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The Guild 2: Sovereign Edition

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The Guild 2: Sovereign Edition (MOD) - нужен русский перевод текста и текстур. Озвучка присутствует от русской лицензии "Руссобит-Паблишинг".

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<font size="1">The Guild 2: Sovereign's Edition


Изменения, внесённые в игре патчами и модами:


Патч к игре версии 2.1

Патчноуты взяты с форума компании JoWood для общего ознакомления, комментарии мои, для тех кто с английским не очень

Group Management

Use this measure to add a family member to a group, or to remove

one from the group.

Wearing Accessories

From now on you can wear jewellery and garments in order to

improve favour with other characters, analgous to 'Perfume'.

If a piece of jewellery or clothing is in a character's

inventory, it also appears in the character's measures list and

can be worn simply by clicking with the mouse.

Building: Wedding Chapel

Anyone who wants to get married can still do so quite publicly

on the street. But those for whom that is too public can choose

a ceremony in the wedding chapel. This takes longer and costs

money, but it is an unforgettable moment for the happy couple

and provides both with a wealth of experience.

In addition, an engagement ring to offer one's intended in a

courtship can be purchased from an orphan in the wedding chapel.

The engagement ring then produces great progress in the courting


You can also adopt orphans here, if you are already married.

For the latter measures, bear in mind that the orphans can only

be encountered during the day.

Теперь можно просить руки не на улице, а в церкви, правда за отдельную плату. Плюсы: больше экспы для него и для нее

Building: Guild House

In the guild house, you can fulfill contracts for the guild,

which earns fame. The guild will either want to purchase special

items - for which you can purchase construction plans - or

offer a travelling job, during which a character spends some

time on a journey. For both types of contract, there is money

and a variable amount of fame to be earned. You can also purchase

an alderman's chain which works like high-quality jewellery for

its wearer. The favour bonus is further influenced by the guild

fame of the wearer, if a guild master or even alderman.

В новом здании можно получать и выполнять контракты за деньги и очки славы.

Guild Master

Every guild house names a guildmaster for each of the four

character classes: Patron, Tradesman, Scholar, and Rogue.

The election takes place between 5 and 6 AM starting in the

second round. You are automatically enroled for the election,

if you own a business in your character class. The selection

criteria for a guild master position are the number and level

of all of your businesses in the class, and the fame of the

character in the guild. Before a new selection takes place in

the subsequent round, every guild master receives one fame


Guild masters can purchase deliveries of raw materials from

cities which are not on the map. Guild masters pay a lower

price for alderman's chains and manufacturing instructions.

Выборы гильдмастера города в каждой из 4 профессий, проходят утром.


The alderman is the highest representative of the Hanseatic

League in a region. Thus, there can be only one alderman for

each map. All guild masters on the map who are at least

noted (level 2) and whose family is at least known (level 1)

are eleigible. The selection takes place between 12 noon and

1 PM starting in the third round.

Aldermen can use all of the measures of the guild master,

has more luck with deliveries of raw materials, and must pay

far less money for them. In addition, alderman's chins and

manufacturinginstructions cost them very little money.

Глава гильдмастеров, существует в единичном экземпляре на всю область (карту), выборы проходят днем.

View guild reputation

With this, you can view the fame of a character in the

local guild and the fame of the family in the Hanseatic

League. In addition, this is where you can learn if the

character is guild master or alderman.

Level 0: unknown - character-fame: 0 - family-fame: 0

Level 1: known - character-fame: 1-5 - family-fame: 1-20

Level 2: noted - character-fame: 6-10 - family-fame: 21-50

Level 3: respected - character-fame: 11-15 - family-fame: 51-100

Level 4: sought after - character-fame: 16-20 - family-fame: 101-200

Level 5: famous - character-fame: >20 - family-fame: >200

When a married couple conceive a child - that is, not adopt -

1/4 of the parents' guild fame is passed on to the child.

Можно просмотреть очки славы вашего героя.

Illnesses in the city

With this, you can view the illnesses in the city. The measure

appears in a hospital which you own, and lists the medicines

in the building's warehouse in addition to the cases of

illness in the city.

Три новые карты

Duchy of Calenberg


Shadows over Rabenstein (Duel map)

Пофиксенные баги:

1. An error in group administration which could crash the game

in the network when a character was kidnapped has been fixed

2. A variety of raw materials which are important for the products

of individual businesses are now generated in the marketplace

at the beginning of the game and during the game. As a result,

initial bottlenecks in the raw material supply should be minimised

3. The selection of the difficulty level at the beginning of the game

now has more influence on the behaviour of the AI and the course

of the game

4. In duels, there was a particle effect error which could end

the duel scene early under certain circumstances

5. The wrong text appeared when a poisoned well was purified with

'Holy Water'

6. The 'Notice Board' now distracts characters from their activities

less often

7. It is no longer possible to interrupt important actions with the

measure 'Give cake'

8. Characters listening to a fiery speech received the wrong tooltip

for the current measure

9. The folder 'Shots' was not automatically created during installation

of the game, preventing screen shots from being taken from the

running game (Print key)

10. The ability 'Peacemaker' has been integrated for Catholic churches

11. The message 'You notice a lovely fragrance' no longer appears when

a character smells perfume and is influenced by it

12. 'Perfume' only worked once on a character

13. Building improvements which provide talent bonuseswere not affecting

employees who were hired after the improvement was added

14. The measure 'Hold a feast' did not end correctly

15. Not enough storage slots were available in levels 2 and 3 of the


16. There were not enough storage slots in the higher alchemist levels

17. In the tutorial, the wrong text was entered in the mission book

during repair

18. If you wanted to threaten someone during a council meeting, the

wrong text could be displayed

19. If the city increased a town level during a council meeting, the

town hall and everyone present could be blocked

20. Robbers could extort protection money from watchtowers

21. If a demand for protection money was rejected, buildings could not

be extorted for protection money again

22. The measure 'Gain believers' had an error when handled by the AI

23. You could no longer directly hire employees

24. Pathfinding and collision problems in the following maps have been

fixed: Newark_small, Lyon, Lyon_3s, Hanse, and Northsea


Патч The Guild 2: Pirates of the European Seas v2.2


Год выпуска: 2010

Тип патча: Официальный

Версия патча: v2.2

Версия игры для установки: v2.0

Список изменений:


- Fixed numerous bugs that were causing the game to crash

- Added some minor tweaks that slightly improve game performance

- Fixed some bugs that were preventing the game to save

- Fixed a bug that was causing carts and ships to get stuck

- Fixed a bug which sometimes made cart operators invisible

- Ships now have visible captains

- Fixed some bugs that were occuring during medical treatments in hospitals

- Fixed a torture chamber bug which sometimes prevented the prisoner from being released after their punishment

- Fixed numerous map-bugs

New Features:

Forced marriage

- You can now force an unmarried candidate into marriage

- This skips the courting process so currency will be needed to persuade the bride's/groom's family into accepting your proposal

Title Acquisition:

- It is now possible to acquire a new title without being at the townhall

Arrange An Embargo:

- An Alderman can now arrange an embargo against a market. This isn't restricted to his home town but it will cost him some fame.

Scrollable minimap

- You can scroll the 2D-map with your mouse wheel

Changed bribe system

- Now the bribe-money depends on the money of the person that is bribed

New map:

- Vienna


мод Back to the Roots

Добавляет новые профессии (не классы, которых 4, а именно професии / роды деятелности), новые товары, здания и тд. Можно отметить, что часть товаров является товарами из первой части игры, а также теперь в игре присутствует отличная музыка (если не ошибаюсь тоже из первой части)


патч для этого мода Back To The Roots Patch 1.2




мод Sovereign's Edition Sovereign's Edition Main

1. New actions


(1.1) Dialogues

Dialogues: It is possible again to have a conversation with other persons (also the person you want to marry), one time per hour. Depending on age, gender, rhetoric, favor and title, the conversation processes vary and the result is a change in favor.

Evidence: You might be able to get information (fake evidence) from you conversation partner about a person which one or both of you do not like.

You are able to use the dialogue-button within the scope of the campaign of the AddOn, without constricting mission's dialogues.

Members who are not part of the family council cannot have conversations. Children are not able to start a conversation but someone is able talk to them.

(1.2) Thief guild / Robbery

Comment: The new festure "torture cellar" bases on the great Ideas of McCoy... many thanks to him! Now the torture cellar in the AddyPack includes optimized skripts, some new features and new Icons.

Additional Upgrade: The torture cellar. Due to the upgrade, in the thief guild (level 3) it is possible to torture an abducted person or, if it is necessary, to "put him away" (murder = entry into the evidence book). Torturing can be done by the employees and your own character, but only your own character is able to murder. If the torture has been successful, the player gets evidence to use in court. The player who committed murder immediately becomes an outlaw because the crime was so bad (victim wasn't able to defense himself). If you killed an outlaw down in the torture cellar, you get a reward and no entry into the evidence book.

New: Thieves and robbers got new balancing, because playing their profession was to easy! If the protection money demand was not accepted, robbers (Player's employees) maybe pilloried for a few hours. But in return, the robber plants a bomb, if he is not stopped. In this manner, player's employees could be punished for their crimes without a court process for the first time ever.

Balancing: Pickpocketing has been modified a little (EXPs, Money), burglary now is only possible every 8 hours per thief, ransom demand is possible every 4 hours per thief guild, various repeating times changed

(1.3) Begging

All profession categories, except the academic, are able to go begging, unless they hold the burgess title. The action's specialty is that all family members can go begging, active as well as passive persons as well as the children. Depending on favor, skill values and chance, the player gets, besides money, experience bonus points when he goes begging.

Pirate wench are also able to go begging

(1.4) Rolling Craftsmen

Already in the first version of Back to the Roots it was possible for you as craftsmen to repair your buildings on your own. Now it's possible, to offer your knowledge to other owners for a fee.


(2) Town Balancing


Growing: Opposite to BttR decelerated, optimized for multiplayer/singleplayer mode (hard, 6 or 8 dynasties).

Imperial capital: up from 300 inhabitants.

Village: At the beginning, no bank and no hospital exist, unless they are already included on the maps from the beginning. All in all, (a little) more free building plots are available from the game's beginning.


(3) Privileges


New: "Patrician" instead of "noble" established as title.

Bugfixing: Messages, titles and privileges preservation from BttR coordinated correctly.

Balancing: Cannon towers can be built from title "Baron" (information in the form of a message of privileges preservation and included in the Text.dbt). Maximum number of towers reduced for every title. Cost raised. Total cannon towers raised to 6 (from title "Grand Duke")

New: "Mobile trader" established as privilege (from "Patrician", information included in form of a message of privilege's preservation). The "Vice Count" gets a message of the privilege "Train children".

Balancing: "Offend" available from "Chevalier", "Entrust with courting" from "Grand Prince", "Political attention" from "Count", "Aristocratic descent" from "Margrave", "Apply to imperial level" from "Duke", "Golden Spoon" from the "Archduke".


(4) Features of the official patch 2.1


The features of Ptch 2.1 including the new maps have been established in the AddyPack and have been aligned to BttR

Important: Changes compared to Patch 2.1/alignments to BttR

New: Guildhouses are independent types of buildings. In addition, a guildhouse (level 3) has been established, the "House of the Hanseatic League": Village (Guildhouse = level 1), small town (Guildhouse = level 2), town (Guildhall = level 2), independent town (House of the Hanseatic League = level 3), imperial capital (House of the Hanseatic League = level 3)

New: The alderman gets a bonus to "bargaining" and "charisma" during his charge period.

New: Necromancer's bone bracelet can be worn as jewel.

New: Pistols included to the delivery of arms.

Balancing: Market stalls partly newly structured, because with Patch 2.1, clothing, etc., has been brought to the markets.

New: Necromancer and banker can accept guild orders and they can produce the new products.

Balancing: Chance of pregnancy a little bit reduced, maximum for childbearing's: 3

Adoption: You can adopt one more child than you can bear (e.g. three born children and one adopted).

Bugfixing: Medico-bug fixed

Bugfixing: Production of the new guild products: The instruction is removed from the stock at the beginning of production.

Bugfixing: Production animation activated for the shadow dynasties

Miscellaneous: Order of buttons in the guild and the marriage chapel in own bar, new design for the button "invalid statistic"


(5) The Alderman


The Alderman will get a bonus to his talents Bargaining and Charisma. He can close any market and he can Impose an Embargo to any market he wants to. He also is able to reopened a closed market stall.


(6) Occasions


From time to time you recieve a message from the appropriate guild about different demands and offers on the markets. If you're clever and fast enough, you can buy goods for very good prices. It's possible to avoid shortages in later times due to bad harvests. Or you can also sell your goods for a very high price to fulfil the demand.


(7) Miscellaneous Changes/Bugfixing


Bugfixing: Maximal slot volume in the scientist/magic guild 80 units again.

Bugfixing: Production animation activated for the shadow dynasties.

Bugfixing: Crypt's height-bug corrected.

Bugfixing: 1-year-rhythm in the AddOn campaign

Bugfixing: "Collect resources" button no longer shown for the necromancer because it did not work as it should. Employees still can collect bones and skulls via button.

Bugfixing: The banker is able to sell coins as "mobile trader".

Bugfixing: Time for school (from 6 years, duration: 3 years), apprenticeship (from 11 years, duration: 3 years) and study (from 14 years, duration: 2 years, that followed 4 years for second study) coordinated.

Logic balancing: Pregnancy duration because of the logic raised to 9 months (= 18 hours), that only one pregnancy every year is possible.

Logic balancing: A "pillory stay" attacks the health (HP deficit) and can additionally result in bone brokes.

Logic balancing (professions):Working time (begin/duration) modified and adapted to reality (e.g. necromancer 0-12am, baker 3am-7pm, banker 9am-12pm, farmer 5am-9pm)

Logic balancing: Options for iron, silver and gold only can be traded off in bank houses or guild houses for resources.

Logic balancing: Credits cannot be taken out in your own bank house. The city bank house and bank houses of the KI dynasties still allow credits. But bank houses allow credits not until you have the burgess title (regulative to go begging)

Balancing necromant: Working time reduced to 12 hours.

Balancing professions: Time until reaching the next grade adapted to the 1-year-rhythm (reduced circa 1/3)

Balancing charges/voting's: KI and shadow dynasties more often apply for a charge in the towns (shall avoid too many idle charges in long game duration). In addition, more members of the shadow dynasties apply for charges (shall reduce the probability of idle charges). until now, it said: Only one of the shadow dynasties is allowed to fill a charge.

Balancing: EXPs raised for school (350), apprenticeship (650) and study (750,1250).

Guard: Guards controlled by player via privilege, can have a break (reshape HPs).

Balancing: Shadow market overmade (e.g. established fat).

Minimal favor for courting reduced to 45 (instead 50).

Torch throw: Destroying potentiality raised a bit.

Pirate: Pillaging of Fisherman cabins is possible now.

Different texts adapted/overmade.

Bugfixing: Changes in the ratter script

Bugfixing: Changes in the crusade script

хотфикс для этого мода Sovereign Edition Hotfix 212






Important Notes:

- Patch 2.21 is bugged so I have replaced it with patch 2.2 .exe. When I get back from work in a few months I will update the mod-pack with patch 2.22 .exe and fix any bugs you guys find in that time

- New Config.ini in Mod-Pack. After installation you may need to set splashscreen to zero in order for your game to work properly

- Does not include the 2.21 feature that allows you to apply for title anywhere. I did not include it because I do not like it so you must go to townhall in order to apply for your title.

- I am gone to work. Please feel free to write me but do not expect a reply anytime soon. I may be back in a few weeks or it could be a few months. Take care and enjoy the Mod-Pack!




* Full Compatibility of Patch 2.21 with BTTR & Sovereign Edition

[Created By: BTTR & Sovereign Edition Teams Compatibility By: McCoy! Helpful Information Regarding Compatibility Provided By: nirvana]


* Bribe The Guards

- Slip some coins to the right office member and the guards may ignore your foul deeds for a little while. This version has been tweaked. Bribe success depends on the officeholders disposition (the one who controls the town guards). Make sure to check out his disposition before bribing. If his disposition is high then bribing a higher amount is highly recommended as there is now a consequence for refusal

[idea By: McCoy!, Created By: McCoy! ]


* Adults can go to school, university, and change apprenticeships

- Allows you to change things up if you get bored without having to change characters and lose all your progress

[idea By: McCoy! Created By: McCoy!]


* Trial Fixes

- Not sure what this does exactly...but I heard they were good

[idea By: chip007 Created By: chip007]


* Give Money

- Go to a bank you to give a % of your money to another sim. Especially useful in MP games with noobs

[idea By: Kaliandr Created By: McCoy!]


* Raise Disposition

- Sick of being a walking nightmare? Now you can literally bribe the entire city to improve your disposition. People simply refuse to believe the rumors of your atrocities...after all a person who gives a complete stranger money for no reason can't be all that bad. Simply go to a bank and you will have the option to give your townsfolk some money

[idea By: McCoy! Created By: InsaneKaos & McCoy!]


* Hire an Assassin

- Want someone dead without the need to get your hands dirty ? Go to a tavern between midnight and 02:00am and hire yourself an assassin. Remember that the more distinguished the target the more it will cost (takes into account title and office)

[idea By: McCoy! Created By: McCoy!]


* Quick Political Bribe

- Is the office member you want to bribe busy or in a distant town right now? Simply go to a bank and you will have the option to deposit some money into their account (system works exactly the same as if you bribed them normally)

[idea By: McCoy! Created By: McCoy! & InsaneKaos]


* Call The Guards I & II

- Was an old or useless dynasty member kidnapped and now some thief is demanding a ransom? Now you have the option to call the guards and watch the thief lose his head. This will result in your dynasty members death as well but used in the right circumstances who cares!?!

- Are you sick and tired of Robbers always trying to extort protection money? Now when they do this you have the option to call the guards...this will result in the robber trying to sabotage your home. If you have henchmen nearby they will try to stop him or if the guards are nearby they will stop him. However even if he succeeds the cost to renovate your home will still be less then paying for their protection. Also when the guards catch the robber you will get to see him do some time in the pillory

[idea By: Jeriah Created By: McCoy!]


* Two Trials per year

- This allows for two trials per year to help bring people to justice sooner. 04:00am and 10:00am are the new trial times

[idea By: SunPack Created By: SunPack Tweaked By: McCoy! Helpful Information Provided By: -Patron-]


* Accuse men or women of witchcraft

- Another way to kill without getting your hands dirty. Pay the church enough money and you can accuse a man or woman of witchcraft and see her burn. You cannot accuse Fanatics. You cannot accuse anyone who is currently in a different town (it would take too long for the sequence of events to complete). Simply go into a church and you will see the new Burn A Witch button

[idea By: Aragornil Created By: McCoy!]


* Increase severity of justice

- Justice is even more harsh when Judge sets it to Severe. There is a downside...your empathy skills will be permanently affected. -3 for setting it to severe +1 if you set it to lenient.

NOTE: The empathy skills only affect the judge who changed the severity

[idea By: Aragornil Created By: McCoy!]


* Option for longer banishment time

- When banishing someone you now have to option to pay money in order to make their banishment time longer. The more distinguished the target is the more the added banishment time will cost. You still have the default banishment option that costs no money

[idea By: Aragornil Created By: McCoy!]


* Prevent cheat that allows player to capture and sell same building continuously.

- Bug: Capture building then sell it only to recapture it again. Repeating this process numerous times results in quite a bit of cash depending on the building and whats in the inventory.

- Feature: Now you cannot sell a captured building for a certain amount of time (works like a recently burgled building)

[idea By: McCoy! Created By: McCoy!]


* Harsh consequences for Attacking/killing Judge involved in a trial or an Accuser

- Avoiding an outlaw used to be easy if you killed the accuser or judge. This is pretty much prevented with this mod. Attacking either will draw the guards and if you successfully kill either one then there will be serious consequences...(spy theme has been incorporated into the text to make these consequences flow with the game)

[idea By: McCoy! Created By: McCoy!]


* Price option when selling building

- There are 5 Price options when selling a building (this was created for MP games...NOT for cheaters)

1 = Lowest Price

2 = Under Market Value

3 = Normal/Market Value

4 = Over Market Value

5 = Highest Price

[idea By: McCoy! Created By: Alinas & McCoy!]


* Fix bug that prevents oulaw penalty from expiring

- Guards no longer attack you when your outlaw time expires

[idea By: AlexanderMorgan Created By: McCoy!]


* Run To Residence Measure

- Ever tried to run away while being attacked? Its hard eh? This will fix that issue...simply click the Run Away button and your character will attempt to run to the safety of his home

[idea By thezirk Created By: McCoy!]


* Dangerous Dynasties

- An Attempt to make AI more difficult to handle. My tweaks include Random starting money & titles for AI shadow dynasties

[idea By: markmid Created By:markmid Tweaked By: McCoy!]


* More Challenging Bribing System

- Default 2.2 bribing system is based on a targets wealth + office.

- More Challenging Bribing System adds and extra cost onto a dynasties title (makes it so players try other items found at the marketplace to help out their cause)

- This also fixes the bribe with no money bug created by patch 2.2

[idea By: Determinado & McCoy! Created By: McCoy!


* Two New Lists That Includes All Unemployed Workers & All Women You Can Court

- If you are married the section that shows all women you can court will not show up

[idea By: thezirk Created By: McCoy!


* Help Out All AI Characters In Entire Game

- Purchasing your first nobility title triggers this file. Once triggered the file will call itself every 20 years

- AI get money if they have less then $10,000 (allows then to get back in the game if they wasted all their starting money)

- AI get the title Citizen if they are a commoner or serf (allows then to run for office)

- If they have no work building they try to purchase one for sale, if none are for sale then they build one

- New option setting in the config.ini. If you do not wish too many of the same building in each town then you can limit how many the AI can build when this helper is activated. Default setting is 1


[idea By: The Entire Guild 2 Community Created By: SunPack & McCoy!]


* Help out a specific AI Character

- This button is attached to your main character and he has the ability to target any AI character

- Checks for money. If low gives the dynasty member money.

- Checks title. If less then citizen it sets their title to citizen so they can run for office

- Check for work buildings. If less then three it tries to find a class appropriate one to purchase. If there is one it automatically purchases it for the AI dynasty.

- If there isn't any appropriate buildings for sale it will automatically build the AI dynasty member a class appropriate building instead.

- Only works if there is room inside the town. Some buildings were left out for obvious reasons.

- If the dynasty does not have a home then it sets the Dynasties new work building as its home building

[idea By: The Entire Guild 2 Community Created By: SunPack & McCoy!


* Quicker Council Meetings

- The council meetings are sped up but you can disable this feature in the config.ini (scroll to bottom) if you want.

[idea By -Patron- & SunPack Created By: SunPack]


* Added Towncrier History

- New Historic Events for the Towncrier to announce

[idea By: Napi96 Created By Napi96]


* Beggars added

- Beggars are added to the world...this feature adds realism to game

[idea By: SunPack & Napi96 Created By SunPack & Napi96]


New Emperor & Pope Political Offices

- These new offices are only available in an Imperial/Capital City

- Two new offices added to the game...You cannot apply for the emperor office. The emperor is selected by money + wealth. You can also become the emperor by killing the emperor.

- Click on the spoiler to see the what the new political tree looks like for an Imperial City



[idea By: Napi96 & SunPack Created By: Sunpack & Napi96]


* Misc

- Shadow dynasties can no longer build residences however they can still buy ones that are for sale...this leaves more room for businesses (which you now have the ability to help them build )

- Shadow dynasties less likely to sell their last work building

- Cathedral Now included on Vienna map --nirvana pointed me in the right direction

- Become the Law mod has been balanced (If you abuse the office of Bailiff too much then at some point you will lose your office position and will have an active arrest warrant on you character)

- Political offices organized

- Changed voting on some political offices

- Can no longer apply for some political offices unless you held a certain lower office first. (New message will give clear directions if you are not allowed to apply because of this)

- Added small XP bonus for dynasty characters when producing goods in any work building (I built in a time factor so it is impossible to cheat)

Ideas By: McCoy! & -Patron- Created By: McCoy!



Special Thanks:

- To -Patron-: He has created a German Translation and has also provided tons of unbiased feeback (Which means he wasn't very nice sometimes )

- To SunPack: He has not only provided multiple mods for the Mod-Pack but has also provided bug support as well

- To gorgom: He has created a French translation for the Mod-Pack

- To Anyone Who Reported A Bug: New features are all fine and dandy but if they are riddled with bugs you might as well throw them in the garbage. So thanks for your help guys!


I would also like to thank SiverDK, InsaneKaos, Jeriah, Alinas & nirvana.

All five of these people have shared their knowledge with me which is the only reason was able to create these mods and release this Mod-Pack



PotES + BTTR + Sovereign Edition Bugfixes:


- Flaming Sky On Hansa Map Fixed (BTTR Bug)

- Outlaw Sentence Never Expires is Fixed (Vanilla PotES Bug)

- Cannot produce any goods in Tinctuary, Alchemist lab, or Mages Guild is Fixed (BTTR/SE Bug)

- Nobility Titles not in correct order is Fixed (SE bug)

- Become noble blood message showed wrong title is Fixed (SE bug)

- Cannot Select Starting City is Fixed (GamersGate + Direct2Drive versions of PotES)

- Possibly Fixes extremely low FPS problem. I have never experienced this so I cannot test. If you have this problem I would appreciate it if you verified whether or not this issue is fixed.





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Изменено пользователем illusion2012

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народ, помогите если кто понимает(хочет и может помочь).

Все русификаторы для обычной игры не подходят, а шрифты становятся убитые.

Для меня выгода в этом только поиграть в эту русифицированную версию мода и раздать другим для того же дела.

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Да прочитал список изменений - очень бы хотелось поиграть в эту сборку!Был приятно удивлён ,что Джовуд через столько лет выпустил патч 2.2. ! Надеюсь ,что кто то возьмётся сделать русик для этого великолепия... ну а чтобы работы было поменьше - вот русик для патча 2.1. http://slil.ru/29239225

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А жлобы ходят и смотрят... вместо того что бы помочь человеку...

Хотя может дело в том что люди незнают что надо руссифицировать? Конкретно сам мод Вот http://forum.jowood.de/showthread.php?t=154355

А bttr на ренисан поедёт?

Изменено пользователем Vetiver2

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