people having issues with mouse smoothing or input lag. Using the command "-FrameQueueLimit 0" will improve mouse responsiveness at low frame rates, but may reduce the maximum frame rate.
  • Fixed an issue where manually loading a Story Mode save could incorrectly send the player to GTA Online.
  • Fixed an issue that caused mouse sensitivity for vehicle controls to be considerably higher than what was set in the “Mouse Driving Sensitivity” option in the Pause Menu.
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to use text chat whilst on the Heist Planning Board.
  • Fixed an issue that caused graphical corruption when using the “Pause Game On Focus Loss” setting and leaving the game unfocused for long periods of time.
  • Fixed an issue where the “Restore Defaults” option in the Advanced Graphics menu would not reset the Frame Scaling Mode.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the game from launching on Steam if the player had a display name greater than 32 characters.
  • Fixed an issue with the pitch control of speedboats when using a mouse and keyboard.
  • Fixed an issue where some players were unable to sell ambient cars.
  • Added the option to open the Social Club overlay via the Pause Menu.

Rockstar Editor Fixes – PC Only


  • Fixed an issue where the camera could escape out of the map in the Rockstar Editor.
  • Added an option to the Pause Menu which allows Action Replay clips to auto-save when the player dies.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rockstar Editor that could cause a graphical issues when playing back a video at ultra-high resolutions.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rockstar Editor that caused graphical issues with the Video Gallery thumbnails when running at ultra-high resolutions on a multi-GPU system.
  • Fixed an issue where the player was unable to place a clip at the end of the timeline in the Rockstar Editor.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rockstar Editor that caused fade in transitions from black clips to render incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue where a replay clip had a small chance of freezing when fine scrubbing backwards in the Rockstar Editor.
  • Fixed an issue with corrupted replay clips when moving the cursor between different tracks in the Rockstar Editor.
  • Fixed an issue with the position of smashed glass on vehicles being incorrect in recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
  • Fixed an issue where Crew emblems on vehicle may not render correctly in recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
  • Fixed an issue with environment lighting being incorrect if the player is driving through tunnels in recorded Rockstar Editor clips.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rockstar Editor where favorited clips would not be saved correctly when switching between sort types.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rockstar Editor that occurred when deleting a clip used in a project, then creating a new clip with the same name.
  • Fixed an issue with fine scrubbing after skipping clips in the Rockstar Editor.
  • Fixed an issue with Rockstar Editor clips showing incorrect visual effects during events in GTA Online.
  • Fixed an issue with a low detail shot of the map being visible for a frame at the end of a Rockstar Editor clip.
  • Fixed an issue with the score bar turning purple after user deleted and re-added a clip on the Rockstar Editor timeline.
  • Fixed an issue where the playhead in the Rockstar Editor would sometimes become stuck on the text bar on a project timeline.
  • Fixed an issue with the music track playhead in the Rockstar Editor wrapping to the beginning of the project.
  • Fixed an issue where clip screenshots in the Rockstar Editor would sometimes disappear from the timeline overview.
  • Fixed an issue with the Rockstar Editor where it was not possible to place text or audio tracks at the beginning of a project when there were already multiple text or audio items on the timeline.
  • Fixed an issue where the Sniper Rifle reticle would show on top of a black filter effect in the Rockstar Editor.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the game to hang when exporting video from a Rockstar Editor project.

Generic/ Miscellaneous Fixes – PlayStation Only


  • PS4 ONLY: Fixed an issue where players could become stuck on the skycam indefinitely when trying to enter GTA Online via a Live Tile without PS Plus.

Generic/ Miscellaneous Fixes – Xbox Only


  • 360 ONLY: Fixed an issue where players could become stuck after attempting to join another player in a Job Lobby from the Xbox friends menu.
  • 360 ONLY: Fixed an issue where the game crashed when attempting to access GTA Online after performing a sign-in change while in a high-end apartment.
  • Xbox One ONLY: Fixed an issue where the character’s appearance temporarily changes after being kicked from constrained mode due to inactivity.
  • 360 ONLY: Fixed an issue where players would become stuck if they signed out and loaded a save at a certain point in Story Mode flow.

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Кроме того, вместе с обновлением «Грязные деньги: часть 2», разработчиками были внесены десятки мелких исправлений различных багов и глитчей как в самой игре, так и в Rockstar Editor.
У меня после первой части, при долгой игре (более часа), Виндовс стал жаловаться на нехватку памяти. <_<

И этот патч ситуацию не исправил...

Во что в Социал клабе высветилось:


Для получения возврата в Legendary Motorsport, вы должны выполнить следующее до конца 15 июля 2015 г.:

1. Подписаться на почтовую рассылку Rockstar Games

2. Подтвердить адрес электронной почты

3. Быть членом банды

Выполнившие условия игроки получат 25% от первого транспорта, купленного в Legendary Motorsport до 15 июля 2015 г. Компенсация будет зачислена на ваш счет в Maze Bank 19 июля 2015 г.

Изменено пользователем Kellen

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Changelog есть?

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Исправили фризы и просадки FPS.

Изменено пользователем Spuner

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Так это от 13 июля.

Вот. https://support.rockstargames.com/hc/en-us/...tle-Update-1-28

Изменено пользователем thatbelive

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ни черта они не исправили,как были рандомно просадки ФПС до 10-15 на секунд 10 так и остались.

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Так это от 13 июля.

Это не "от 13 июля"

Там публикуются все changlogs

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Это не "от 13 июля"

Там публикуются все changlogs




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