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Microsoft сократила 1000 сотрудников

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Сокращения затронули подразделения Xbox, а также Microsoft Strategic Missions and Technology, включая Studio Alpha — она занималась облачными симуляторами для военных.

Business Insider пишет о крупных сокращениях в Microsoft. Всего уволено около тысячи сотрудников, что, конечно, не очень много в масштабах 200-тысячной корпорации, но достаточно, чтобы в твиттере появилась куча прощальных постов.


Сокращения затронули подразделения Xbox, а также Microsoft Strategic Missions and Technology, включая Studio Alpha — она занималась облачными симуляторами для военных. Ее сократили полностью, включая главу Грега Чапмена.

Напомним, что летом Microsoft закончила процесс сворачивания бизнеса в России.

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На игрушки Фила Спенсера слишком много уходит :D ?

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Напомним, что летом Microsoft

не то надо помнить, а вот это



During the past year, 58% of all cyberattacks observed by Microsoft from nation-states have come from Russia. And attacks from Russian nation-state actors are increasingly effective, jumping from a 21% successful compromise rate last year to a 32% rate this year. Russian nation-state actors are increasingly targeting government agencies for intelligence gathering, which jumped from 3% of their targets a year ago to 53% — largely agencies involved in foreign policy, national security or defense. The top three countries targeted by Russian nation-state actors were the United States, Ukraine and the UK 

These are just a few of the insights in the second annual Microsoft Digital Defense Report, which we released today and can be viewed for free here. The Microsoft Digital Defense Report covers the period from July 2020 to June 2021, and its findings cover trends across nation-state activity, cybercrime, supply chain security, hybrid work and disinformation.  

Nation-State Activity

Russia is not the only nation-state actor evolving its approaches, and espionage is not the only purpose for nation-state attacks this year.  

  • After Russia, the largest volume of attacks we observed came from North Korea, Iran and China;  South Korea, Turkey (a new entrant to our reporting) and Vietnam were also active but represent much less volume. 
  • While espionage is the most common goal for nation-state attacks, some attacker activities reveal other goals, including:  
  • Iran, which quadrupled its targeting of Israel in the past year and launched destructive attacks among heightened tensions between the two countries  
  • North Korea, which targeted cryptocurrency companies for profit as its economy was decimated by sanctions and Covid-19 
  • 21% of attacks we observed across nation-state actors targeted consumers and 79% targeted enterprises with the most targeted sectors being government (48%), NGOs and think tanks (31%), education (3%), intergovernmental organizations (3%), IT (2%), energy (1%) and media (1%).  

и что это мы видим — демонизация. Объекты те же что и всегда. Начинали заранее. Готовились.



Like the rest of the world, we are horrified, angered and saddened by the images and news coming from the war in Ukraine and condemn this unjustified, unprovoked and unlawful invasion by Russia.

I want to use this blog to provide an update on Microsoft’s actions, building on the blog we shared earlier this week.

We are announcing today that we will suspend all new sales of Microsoft products and services in Russia.

In addition, we are coordinating closely and working in lockstep with the governments of the United States, the European Union and the United Kingdom, and we are stopping many aspects of our business in Russia in compliance with governmental sanctions decisions.

We believe we are most effective in aiding Ukraine when we take concrete steps in coordination with the decisions being made by these governments and we will take additional steps as this situation continues to evolve.

Our single most impactful area of work almost certainly is the protection of Ukraine’s cybersecurity. We continue to work proactively to help cybersecurity officials in Ukraine defend against Russian attacks, including most recently a cyberattack against a major Ukrainian broadcaster. (прим. ??????, проверять никто НЕ будет, верят на слово)

Since the war began, we have acted against Russian positioning, destructive or disruptive measures against more than 20 Ukrainian government, IT and financial sector organizations. We have also acted against cyberattacks targeting several additional civilian sites. We have publicly raised our concerns that these attacks against civilians violate the Geneva Convention.

We are also continuing to mobilize our resources to help the people in Ukraine. Our Microsoft Philanthropies and UN Affairs teams are working closely with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and multiple UN agencies to help refugees by providing technology and financial support for key NGOs and, where needed, we are defending these groups from ongoing cyberattacks.

As a company, we are committed to the safety of our employees in Ukraine and we are in constant contact with them to offer support in many forms, including those who have needed to flee for their lives or safety.

Like so many others, we stand with Ukraine in calling for the restoration of peace, respect for Ukraine’s sovereignty and the protection of its people.

если они после таких заявлений вернутся, то будет уже очевидно кто победил в подковерной борьбе в Кремле.
А то что они продолжали работать и продавать свои товары в РФ, хотя уже 2021/10/07 делали такие заявления… деньги не пахнут, особенно для тех кто отвечает за решения во власти. Хотели жрать, мало было бабла, “надо больше золота”, вот теперь пусть и жрут последствия.

Изменено пользователем Evangelion_1

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25 минут назад, Evangelion_1 сказал:

если они после таких заявлений вернутся, то будет уже очевидно кто победил в подковерной борьбе в Кремле

Внешники (ВВП). Но там все намного сложнее.

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10 минут назад, Hellson сказал:

Внешники (ВВП). Но там все намного сложнее.

я в курсе. Это поправимо. Поздно, но поправимо.

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