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Игра шикарная, но без русификатора не так прекрасна - может кто его организовать, м?

Изменено пользователем 0wn3df1x

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Ты сейчас всем работы раздашь своими просьбами....

Тут по идее все должно быть просто всмысле файловой системы, нужно только знать английский)

Может кто сказать, где хранится текст, попробуй сам что-нибудь перевести раз никто не хочет - а ведь игра шедевральна.

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Тут по идее все должно быть просто всмысле файловой системы, нужно только знать английский)

Может кто сказать, где хранится текст, попробуй сам что-нибудь перевести раз никто не хочет - а ведь игра шедевральна.

Действительно игра очень интересная.

..\lib\zombie\media шрифты. диалоги пока не находил.

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Действительно игра очень интересная.

..\lib\zombie\media шрифты. диалоги пока не находил.

А нужны именно диалоги.

Изменено пользователем [Silent Man]

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А нужны именно диалоги.

Ну где то там, только с начала надо декомпелировать файлы. т.к кроме каракуль ты не чего не увидишь там.

Изменено пользователем Bullet2100

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Ну где то там, только с начала надо декомпелировать файлы. т.к кроме каракуль ты не чего не увидишь там.

Ну я не профи в таких делах)

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Ну я не профи в таких делах)

Подкумарился перебирадь все файлы нашел пока ток ето.




            l1.a("Howdy neighbour.", false);            l1.a("You're alive in there?", true);            l1.a("Sure am.", false);            l1.a("And if you'd like to keep yer head above yer shoulders...", false);            l1.a("you'd be advised not to open my door.", false);            l1.a("This neighbourhood's gone to hell.", false);            l1.a("You got a gun?", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYSOUND_shotgun_117_133_0_40_1.0", true);            l1.a("               ", true);            l1.a("And every time I fire it, the folks next door prick up their dead little ears.", false);            l1.a("If you want to make best friends, trade a little, then liquor breaks the ice.", false);            l1.a("Though if yer gettin' it, y' might just have to run...", false);            zombie.a.c.a("gunNut1", ((b) (l1)).e);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYSOUND_shotgun_117_133_0_40_1.0", true);            l1.a("               ", true);            l1.a("You're insane!", true);            l1.a("Hey, I'm not the guy out walkin' the streets asshole!", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYSOUND_shotgun_117_133_0_40_1.0", true);            l1.a("               ", true);        }        if(l2.equals("InsideHead"))        {            l1.a("Jesus, Sweetheart.", false);            l1.a("Never thought I'd be so glad to see inside a guy's head.", false);            l1.a("I thought we were finished.", true);            l1.a("I love you, you know.", false);            l1.a("Even better...", true);            l1.a("Now I have a shotgun.", true);            l1.a("God damn but you're an idiot.", false);            l1.a("Go get back to surviving...", false);        }        if(l2.equals("GetOutGuard"))        {            l1.a("Hey there!", true);            l1.a("Step a foot in this place and I'll shoot!", true);            l1.a("                          ", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_AADDENEMY_PLAYER", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_ASHOOT", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_AENDSCRIPT", true);        }        if(l2.equals("HereTakeThese"))            l1.a("Here, take one of these...", true);        if(l2.equals("radioad0"))        {            l1.a("Did you know up to nine out of ten Americans may die in a gruesome horrible accident?", true);            l1.a("Did you know up to four out of ten Americans may be set on fire, or shot in the head?", true);            l1.a("What will happen to their families once their gone?", true);            l1.a("We just don't want to think about it!", true);            l1.a("CashForDeath.com are here to help.", true);            l1.a("If you are scared you may come to a terrible end at any moment...", true);            l1.a("Then make sure you're covered, so your grieving and traumatised family will be taken care of.", true);            l1.a("That's CashForDeath.com - Log on today, because there may be no tomorrow.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radioad1"))        {            l1.a("When the day is through, I like nothing more than to kick back with a Krudd beer", true);            l1.a("From that refreshing cool first sip... to the last.", true);            l1.a("You know it's got to be a Krudd beer.", true);            l1.a("Buy a crate today.", true);            l1.a("Remember to drink responsibly.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radioad2"))        {            l1.a("Do you sometimes feel like no body listens?", true);            l1.a("Do you ever have this vague feeling that your life could be better?", true);            l1.a("Do you sometimes worry about money, your family, or your job?", true);            l1.a("Prozac.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio0"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("It's day four of the Knox County evacuation, and you're listening to LBNW.", true);            l1.a("With the town of Muldraugh still surrounded by US army representatives", true);            l1.a("still NO word on the nature of the terrorist threat.", true);            l1.a("Federal Officals have confirmed to families that a press conference", true);            l1.a("will be held tomorrow to explain the communication blackout.", true);            l1.a("This is Jackie Jaye for LBNW. Keep safe Kentucky.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio1"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("You're listening to LBNW, and we're going straight to the Muldraugh border press conference", true);            l1.a("where General John McGrew is about to speak...", true);            l1.a("This is an appeal for calm. There are many rumours as to the nature of the Muldraugh terrorist attack", true);            l1.a("and today we can confirm it IS biological.", true);            l1.a("I can assure everyone, however, that there are NO recorded fatalities. ", true);            l1.a("And it is extremely unlikely that the infection can spread.", true);            l1.a("We would again ask for calm, and underline that we have top men working on the situation", true);            l1.a("which, in time, it is thought will remedy itself.", true);            l1.a("At this time, we will take no questions.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio2"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("Day six of the Knox County event...", true);            l1.a("and the army has warned camps of concerned relatives of Muldraugh citizens", true);            l1.a("that if they do not return home they will be forcibly dispersed.", true);            l1.a("The President has released a statement asking for calm and patience", true);            l1.a("but key Republicans have been quick to attack what they're calling a 'do nothing' agenda.", true);            l1.a("With the communication blackout and no fly zone firmly in place", true);            l1.a("there's still no clue as to the nature of the outbreak. ", true);            l1.a("Pictures released by the military, however, show crowded streets", true);            l1.a("suggesting that, despite it all, the townsfolk of Muldragh are living as normal. ", true);            l1.a("Jackie Jaye for LBNW. Keep safe Kentucky.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio3"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("Flights throughout mainland United States have been grounded", true);            l1.a("at the demand of the World Health Organisation.", true);            l1.a("This is day seven of the Knox County event, and you're listening to LBNW. I'm Jackie Jaye.", true);            l1.a("Panic-buying has turned to looting throughout Kentucky", true);            l1.a("and a presidential decree has seen the military stationed in all major cities.", true);            l1.a("Speaking in a recorded statement the President issued the following declaration.", true);            l1.a("\"We are on the edge of finding a cure for this terrorist atrocity. ", true);            l1.a("We only ask for your patience and your responsible actions as a US citizen. ", true);            l1.a("Please have faith in both our military and our emergency services.\"", true);            l1.a("Jackie Jaye, LBNW.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio4"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("An LBNW employee who elected to secretly cross the Muldraugh security cordon...", true);            l1.a("...has been savagely murdered. ", true);            l1.a("Military sources are refusing to comment...", true);            l1.a("but today LBNW can confirm that reporter Daniel Marshall was brutally beaten on entering the town.", true);            l1.a("Marshall relayed a message to LBNW over a radio taken in to defy the communication blackout.", true);            l1.a("His family have asked for it to be broadcast.", true);            l1.a("\"They're everywhere, and they're.. insane.", true);            l1.a("I'm bleeding and, just tell Charlotte I love her. Tell.. No! No! Please! Mnnngh!\"", true);            l1.a("This is... Jackie Jaye. For LBNW. <buzzt> ", true);            l1.a("Christ this is fu... <bzzt>", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio5"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("You're listening to LBNW, and we're again going straight over...", true);            l1.a("... to a Muldraugh border conference where General John McGrew is about to speak.", true);            l1.a("\"Today we can sadly confirm that the nature of the Muldraugh infection is degenerative...", true);            l1.a("...causing panic and confusion among sufferers. ", true);            l1.a("Some of whom will then perform acts that are... entirely un-American.", true);            l1.a("We have, however, a strong presence throughout all of the town...", true);            l1.a("...and only a minority of the townsfolk are afflicted. ", true);            l1.a("The infection is neither passed through the air, nor through water. ", true);            l1.a("Only through.. direct fluid contact. It is contained. ", true);            l1.a("We are safe.           ", true);            l1.a("At this time, we will take no questions.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio6"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("LBNW have been in direct contact with a citizen within the Muldraugh security cordon...", true);            l1.a("... via fallen reporter Daniel Marshall's radio. ", true);            l1.a("His comments are unconfirmed, and not family-appropriate.", true);            l1.a("\"THEY'RE <BLEEP>ING ZOMBIES! Ignore that government bull<bleep>.", true);            l1.a("The dead are walking, and it's getting worse.", true);            l1.a("I've killed my neighbours, I've killed my family - but it wasn't them.", true);            l1.a("No-one is safe from this. Get out of the cities. ", true);            l1.a("I repeat - get out of the cities.", true);            l1.a("General John McGrew has confirmed that the military are preparing for direct action.  ", true);            l1.a("Jackie Jaye, LBNW.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio7"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("The infection at the centre of the Knox County Event has spread. ", true);            l1.a("Violent scenes have been reported in Memphis and Hartlepool, England.", true);            l1.a("No formal acknowledgment has been made by either the US or the UK government. ", true);            l1.a("But activity on both the popular social messaging service Twitter...", true);            l1.a("... and video-upload service YouTube show a situation spiralling out of control.", true);            l1.a("In scenes more suited to a Hollywood movie, those bitten by a carriers are poisoned...", true);            l1.a("...and physically die.", true);            l1.a("Corpses.. Oh God I can't read this...", true);            l1.a("Corpses reanimate. Then they hunt.", true);            l1.a("Jackie Jaye. LBNW. God save us all.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio8"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("There has been an outbreak of the zombie infection in the evacuee and relatives camp", true);            l1.a("...at the Knox County border. ", true);            l1.a("The press have been denied entry but the sound of gunfire is evident.", true);            l1.a("Further outbreaks have been recorded in Johannesburg, South Africa. Beijing, China and Rome, Europe.", true);            l1.a("Washington DC is on high alert, but is seen as a safe zone.", true);            l1.a("General John McGrew made the following statement.", true);            l1.a("\"The time has come to bear arms against this threat. ", true);            l1.a("They may be your family, they may be your friends - but do not hesitate to pull the trigger. ", true);            l1.a("These are dark days, but as a nation we can and will prevail.", true);            l1.a("Aim for the head. Preserve your ammo.", true);            l1.a("At this time, we will take no questions.\"", true);        }        if(l2.equals("Demo1"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_true", false);            l1.a("                            ", true);            l1.a("I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", false);            l1.a("It's fine. We can deal with this. Just...", true);            l1.a("Christ it hurts. Fuck. I'm sorry.", false);            l1.a("Right. This is bad, I know this is bad - but we're still here.", true);            l1.a("You're still breathing.", true);            l1.a("All our stuff, they just took it...", false);            l1.a("Okay, just hold fire for a second...let me stop this bleeding.", true);            l1.a("There'll be sheets in here we can rip to dress the wounds.", true);            l1.a("Maybe some painkillers.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_false", false);            zombie.a.c.a("tutorial1", ((b) (l1)).e);            zombie.a.c.a("Movement", "To move, use the WASD keys. Holding SHIFT will allow you to to run.", f.ac, false, ((b) (l1)).e, -64F);            zombie.a.c.a(C.b, 60, 17, "Inventory", "This icon is your inventory, click while holding an item to put them into it.<br><br>Click without an item to open up your inventory, and you can then transfer items freely to/from containers.<br><br>You can also access the crafting panel from your inventory.", false, ((b) (l1)).e);            zombie.a.c.a(C.b, 60, 48, "Stats", "This icon is your Medical panel. Here you will be able to check on your health and any injuries you've sustained, as well as bandage limbs and administer other medical treatment.", false, ((b) (l1)).e);            zombie.a.c.a(C.b, 16, 239, "Crafting", "If you expand out your inventory (by clicking the inventory 'box' icon above) you will see the crafting button here. <br><br>This will open the crafting panel, where one or more items can be combined or pulled apart to form a new item.", false, ((b) (l1)).e);        }        if(l2.equals("SleepDemo"))        {            l1.a("Okay. We're safe.", true);            l1.a("My hero!", false);            l1.a("Glad to see the sense of humor is back.", true);            l1.a("Hero's fine! Without you I'd be cold, dead and roaming the streets.", false);            l1.a("And limping.", true);            l1.a("That too...", false);            l1.a("I need to go find supplies.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IFNIGHT_It's pitch black out there, hon.", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IFDAY_It's going to be dark soon, hon.", false);            l1.a("You won't see the neighbors till they've taken chunks from you.", false);            l1.a("We'll sleep hungry.             ", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_SLEEP_9", false);        }        if(l2.equals("SleepDemo2"))        {            l1.a("                     ", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Hammer_I miss the days when we didn't take a hammer to bed.", false);            l1.a("Time to go out. See what I can see.", true);            l1.a("If you see one of them, just run. No man stuff.", false);            l1.a("Just bring back food! ", false);            l1.a("We're not running anymore sweetheart.", true);            zombie.a.c.a("tutorial3", ((b) (l1)).e);        }        if(l2.equals("Supplies"))        {            l1.a("                         ", false);            l1.a("I'm sorry I fucked up hon.", false);            l1.a("I screwed everything.", false);            l1.a("Screwed us...", false);            l1.a("You are fine. We are fine.", true);            l1.a("We're just going to have to hole up here for a while.", true);            l1.a("I can see a shed in the yard - might be some tools, some wood...", true);            l1.a("This place'll be a fortress.", true);            l1.a("Third fortress this week.", false);            l1.a("Don't be long.", false);            l1.a("Please don't be long.", false);            zombie.a.c.a("tutorial2", ((b) (l1)).e);        }        if(l2.equals("EarlArrives"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_TutorialCreateEarl", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_false", false);        }        if(l2.equals("FrontDoor"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_true", false);            l1.a("Shit! They found us.", true);            l1.a("I should learn to keep my voice down.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IF_TUTSTOVEOFF_EarlArrives", true);            l1.a("                      ", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_TUTORIALFIRE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_false", false);            zombie.a.c.a("tutorialDie", ((b) (l1)).e);        }        if(l2.equals("Soup"))        {            l1.a("We got soup!", true);            l1.a("Think you can manage that?", false);            l1.a("Ha! This kitchen is pretty beat up, but I think I remember!", true);            zombie.a.c.a("tutorialSoup", ((b) (l1)).e);        }        if(l2.equals("Smother"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_true", false);            l1.a("What are you doing? Oh God no.", false);            l1.a("I'm sorry I slowed you down.", false);            l1.a("I love you.", false);            l1.a("****mmmffff*****", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_false", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_WIFEPILLOWDIE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_You smothered your wife Kate", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_Your reasons are your own", false);        }        if(l2.equals("PlayerAfterWifeShoot"))        {            l1.a("Now did I say I'd fire on one, or after one?", true);            l1.a("No! You motherfucker! Nooo!", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_PLAYER", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLSHOOT", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IFPLAYERDEAD_Sweet dreams.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLENDSCRIPT", false);        }        if(l2.equals("KATECALL"))        {            l1.a("Is that you hon?", true);            l1.a("Where's that soup?", true);        }        if(l2.equals("SeePlayerFirst"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_You were ambushed by a raider", false);            l1.a("Howdy Neighbor.", true);            l1.a("Look, we're just camped out here.", false);            l1.a("The threat's outside. Not in here.", false);            l1.a("I was just out in the street. Heard your radio.", true);            l1.a("Thought I'd drop on in...", true);            l1.a("Oh, and 'we'? You got a l'il friend in here, Baldspot?", true);            l1.a("My wife's upstairs. Just take what you need, and go.", false);            l1.a("Yes sir. Yes I will.", true);            l1.a("Let's go meet your lady.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Hammer_and I'd put that hammer away if I were you.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Hammer_I don't take kindly to folks waving lethal weapons about...", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Hammer_What a coincidence.", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Baseball Bat_and I'd put that bat away if I were you.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Baseball Bat_I don't take kindly to folks waving lethal weapons about...", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Baseball Bat_What a coincidence.", false);            l1.a("Up the stairs, or I shoot.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("NowIntoTheRoom"))            l1.a("Into the room. Now", true);        if(l2.equals("ComeBack"))        {            l1.a("Hey you sneaky son of a bitch!", true);            l1.a("Come back here!", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_PLAYER", false);        }        if(l2.equals("WifeNo"))        {            l1.a("Kate!", true);            l1.a("My God No!", true);        }        if(l2.equals("EarlWifeArgueNoSeePlayer"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_You were ambushed by a raider", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_WARNEDHAMMER", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_WIFE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLAIM_WIFE", false);            l1.a("Howdy Neighbor.", true);            l1.a("Who the hell are you?", false);            l1.a("Ah you know. Just someone new to the area.", true);            l1.a("Heard yer radio.", true);            l1.a("Got any li'l friends round here, tendin' to those wounds?", true);            l1.a("Just little old me.", false);            l1.a("Well I thought I'd come by and take yer stuff...", true);            l1.a("But turns out you ain't got shit.", true);            l1.a("So I'm takin' yer hideout. Just to improve the day.", true);            l1.a("Look, just turn around and go.", false);            l1.a("You ain't in a position for orderin'", true);            l1.a("Give it three seconds, and you won't have no position at all.", true);            l1.a("Three.", true);            l1.a("Two.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLSHOOT", false);            l1.a("Sweet dreams sister.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_PLAYER", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IFPLAYERSAMEROOM_No! You motherfucker! Nooo!", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLENDSCRIPT", false);        }        if(l2.equals("EarlWifeArgue"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_WARNEDHAMMER", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_WIFE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLAIM_PLAYER", false);            l1.a("So how y'all doing?", true);            l1.a("I heard you downstairs.", false);            l1.a("We've got nothing. Just leave us alone.", false);            l1.a("You ain't got nothing darlin'. You got bit.", true);            l1.a("Now, that's a something.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYERSAY_That's not a bite! It's a break!", true);            l1.a("                                 ", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYERSAY_We were running from you! From your people! She fell.", true);            l1.a("                                                      ", false);            l1.a("Sure looks like a bite from here.", true);            l1.a("And so you know, that's a thing I just can't stand...", true);            l1.a("It isn't a goddam bite!", false);            l1.a("I like this house. I'm taking it.", true);            l1.a("That means I clean out the infected trash.", true);            l1.a("Wifey dies in three seconds Baldspot. Pay attention.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLAIM_WIFE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYERSAY_You asshole! No!", true);            l1.a("Three.", true);            l1.a("I love you sweetheart!", false);            l1.a("Two", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLSHOOT", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_The raider slaughtered your wife, Kate", false);        }        if(l2.equals("KillPlayerAndWife"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_WIFE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_PLAYER", false);        }        if(l2.equals("CaughtHammer"))        {            l1.a("Son of a bitch.", true);            l1.a("No one comes at Earl with a hammer...", true);        }        if(l2.equals("SpotZombie"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_SPAWNZOMBIE_66_6_0", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_TUTORIALZOMBIES_1", false);        }        if(l2.equals("RadioWorks"))        {            l1.a("Honey! It's working!", false);            l1.a("                      ", false);        }        if(l2.equals("RadioBroadcast"))        {            l1.a("                   ", true);            l1.a("This piece of shit radio picked something up!", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_Day six of the Knox County event and the army has warned camps..._Day six........Knox County..............army...........camps...", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_...of concerned relatives of Muldraugh citizens..._...............relatives..............citizens...", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_...that if they do not return home they will be forcibly dispersed._..............return home...............forcibly dispersed.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_The President has released a statement asking for calm and patience -__The President..........statement........calm............. -", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_but key Republicans have been quick to attack what they're calling a 'do nothing' agenda._........Republicans..........quick to attack...............agenda.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_With the communication blackout and no fly zone firmly in place..._........communication...........no fly zone...........", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_...there's still no clue as to the nature of the outbreak._......................nature...........outbreak.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_Pictures released by US forces, however, show crowded streets..._...............US forces..........crowded streets...", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_...suggesting that, despite it all, the townsfolk of Muldraugh are living as normal._............townsfolk.........living....normal.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IF_TUTSTOVEOFF_EarlArrives", true);            l1.a("Can you smell burning?", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_TUTORIALFIRE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_Your poor culinary skills caused a lethal blaze", false);            l1.a("You turned the oven off before coming up here, right?", false);        }        if(l2.equals("ZombieOutsideDoor"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_SPAWNZOMBIEFINDPLAYER_48_26_0", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_TUTORIALZOMBIES_1", false);



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            l1.a("Howdy neighbour.", false);            l1.a("You're alive in there?", true);            l1.a("Sure am.", false);            l1.a("And if you'd like to keep yer head above yer shoulders...", false);            l1.a("you'd be advised not to open my door.", false);            l1.a("This neighbourhood's gone to hell.", false);            l1.a("You got a gun?", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYSOUND_shotgun_117_133_0_40_1.0", true);            l1.a("               ", true);            l1.a("And every time I fire it, the folks next door prick up their dead little ears.", false);            l1.a("If you want to make best friends, trade a little, then liquor breaks the ice.", false);            l1.a("Though if yer gettin' it, y' might just have to run...", false);            zombie.a.c.a("gunNut1", ((b) (l1)).e);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYSOUND_shotgun_117_133_0_40_1.0", true);            l1.a("               ", true);            l1.a("You're insane!", true);            l1.a("Hey, I'm not the guy out walkin' the streets asshole!", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYSOUND_shotgun_117_133_0_40_1.0", true);            l1.a("               ", true);        }        if(l2.equals("InsideHead"))        {            l1.a("Jesus, Sweetheart.", false);            l1.a("Never thought I'd be so glad to see inside a guy's head.", false);            l1.a("I thought we were finished.", true);            l1.a("I love you, you know.", false);            l1.a("Even better...", true);            l1.a("Now I have a shotgun.", true);            l1.a("God damn but you're an idiot.", false);            l1.a("Go get back to surviving...", false);        }        if(l2.equals("GetOutGuard"))        {            l1.a("Hey there!", true);            l1.a("Step a foot in this place and I'll shoot!", true);            l1.a("                          ", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_AADDENEMY_PLAYER", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_ASHOOT", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_AENDSCRIPT", true);        }        if(l2.equals("HereTakeThese"))            l1.a("Here, take one of these...", true);        if(l2.equals("radioad0"))        {            l1.a("Did you know up to nine out of ten Americans may die in a gruesome horrible accident?", true);            l1.a("Did you know up to four out of ten Americans may be set on fire, or shot in the head?", true);            l1.a("What will happen to their families once their gone?", true);            l1.a("We just don't want to think about it!", true);            l1.a("CashForDeath.com are here to help.", true);            l1.a("If you are scared you may come to a terrible end at any moment...", true);            l1.a("Then make sure you're covered, so your grieving and traumatised family will be taken care of.", true);            l1.a("That's CashForDeath.com - Log on today, because there may be no tomorrow.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radioad1"))        {            l1.a("When the day is through, I like nothing more than to kick back with a Krudd beer", true);            l1.a("From that refreshing cool first sip... to the last.", true);            l1.a("You know it's got to be a Krudd beer.", true);            l1.a("Buy a crate today.", true);            l1.a("Remember to drink responsibly.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radioad2"))        {            l1.a("Do you sometimes feel like no body listens?", true);            l1.a("Do you ever have this vague feeling that your life could be better?", true);            l1.a("Do you sometimes worry about money, your family, or your job?", true);            l1.a("Prozac.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio0"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("It's day four of the Knox County evacuation, and you're listening to LBNW.", true);            l1.a("With the town of Muldraugh still surrounded by US army representatives", true);            l1.a("still NO word on the nature of the terrorist threat.", true);            l1.a("Federal Officals have confirmed to families that a press conference", true);            l1.a("will be held tomorrow to explain the communication blackout.", true);            l1.a("This is Jackie Jaye for LBNW. Keep safe Kentucky.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio1"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("You're listening to LBNW, and we're going straight to the Muldraugh border press conference", true);            l1.a("where General John McGrew is about to speak...", true);            l1.a("This is an appeal for calm. There are many rumours as to the nature of the Muldraugh terrorist attack", true);            l1.a("and today we can confirm it IS biological.", true);            l1.a("I can assure everyone, however, that there are NO recorded fatalities. ", true);            l1.a("And it is extremely unlikely that the infection can spread.", true);            l1.a("We would again ask for calm, and underline that we have top men working on the situation", true);            l1.a("which, in time, it is thought will remedy itself.", true);            l1.a("At this time, we will take no questions.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio2"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("Day six of the Knox County event...", true);            l1.a("and the army has warned camps of concerned relatives of Muldraugh citizens", true);            l1.a("that if they do not return home they will be forcibly dispersed.", true);            l1.a("The President has released a statement asking for calm and patience", true);            l1.a("but key Republicans have been quick to attack what they're calling a 'do nothing' agenda.", true);            l1.a("With the communication blackout and no fly zone firmly in place", true);            l1.a("there's still no clue as to the nature of the outbreak. ", true);            l1.a("Pictures released by the military, however, show crowded streets", true);            l1.a("suggesting that, despite it all, the townsfolk of Muldragh are living as normal. ", true);            l1.a("Jackie Jaye for LBNW. Keep safe Kentucky.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio3"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("Flights throughout mainland United States have been grounded", true);            l1.a("at the demand of the World Health Organisation.", true);            l1.a("This is day seven of the Knox County event, and you're listening to LBNW. I'm Jackie Jaye.", true);            l1.a("Panic-buying has turned to looting throughout Kentucky", true);            l1.a("and a presidential decree has seen the military stationed in all major cities.", true);            l1.a("Speaking in a recorded statement the President issued the following declaration.", true);            l1.a("\"We are on the edge of finding a cure for this terrorist atrocity. ", true);            l1.a("We only ask for your patience and your responsible actions as a US citizen. ", true);            l1.a("Please have faith in both our military and our emergency services.\"", true);            l1.a("Jackie Jaye, LBNW.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio4"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("An LBNW employee who elected to secretly cross the Muldraugh security cordon...", true);            l1.a("...has been savagely murdered. ", true);            l1.a("Military sources are refusing to comment...", true);            l1.a("but today LBNW can confirm that reporter Daniel Marshall was brutally beaten on entering the town.", true);            l1.a("Marshall relayed a message to LBNW over a radio taken in to defy the communication blackout.", true);            l1.a("His family have asked for it to be broadcast.", true);            l1.a("\"They're everywhere, and they're.. insane.", true);            l1.a("I'm bleeding and, just tell Charlotte I love her. Tell.. No! No! Please! Mnnngh!\"", true);            l1.a("This is... Jackie Jaye. For LBNW. <buzzt> ", true);            l1.a("Christ this is fu... <bzzt>", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio5"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("You're listening to LBNW, and we're again going straight over...", true);            l1.a("... to a Muldraugh border conference where General John McGrew is about to speak.", true);            l1.a("\"Today we can sadly confirm that the nature of the Muldraugh infection is degenerative...", true);            l1.a("...causing panic and confusion among sufferers. ", true);            l1.a("Some of whom will then perform acts that are... entirely un-American.", true);            l1.a("We have, however, a strong presence throughout all of the town...", true);            l1.a("...and only a minority of the townsfolk are afflicted. ", true);            l1.a("The infection is neither passed through the air, nor through water. ", true);            l1.a("Only through.. direct fluid contact. It is contained. ", true);            l1.a("We are safe.           ", true);            l1.a("At this time, we will take no questions.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio6"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("LBNW have been in direct contact with a citizen within the Muldraugh security cordon...", true);            l1.a("... via fallen reporter Daniel Marshall's radio. ", true);            l1.a("His comments are unconfirmed, and not family-appropriate.", true);            l1.a("\"THEY'RE <BLEEP>ING ZOMBIES! Ignore that government bull<bleep>.", true);            l1.a("The dead are walking, and it's getting worse.", true);            l1.a("I've killed my neighbours, I've killed my family - but it wasn't them.", true);            l1.a("No-one is safe from this. Get out of the cities. ", true);            l1.a("I repeat - get out of the cities.", true);            l1.a("General John McGrew has confirmed that the military are preparing for direct action.  ", true);            l1.a("Jackie Jaye, LBNW.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio7"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("The infection at the centre of the Knox County Event has spread. ", true);            l1.a("Violent scenes have been reported in Memphis and Hartlepool, England.", true);            l1.a("No formal acknowledgment has been made by either the US or the UK government. ", true);            l1.a("But activity on both the popular social messaging service Twitter...", true);            l1.a("... and video-upload service YouTube show a situation spiralling out of control.", true);            l1.a("In scenes more suited to a Hollywood movie, those bitten by a carriers are poisoned...", true);            l1.a("...and physically die.", true);            l1.a("Corpses.. Oh God I can't read this...", true);            l1.a("Corpses reanimate. Then they hunt.", true);            l1.a("Jackie Jaye. LBNW. God save us all.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("radio8"))        {            l1.a("**LBNW Special News Report**", true);            l1.a("There has been an outbreak of the zombie infection in the evacuee and relatives camp", true);            l1.a("...at the Knox County border. ", true);            l1.a("The press have been denied entry but the sound of gunfire is evident.", true);            l1.a("Further outbreaks have been recorded in Johannesburg, South Africa. Beijing, China and Rome, Europe.", true);            l1.a("Washington DC is on high alert, but is seen as a safe zone.", true);            l1.a("General John McGrew made the following statement.", true);            l1.a("\"The time has come to bear arms against this threat. ", true);            l1.a("They may be your family, they may be your friends - but do not hesitate to pull the trigger. ", true);            l1.a("These are dark days, but as a nation we can and will prevail.", true);            l1.a("Aim for the head. Preserve your ammo.", true);            l1.a("At this time, we will take no questions.\"", true);        }        if(l2.equals("Demo1"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_true", false);            l1.a("                            ", true);            l1.a("I'm sorry. I'm sorry.", false);            l1.a("It's fine. We can deal with this. Just...", true);            l1.a("Christ it hurts. Fuck. I'm sorry.", false);            l1.a("Right. This is bad, I know this is bad - but we're still here.", true);            l1.a("You're still breathing.", true);            l1.a("All our stuff, they just took it...", false);            l1.a("Okay, just hold fire for a second...let me stop this bleeding.", true);            l1.a("There'll be sheets in here we can rip to dress the wounds.", true);            l1.a("Maybe some painkillers.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_false", false);            zombie.a.c.a("tutorial1", ((b) (l1)).e);            zombie.a.c.a("Movement", "To move, use the WASD keys. Holding SHIFT will allow you to to run.", f.ac, false, ((b) (l1)).e, -64F);            zombie.a.c.a(C.b, 60, 17, "Inventory", "This icon is your inventory, click while holding an item to put them into it.<br><br>Click without an item to open up your inventory, and you can then transfer items freely to/from containers.<br><br>You can also access the crafting panel from your inventory.", false, ((b) (l1)).e);            zombie.a.c.a(C.b, 60, 48, "Stats", "This icon is your Medical panel. Here you will be able to check on your health and any injuries you've sustained, as well as bandage limbs and administer other medical treatment.", false, ((b) (l1)).e);            zombie.a.c.a(C.b, 16, 239, "Crafting", "If you expand out your inventory (by clicking the inventory 'box' icon above) you will see the crafting button here. <br><br>This will open the crafting panel, where one or more items can be combined or pulled apart to form a new item.", false, ((b) (l1)).e);        }        if(l2.equals("SleepDemo"))        {            l1.a("Okay. We're safe.", true);            l1.a("My hero!", false);            l1.a("Glad to see the sense of humor is back.", true);            l1.a("Hero's fine! Without you I'd be cold, dead and roaming the streets.", false);            l1.a("And limping.", true);            l1.a("That too...", false);            l1.a("I need to go find supplies.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IFNIGHT_It's pitch black out there, hon.", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IFDAY_It's going to be dark soon, hon.", false);            l1.a("You won't see the neighbors till they've taken chunks from you.", false);            l1.a("We'll sleep hungry.             ", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_SLEEP_9", false);        }        if(l2.equals("SleepDemo2"))        {            l1.a("                     ", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Hammer_I miss the days when we didn't take a hammer to bed.", false);            l1.a("Time to go out. See what I can see.", true);            l1.a("If you see one of them, just run. No man stuff.", false);            l1.a("Just bring back food! ", false);            l1.a("We're not running anymore sweetheart.", true);            zombie.a.c.a("tutorial3", ((b) (l1)).e);        }        if(l2.equals("Supplies"))        {            l1.a("                         ", false);            l1.a("I'm sorry I fucked up hon.", false);            l1.a("I screwed everything.", false);            l1.a("Screwed us...", false);            l1.a("You are fine. We are fine.", true);            l1.a("We're just going to have to hole up here for a while.", true);            l1.a("I can see a shed in the yard - might be some tools, some wood...", true);            l1.a("This place'll be a fortress.", true);            l1.a("Third fortress this week.", false);            l1.a("Don't be long.", false);            l1.a("Please don't be long.", false);            zombie.a.c.a("tutorial2", ((b) (l1)).e);        }        if(l2.equals("EarlArrives"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_TutorialCreateEarl", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_false", false);        }        if(l2.equals("FrontDoor"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_true", false);            l1.a("Shit! They found us.", true);            l1.a("I should learn to keep my voice down.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IF_TUTSTOVEOFF_EarlArrives", true);            l1.a("                      ", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_TUTORIALFIRE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_false", false);            zombie.a.c.a("tutorialDie", ((b) (l1)).e);        }        if(l2.equals("Soup"))        {            l1.a("We got soup!", true);            l1.a("Think you can manage that?", false);            l1.a("Ha! This kitchen is pretty beat up, but I think I remember!", true);            zombie.a.c.a("tutorialSoup", ((b) (l1)).e);        }        if(l2.equals("Smother"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_true", false);            l1.a("What are you doing? Oh God no.", false);            l1.a("I'm sorry I slowed you down.", false);            l1.a("I love you.", false);            l1.a("****mmmffff*****", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_STEALCONTROL_false", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_WIFEPILLOWDIE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_You smothered your wife Kate", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_Your reasons are your own", false);        }        if(l2.equals("PlayerAfterWifeShoot"))        {            l1.a("Now did I say I'd fire on one, or after one?", true);            l1.a("No! You motherfucker! Nooo!", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_PLAYER", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLSHOOT", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IFPLAYERDEAD_Sweet dreams.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLENDSCRIPT", false);        }        if(l2.equals("KATECALL"))        {            l1.a("Is that you hon?", true);            l1.a("Where's that soup?", true);        }        if(l2.equals("SeePlayerFirst"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_You were ambushed by a raider", false);            l1.a("Howdy Neighbor.", true);            l1.a("Look, we're just camped out here.", false);            l1.a("The threat's outside. Not in here.", false);            l1.a("I was just out in the street. Heard your radio.", true);            l1.a("Thought I'd drop on in...", true);            l1.a("Oh, and 'we'? You got a l'il friend in here, Baldspot?", true);            l1.a("My wife's upstairs. Just take what you need, and go.", false);            l1.a("Yes sir. Yes I will.", true);            l1.a("Let's go meet your lady.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Hammer_and I'd put that hammer away if I were you.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Hammer_I don't take kindly to folks waving lethal weapons about...", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Hammer_What a coincidence.", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Baseball Bat_and I'd put that bat away if I were you.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Baseball Bat_I don't take kindly to folks waving lethal weapons about...", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EQUIPPEDCONCRETE_Baseball Bat_What a coincidence.", false);            l1.a("Up the stairs, or I shoot.", true);        }        if(l2.equals("NowIntoTheRoom"))            l1.a("Into the room. Now", true);        if(l2.equals("ComeBack"))        {            l1.a("Hey you sneaky son of a bitch!", true);            l1.a("Come back here!", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_PLAYER", false);        }        if(l2.equals("WifeNo"))        {            l1.a("Kate!", true);            l1.a("My God No!", true);        }        if(l2.equals("EarlWifeArgueNoSeePlayer"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_You were ambushed by a raider", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_WARNEDHAMMER", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_WIFE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLAIM_WIFE", false);            l1.a("Howdy Neighbor.", true);            l1.a("Who the hell are you?", false);            l1.a("Ah you know. Just someone new to the area.", true);            l1.a("Heard yer radio.", true);            l1.a("Got any li'l friends round here, tendin' to those wounds?", true);            l1.a("Just little old me.", false);            l1.a("Well I thought I'd come by and take yer stuff...", true);            l1.a("But turns out you ain't got shit.", true);            l1.a("So I'm takin' yer hideout. Just to improve the day.", true);            l1.a("Look, just turn around and go.", false);            l1.a("You ain't in a position for orderin'", true);            l1.a("Give it three seconds, and you won't have no position at all.", true);            l1.a("Three.", true);            l1.a("Two.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLSHOOT", false);            l1.a("Sweet dreams sister.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_PLAYER", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IFPLAYERSAMEROOM_No! You motherfucker! Nooo!", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLENDSCRIPT", false);        }        if(l2.equals("EarlWifeArgue"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_WARNEDHAMMER", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_WIFE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLAIM_PLAYER", false);            l1.a("So how y'all doing?", true);            l1.a("I heard you downstairs.", false);            l1.a("We've got nothing. Just leave us alone.", false);            l1.a("You ain't got nothing darlin'. You got bit.", true);            l1.a("Now, that's a something.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYERSAY_That's not a bite! It's a break!", true);            l1.a("                                 ", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYERSAY_We were running from you! From your people! She fell.", true);            l1.a("                                                      ", false);            l1.a("Sure looks like a bite from here.", true);            l1.a("And so you know, that's a thing I just can't stand...", true);            l1.a("It isn't a goddam bite!", false);            l1.a("I like this house. I'm taking it.", true);            l1.a("That means I clean out the infected trash.", true);            l1.a("Wifey dies in three seconds Baldspot. Pay attention.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLAIM_WIFE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_PLAYERSAY_You asshole! No!", true);            l1.a("Three.", true);            l1.a("I love you sweetheart!", false);            l1.a("Two", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLSHOOT", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_The raider slaughtered your wife, Kate", false);        }        if(l2.equals("KillPlayerAndWife"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_WIFE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_EARLADDENEMY_PLAYER", false);        }        if(l2.equals("CaughtHammer"))        {            l1.a("Son of a bitch.", true);            l1.a("No one comes at Earl with a hammer...", true);        }        if(l2.equals("SpotZombie"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_SPAWNZOMBIE_66_6_0", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_TUTORIALZOMBIES_1", false);        }        if(l2.equals("RadioWorks"))        {            l1.a("Honey! It's working!", false);            l1.a("                      ", false);        }        if(l2.equals("RadioBroadcast"))        {            l1.a("                   ", true);            l1.a("This piece of shit radio picked something up!", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_Day six of the Knox County event and the army has warned camps..._Day six........Knox County..............army...........camps...", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_...of concerned relatives of Muldraugh citizens..._...............relatives..............citizens...", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_...that if they do not return home they will be forcibly dispersed._..............return home...............forcibly dispersed.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_The President has released a statement asking for calm and patience -__The President..........statement........calm............. -", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_but key Republicans have been quick to attack what they're calling a 'do nothing' agenda._........Republicans..........quick to attack...............agenda.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_With the communication blackout and no fly zone firmly in place..._........communication...........no fly zone...........", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_...there's still no clue as to the nature of the outbreak._......................nature...........outbreak.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_Pictures released by US forces, however, show crowded streets..._...............US forces..........crowded streets...", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_UPDOWN_...suggesting that, despite it all, the townsfolk of Muldraugh are living as normal._............townsfolk.........living....normal.", true);            l1.a("SPECIAL_IF_TUTSTOVEOFF_EarlArrives", true);            l1.a("Can you smell burning?", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_TUTORIALFIRE", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_ENDGAMETEXT_Your poor culinary skills caused a lethal blaze", false);            l1.a("You turned the oven off before coming up here, right?", false);        }        if(l2.equals("ZombieOutsideDoor"))        {            l1.a("SPECIAL_SPAWNZOMBIEFINDPLAYER_48_26_0", false);            l1.a("SPECIAL_TUTORIALZOMBIES_1", false);



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