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action Mafia 2

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Дело изредка говоришь, но на эту технологию охота было взглянуть. И это моё дело включать или нет её.

Да мне кажется, что на неё никогда без второй карты не взглянуть. Они походу специально, делаю настолько кривую оптимизацию, чтоб даже одна пупер карта не справлялась, а потом говорят, что нужна вторая. это же смешно в рекомендованных писать печ285 под физику которая до сих пор сама может справляться на ура с играми и стоит дорого.

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Да мне кажется, что на неё никогда без второй карты не взглянуть. Они походу специально, делаю настолько кривую оптимизацию, чтоб даже одна пупер карта не справлялась, а потом говорят, что нужна вторая. это же смешно в рекомендованных писать печ285 под физику которая до сих пор сама может справляться на ура с играми и стоит дорого.

GTX 480 вполне хватает, чтобы взглянуть на неё. Тут важно не забывать что видяха новая, и косяки будут еще править. Плюс это же всё-таки демо-версия. Вот выйдет полная тогда и будем ругать)

Изменено пользователем .SыREgA.

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Если кратко:

НЕТ, в игре таки НЕЛЬЗЯ стрелять из машины и, если кому, судя по некоторым форумам интересно - заводить подружек

Из игры выпилен общ. транспорт :(



Originally Posted by McGee

Jack are you happy with the review score you got from PC ZONE (8/10), or do you feel it could've scored higher?

They mentioned that they felt the storyline was "cold" (as a negative), you have any idea what this could mean?

The only people who are happy with an 8 are the ones who shipped a game they thought would be a 7. That's not us.

I have no idea what that comment could mean. Maybe he was expecting Vito to be wearing a plumber's outfit and rescue a princess, I don't know. All the reviewers I've spoken to have done nothing but praise the story.


Originally Posted by McGee

Jack what is this 10 hours Pc zone mentioned?

I'm hearing crap through alot of forums on how Mafia 2 has become consolized, and how it's not worth there pre-order.

Is the game really 10 hours? Because I thought you guys mentioned it would be 15-20 hours???

If people want to whine and freak out over one review, I really couldn't care less. Some of the best games I've played were between 5 and 10 hours long. Mafia II is 15+ on average.


Originally Posted by RunningBare

This statement is not correct, the radio was still the most popular due to the rock and pop culture, it was also much more affordable than the tv.

But you keep on about this when it's already been shown it's a resource issue, how much they could cram onto a DVD disk, I would have liked to have seen tv in the game also, but given the choice one or other, I'd certainly choose the radio.

You are correct sir. TV didn't not take over the world overnight. Radio was the dominant form of entertainment back when our game takes place. Remember when plasma screens came out? Think about how expensive they were and how many people you knew had them. And if they did, there was like 1 or 2 HD channels available. That's what regular TV was like back in ancient times.


Originally Posted by EdKe

Whow!I cant believe you are really Jack and you are answering our questions!

Thanks for everything!

Im from Argentina,my Grandparents are for Naples and Sardegna,and I love a good Mafia history(Scorsese is my favourite director).

I am pretty sure I will love this game!

Can I make you a few questions?

1/How does the game Saves and Loads?

2/Can you buy houses/departments?

3/Is the game going to have more than one difficulty level?

4/Can you put guns in the trunk of your car?

5/What is the thing that you enjoy most doing in the game?

I must say that I never saw a game better looking than Mafia 2,Seriously,just amazing,the city looks like a real one!And the snow!Cars!Buildings!Street!The textures!Clothes!The fluid movements!Characters design!Reflects!Pretty much everything looks amazing!I remember that when I saw one image with Joe and two girls I tough that it was a gangsters movie videogame,and that it was a movie image!(I knew nothing about Mafia1 or 2 then )

6/Wich part of all the visual efects you like more?I love the phisics!

7/Wich weapon do you like more?

8/How many weapons are in the game?(aproximately)

9/How will the citizens react to your actions?I supose that if you pull out your gun,they will run,but if you punch somebody?

10/Are there more than one end depending on decisions you choose on the history?

Thats all,sorry for the large list and for my REALLY BAD English!

Thanks for everything and sorry if you already answered some cuestions!

Whoa.... I'll answer this one in parts, and some I'm going to ask 2K Dan to answer. Here's the first one:

5/What is the thing that you enjoy most doing in the game?

It may sound silly with all the emphasis we placed on the shooting, story, etc... but my personal favorite thing to do in the game is to get one of the awesome convertibles in the 1950's, customize it, and drive around the city and listen to the music. It's especially cool at night.


Originally Posted by Mademan101


I have some more.

1.Ya removed the gym right.

2.Ya made empire bay alittle smaller by taking out the country side.

4.Ya changed Vito alittle.

5.Ya removed the multiple endings.

6.Are you able to buy more then one safehouse? Because wikipedia says you can.(I dont know if wikipedia is good source.)

7.How is the eating food phys.

How do you feel about all this?

1No. There never was a gym. Vito will visit a gym once during the game, but I'm not going to tell you how, why, when, or where.

2. No. There never was a countryside. There are suburbs.

3. You removed question #3, right?

4. We actually changed Vito a lot over the course of development.

5. Yes. We decided to go with the ending we all liked best.

6. There are no safehouses. Ignore everything you read on Wikipedia. The information presented there has never been accurate.

7. I don't know what this question means.


Originally Posted by Fat Tony

ay jack

ive asked this question 3 times could you please answer this

wat r the other melee weapons besides baseball bats and molotov cocktails


There are no melee weapons. The molotov is technically a grenade weapon.


Originally Posted by Muffin

Doubt about it... it would be realistic but on the other side it would be kinda weird, like: "Honey, I'm home... you won't believe what happened when I was leaving Giuseppe, two goombas mugged me..."

From a story point of view - here's the reason why you're not going to run into random events everywhere you go - Vito and Joe are not your average everyday citizens. They are street smart, they've lived in Empire Bay their whole lives, and most importantly they are not pussies. They're not guys you would look at and decide to mug or attempt to victimize, unless you had huge balls. And if you do have huge balls, well then you deserve to be a more important character and we're going to work your attempted victimization into the main story somewhere


Originally Posted by bwlacrosse27

Hey Jack, i am actually on my ps3 right now watching the Developer Diaries and i have 3 questions (I've asked them before but Im trying toget confirmation from you.) First, do you have any idea when the Earning Your Keep video is being released? Second , someone said you can free roam after beating the game, is that true? i hope so. Lastly, what do you think the chances are of you guys adding some DLC online mode? PS sorry if im annoying anyone who answered these questions earlier

Hi. I'm not really sure what that video even is. I don't have much to do with that stuff anymore.

You can free roam at almost any point during the missions. If you want to play a separate mode that's more focused on free roaming, you can do that in both the PS3's free DLC and also the Jimmy's Vendetta DLC.

We have no plans to release a multiplayer component at this time. I've said this elsewhere in this thread and explained why.


Originally Posted by Mafiosi21

Will Vito get a girlfriend in the Game? It would be nice if we would see the lovestory of Vito Scaletta in Mafia 2 Just like in the original Mafia with Tommy and Sarah.

No. As with real life, women really complicate things in games


Originally Posted by Jukebox

Jack, will the console version also get simulation mode? Or its just exclusive for PC?

It'll be available on console and PC.


Originally Posted by American McGee

I'm sorry Jack. I know the game is already finished, so I wasn't expecting anything more. I just wanted to point it out to you and get your thoughts on it? But are the missions really that short (that one preview I mentioned) or did you give them parts of a mission, or did the guy just rush through?

I'll PM you the links...

The missions aren't short. In fact I just read a preview where someone said they were long. As with everyone else, everyone has their own opinion. We had 4 missions (or "chapters") for the journalists to play and I think we gave them around 4 hours. Some finished, and some didn't.


Originally Posted by Spiral Static

Out of the 30 previews, there have been only a few minor complaints. I can't wait for this game!

Jack, how do you feel now that the game is complete and you can just relax?

We all feel great that Mafia II is done, but who said I was relaxing? There's a lot of work to be done in the month leading up to a major launch. Plus I work on all of 2K's games in one capacity or another, so there's always something to do. Luckily most of it's fun.


Originally Posted by BushyHairedFellow

when i would play games like gta4 (especially gta4 for this question), sometimes i would drive realistically (stop at red lights, go at green, go speed limit, etc.) just to chill out & try to grasp the atmosphere of the game, but when i would be stopped at a red light, it'd seem like everyone is in the biggest hurry of their lives. i cant count how many times someone would rear end my car in the game or cars would drive around me when stopped at a red light or stop sign.

im hoping mafia 2 will have realistic driving instead of everybody being a complete maniac on the road. i dont like being crashed into every 20 seconds, but i also dont want traffic to be completely perfect at all times. do you ever drive realistically to take in the atmosphere? and how frequently did other cars crash into you (not you crashing into them)?

You will not be disappointed by the the traffic, and driving experience.


Originally Posted by Cagney89

I understand your reasoning, but it has the potential to get very annoying after awhile. Denby and Jack have said many times that their going for something akin to Goodfellas, so I thought that they'd have narration only when completely neccesary.

You are hearing Vito' thoughts in that scene. This rarely happens in the game. He will never narrate other than at the start or end of every chapter.

I personally hate narration, but it was a necessary evil with this story. We wanted everyone to be able to follow it and understand what's happening and why it's happening. We also have to be mindful of how the player experiences our game...

With movies, they know that their audience is going to sit down and watch the thing end to end and be completely devoted to it. With games, due to their length, the player will probably experience your game over the course of 2 or more days, or maybe even on and off over the course of 2 or more months. So we needed a way to let you know what just happened, and narration happened to be the best device for that. It's not like Vito's at his camp with the members of his adventuring party who are out to slay the dragon, and can ask them to remind him of what he needs to do


Originally Posted by Comp_Ali

Thanks Jack for you time ,

In some screenshots on the internet that shows some texures aren't much details . Although most of the characters' faces , fire, and interiors are pertty detailed others like fences are a bit pixelated.

here is the article I mean "Tops and Flops of Mafia II in Graphics" Can we expect 2k Czech to improve those undetailed areas.

Ahhh.... It seems that no matter what we do, there is an entire German web page devoted to what they feel could have been done better. It has actually become a joke between me and the team. The game looks fantastic and we're all very proud of the job our art team has done. Our fans in Germany will not be disappointed.


Originally Posted by Comp_Ali

Some Reviews I see claim the facial animation isn't that good especially for women characters , can you clarify that. To be honest , everything else in the review was praised (ghraphics , story , interactions , melee combat , city,....)

The characters in the cutscenes have very detailed facial animation. I saw one article where the author was whining because a girl in a clothing shop didn't have perfect facial animation. If we gave everyone in the city the same amount of detail in their facial animation, we'd need to decrease the detail in other areas, and then people would complain even louder about that. The guys at 2K Czech are borderline crazy about adding detail to everything, so please trust me that the overall detail in the world will more than make up for meaningless characters in shops not having the level of detail in their facial animation as Vito and Joe


Originally Posted by Comp_Ali

Also , Is there an option to turn on ammo loss for weapons. It was a good realistic touch in Mafia that sadly removed in Mafia II , Can we expect at least an option to turn it on.

Not that I am aware of. Please understand that people who like this feature amount to about 1% of the audience. Mafia II is an action crime game, not a sim. If it bothers certain players that you don't lose the ammo in your magazine when you reload, just make sure you empty your gun's magazine before reloading. Or count how many bullets you had left, then shoot that number of rounds into a nearby wall after you reload.


Originally Posted by Comp_Ali

Finally , is it true that some of realistic features was removed like the above in order to make the game accessible for everyone (casual audience) , I am not against that but at least you can give hardcore gamers a treat

We didn't remove these "features." To my knowledge, they were never in the design for Mafia II. Again, we were making an action crime game, not a simulation. Where Mafia 1 really shined was in its storytelling and atmosphere. That is what we focused on for the sequel. Everything else was modernized based on what today's audience expects in an action game. This is not the "casual" audience, it is the mainstream audience. The audience formerly known as "hardcore" has now actually become the mainstream. Those gamers who are beyond that are called "ultra-hardcore." As developers, we do our best to cater to the ultra-hardcore audience, because we fall into this category ourselves, but we must always be aware of the need to design a game that can be enjoyed by as wide an audience as possible.


Originally Posted by Comp_Ali

I hope you guys didn't sell us PC gamers , we quite enjoyed Mafia I and certainly looking forward Mafia II


Thanks. You will enjoy Mafia II for what it is - the sequel to, and the evolution of, an excellent game. People shouldn't go into Mafia II thinking that it's just the first game with better graphics. It's a completely new and different experience. I'm probably just as resistant as you are to change when it comes to games I love, but I still get the same feeling when I play Mafia II as I did when I played the first game, and I hope you and all of the other Mafia 1 fans do too.


Originally Posted by Dbeat

hey jack another question for you i've recently heard that there will be pre rendered cutscenes ..4 of them its true?, i may suppose that these are the most epic cutscenes in the game

Yes. The ones that were possible to do in real time were done in real time. The ones that needed to be pre-rendered for technical reasons were pre-rendered. There is no difference in quality.


Originally Posted by neon25

Jack, can you still fire with a handgun from inside the vehicle like in first Mafia?

No. People can fire from your car though. Because this thread is filled with die-hard Mafia 1 fans, I respectfully ask you to hold all potential whining about this until after you've played the game.


Originally Posted by mafioso87

Hey Jack, I wanted to ask. What is your favourite platform to game Mafia 2 on? PC or console (in case its console you dont have to say which one, in order to prevent fanboy flame war lol)

I mean obviously there are the positives of having enhanced physics and graphics when it comes to the PC. But maybe you find it more satisfying to drive cars using a controller etc?

What is your preferance? Just curious

I prefer to play the game on a ridiculously fast PC, on a huge screen, with the Xbox 360 controller. Keyboard and mouse isn't my style when it comes to 3rd-person action games or driving games.


Originally Posted by andrew.

is there blindfire?

can we change the crosshair? im not diggin that big one...

No blind fire. Not sure about the crosshair. I've never tried to change it.


Originally Posted by onixer2010


Will we be able to keep on playing in Empire Bay like we did in Mafia I in the freeride modes or does the game ends when the missions are finished? (like saint's row for example) More specifically, is there a freeride mode?


You'll be able to keep playing in Empire Bay after the game is over, but I'm not going to tell you how


Originally Posted by Slesh


what are the differences between the difficulty levels of the game?

All I know is that the harder difficulty levels are more difficult for players who suck


Originally Posted by American McGee

A few more questions for you Jack.

1. Many members seem distraught over the no public transportation aspect. They don't understand why, considering this was a neat aspect (to hop on a trolly, or take a train) to Mafia 1. What was the motivation to take away the public transportation, why did you feel the need to?

Hopefully they will stop crying when they realize how much fun driving is in Mafia II. We cut the public transportation for many reasons. It's a lot of work to get right, it presents logistical challenges, it eats up memory that can instead be used for other things, it wouldn't make full use of our radio system, and it serves no gameplay purpose whatsoever.

Besides all of that - wiseguys don't use pubic transportation. You know who takes the subway or the bus in the opinion of a wiseguy? A ****in' bum. A loser. A guy with no money and no class. A guy who can't afford a car and doesn't have the balls or the connections to otherwise acquire one. This is the big city we're talking about. Cars are a luxury few can afford, especially nice cars, and that's one of the things being a wiseguy is all about - the good life, luxury cars, nice clothes, girls, booze, etc. So if you want to play Mafia II you're going to play as a wiseguy, and I recommend you shut your mouth, grow some balls, and get yourself a car.

And personally, the absolute last thing I would want to see on August 24 is an online video of some jackass who played on easy mode, with cheats, skipped every cutscene, took public transportation to instantly teleport around the game world, and claimed that he finished the game in really short amount of time.

When we got a bit too feature-heavy with the design, we sat all the features down and asked them what they brought to the table. Do you enhance the story? Do you add meaningful gameplay that will be appreciated and experienced by most players? Why should we make you? Those that did not successfully answer those questions, were killed. Violently.


Originally Posted by American McGee

2. Is the 1st Chapter still considered a big secret? Because the 1st acheivement is called Viva La Resistance. While the 2nd is called Home Sweet Home.

I had absolutely nothing to do with the achievement names that people have been talking about, (they're all in British if you haven't noticed) so I can't really comment on these or any inferences you may have made after reading them.


Originally Posted by glesson

Thanks for the reply, Jack!

I know what you mean about Road of Perdition. The overall atmosphere in this movie was fantastic. The theme with the rain, which wipes away the individual' sins, and redeems the siner was something that makes me watch the movie once every 3 - 4 months. I actually like the idea for the real life experience inspiration. That's what made A Bronx Tale for example the movie that it was - the script was based on the childhood of Chazz Palmintieri. I always thought that after The Godfather 90% of the movies tried to do the same things like Coppola's masterpiece ( there are exceptions of course - Goodfellas, A Bronx Tale, etc.). Anyway I'm glad you guys took a different and more realistic approach, I was hoping for something like that. When I first read about how Mafia II will show the realistic part from the mob life - I was a 100% confident that this project would be special. After all attention to details is what shows the difference between a good and a great game. (Sopranos is the best example for a show/movie that relied heavily on realism, and this took them to become the cult they are now)

btw: You're right, even taken out of the context - The Godfather: The Game sucks - great example to show thow people who don't undestand a certain culture, behind a project with great potential can fvck it all up.

I loved A Bronx Tale, as well as the story of how that movie ended up getting made. You guys should check out a movie called My Blue Heaven. It's a comedy staring Steve Martin that's loosely based on Henry Hill after he entered the witness protection program. I moved to California from NY almost 3 years ago and there have been many times where I've felt just like Steve Martin's character does in this movie. Here's some trivia: the actress who plays Filomena in My Blue Heaven plays one of my favorite characters in Mafia II.


Originally Posted by Dbeat

1.- The legth of Mafia II will be larger, equal or shorter than Mafia 1 gameplay?!

All depends on how you play. I won't put a number on the average playthrough because I simply don't know what that number is. I often spend half my day just driving around and looking for cars to populate my garage with.


Originally Posted by Dbeat

2.- Mafia haved side missions, the ones with Lucas Bertone, we will see this kind of side mission, is there still the casual episodes in Empire Bay like a ladie that is being menaced by a greaser or there are gone?

Yes, there will be optional things you can do at certain places in the game. These are not randomly generated events though, for reasons I have stated in my answers to previous questions on this topic.


Originally Posted by Dbeat

3.- we will hear music outside of the car while walking? that gived more atmosphere to mafia 1.

Yes, sometimes. This question was answered in much more detail in one of my earlier posts.


Originally Posted by Dbeat

4.-Can Vito get out of the cars when they're movin'?

You cannot bail at high speed. It is a videogame, but we try to encourage remotely realistic behavior in Mafia II.


Originally Posted by Dbeat

5.-Can you get whacked if you are killing people with no sense at all like in some interview Jack Scalici said, if this feature is in the game, can you explain more of how it works?

We removed that feature. It was planned, but got removed a while ago. The reason was that our police system works well enough to discourage this kind of behavior. Having both the mob and the cops try to kill you when you behave like a homicidal maniac was just too much. We also realize that some players like to occasionally behave like that, so if they can do it without getting killed by the cops, good for them. We're not going to ruin their fun by having them automatically get killed.


Originally Posted by Dbeat

6.-LAST ONE: After all this cuts in the gameplay ( sidemissions, wife systems, RESPECT SYSTEM (I WAS PRETTY CURIOUS ABOUT THAT COULD YOU EXPLAIN ME HOW WAS GOING TO WORK THAT SYSTEM?)alternative endings, story, length) do you feel the game was better with all that modifications, I mean, dont you think some of that features would gived more personality-originality to the game?,why cut some features that worked in Mafia game( garage, sidemissions, losing ammo when you reload)?

That's one hell of a last question.

The short answer is that the reason we removed all of these legacy design features was to improve the overall quality of the game, and to put the focus on what we do best, which is story-driven action/driving gameplay.

The "respect system" was identical to what you mention above, and is exactly what you would expect. If you behaved like a maniac in Empire Bay, you would lose respect. Once it falls to a certain level, it's automatic game over. While some people would enjoy this, most would find it very irritating. It also made things very, very weird when you were about to get whacked for acting like an *******, and your boss was yelling at you on the phone and threatening you to shape up, but then you go see him 2 minutes later to continue the main story and he acts like nothing is wrong.

You guys should understand that everything we add to the game has an exponential effect in a game the size of Mafia II. Plus we want the experience to be a lot of fun yet also feel realistic and be executed at super high quality. When we can't do that, this is why we remove certain non-essential features.

I don't know anything about a "wife system" in the original design. I have been on the project for almost 5 years now and if there was a wife system, it was removed before I got the script. I remember hearing from Dan Vavra that at one point you could have a girlfriend, but that was also removed before I started working on the game. The reason behind this, I assume, is that just like in real life, in videogames women really complicate the hell out of things

Losing ammo when you reload - I personally hated that feature There are tens of millions of gamers out there who play shooters these days. In just about every great shooter I have ever played, the player is conditioned to reload as often as possible because you don;t lose ammo when you do this. This is not realistic, but is fun and it's what everyone knows. If we forced the player to lose the ammo left in his magazine, most players would run out of ammo shortly after the start of their first gunfight. Then they'd need to go back and pick up their old magazines. This would not be fun. I understand some people liked the realism of losing the remaining ammo with the magazine, but it went against our goal of making Mafia II instantly accessible to fans of modern shooters. If you want realism, just don't hit the reload button until you're out of ammo


Originally Posted by JJjoinut99

Im sure they will be big memorable missions and we have nothing to worry about. ive seen the distillery one loads already but still can't wait to play it myself.

One question though, do we choose which family to join or as the story progresses does Vito's alliegences switch?

PS i love the new layout.

You don't choose which family to join. Joe has a big hand in this. Don't want to spoil anything so that's all I'll say.


Originally Posted by American McGee

Orginally when did work for Mafia 2 first begin?

I believe Daniel started on the original script right after the first game shipped. I think it was designed as a PS2 game or something. Remember this was 2002. Since then, obviously much has changed.

The game you will experience in August, my work started on it in late 2005. The engine and tools were in development well before that.

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О нет! Нельзя "мутить с телками", игра провалится в продажах((99

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Мда, как-то странно, парняга после войны первым делом должен по бабам шляться, а не людей "крошить"...

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Мда, как-то странно, парняга после войны первым делом должен по бабам шляться, а не людей "крошить"...

Понравилась война, любит это дело :D

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Понравилась война, любит это дело :D

А может ему там, та во... отстрелили? ;)

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Обзор демоверсии

по моему очень даже все правельно подмечено=)




Мухамор красавчег, абалденный превью на основе демы, Серега бери его на видео обзор на сайт, парень золото просто...., а то смотри в скорем времени на Ag красанётся))))

и к стати, на счет оптимизации, стоит 5870, вторая на бета дровах зеленых, NV 9600GT, которые не блокируют аппаратную физику если стоит ATI, на полной, со всеми фичами, 28-40 FPS выдаёт, даже при самой сложной потасовке играть в полне комфортно, короче жду, малю на абалденный сужетец)))

Изменено пользователем LEX!

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А все басейны в районе то пустые, и все делают вид, что все нормвльно. странно все это

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Ужас лучше бы демку не выкладывали и так 7 лет жду с ума схожу а тут еще такое 8) скорей бы уже полную 8) Демка шик 8)

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Мне тебя жаль.

Обоснуй. Ты меня знаешь, чтобы жалеть?

Давай только без фаллометрии и говна. Просто, что имел ввиду под "жаль".

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Обоснуй. Ты меня знаешь, чтобы жалеть?

Не знаю.

Давай только без фаллометрии и говна. Просто, что имел ввиду под "жаль".

Если я обновляю системник раз в 4 года, это не значит что я гоняюсь за модой. Поэтому воздержись от высказываний в мой адрес.

Изменено пользователем .SыREgA.

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Если я обновляю системник раз в 4 года, это не значит что я гоняюсь за модой. Поэтому воздержись от высказываний в мой адрес.

Так бы сразу и сказал для исключения недопонимания. За сим считаю данную тему исчерпанной.

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За сим считаю данную тему исчерпанной.

Согласен :victory:

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А может ему там, та во... отстрелили?


если честно,смешного мало,странно то,что многие ожидают существенных изменений от демки,когда релиз игры выходит через две недели после демки. Что за две недели можно существенно изменить? Ничего!

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